Ovulation: how to determine the day of conception? Video
Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. The date of ovulation is approximately the middle of the menstrual cycle, it is on this day that the fertilization of an egg and the conception of a child is possible.
How to determine ovulation
At the age of 11-15, the girl begins her period. This is an indicator of fertility readiness. Normally, menstruation lasts 3-5 days, and the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. In some women, it can be shorter or longer and last from 18 to 45 days. Such a duration of the menstrual cycle should not cause alarm, however, in the absence of menstruation for more than two months, we can talk about hormonal disorders in the body.
A woman’s periods stop at the age of 45-55
Menstruation is a complex physiological process regulated by the hypothalamus. Under the influence of hormones in the ovaries, a follicle with an egg inside grows and matures. At this time, the egg is released into the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. The release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube is called ovulation. As a rule, it occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstruation.
After the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle. These processes in a woman’s body are regulated by sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone. They contribute to the fertilization of the egg and its introduction into the lining of the uterus. If conception does not occur, then the corpus luteum dies, menstruation begins.
The timing of the onset of ovulation can be different, as well as the duration of menstruation. In most cases, the release of the egg occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation.
Not every woman can notice the time of the onset of ovulation. However, some feel small stitching or pulling pains in the ovarian area, note an increase in vaginal discharge, an increase in sexual desire. On the graph of basal temperature, you can notice its increase.
The onset of ovulation can be determined using special tests or ultrasound
The egg cell lives in a woman’s body for no more than 48 hours, it is during this period that the conception of a child is possible. Spermatozoa can retain their activity once in the vagina for about seven days, so fertilization can occur with unprotected intercourse no earlier than a week before ovulation and no later than the second day after the release of the egg.
Due to this feature of the female body, there are methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy, based on calculating the date of ovulation. However, this method is not recommended for women with irregular cycles. With frequent sexual intercourse and strong love excitement, an additional release of the egg may occur, so this method of protection cannot be reliable.
The results of numerous studies indicate the dependence of the sex of the child on the date of his conception in relation to the time of ovulation. It is believed that the man is responsible for the sex of the child, namely the set of chromosomes in the sperm that fertilized the egg. At the same time, scientists argue that male spermatozoa move into the vagina and through the fallopian tubes faster than female ones, and also have a shorter life expectancy. Therefore, to conceive a boy, you need to have sexual intercourse directly on the day of ovulation, and to get a girl – one or two days before the release of the egg.
Reasons for the lack of ovulation
For pregnancy to occur, it is necessary for a mature egg to exit the ovary into the fallopian tube, but in some cases, the reason for unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant may be the lack of ovulation. There is another type of ovarian dysfunction, when the release of the egg is irregular.
It is possible to assume the presence of a disease if a woman has too short or long menstrual cycles, or the onset of menstruation is irregular
The reasons for the lack of ovulation are:
- polycystic ovary
- obesity
- too low body weight
- great physical activity
- age
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland
- severe stress
It is possible to identify the absence of ovulation by building a graph of basal body temperature, special tests, ultrasound, analysis of the level of progesterone and other hormones in the blood.
On the anovulatory chart of basal temperature, there are no changes in the thermometer readings, while in a healthy woman on the day of ovulation and the following days, an increase in temperature by 0,3-0,5 degrees is noticeable
Treatment for not ovulating depends on the cause of the problem. In some cases, the normalization of the cycle is possible after changing the lifestyle and diet; in more complex situations, treatment with hormonal drugs is indicated. If it is impossible to restore the normal maturation of the egg, the attending physician may suggest that the woman use assisted reproduction methods for conceiving a child, for example, in vitro fertilization.
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