Overweight: one in two European adults is affected

Overweight: one in two European adults is affected

According to statistics published by Eurostat, more than half of the European population is overweight. More than a third of the inhabitants are also affected by obesity. What about in France? Which population is most affected?

Which population is most affected by overweight at European level?

According to data collected by Eurostat in 2019, 53% of the inhabitants of the European Union are considered to be overweight. Also, it turns out that 17% of the European population suffers from obesity. According to the World Health Organization, WHO, a person is overweight when their BMI (Body Mass Index) is equal to or greater than 25 and in a situation of obesity when it is equal to or greater than 30. Overweight and obesity are characterized by an accumulation of fat in the body. Croatia has the highest rate of overweight people, reaching 65% of the population. Conversely, only 46% of Italians are overweight. Regarding France, 47% of its inhabitants are overweight. In the country, more and more people are suffering from obesity.

Indeed, according to the League against Obesity which conducted a survey in June 2020, more than 10% of French adults were obese in 2002 and 15% in 2012. This figure reached 17% last year, in 2020. For Eurostat, “ Weight problems and obesity are increasing at a rapid rate in most EU Member States “. The other established observation is that among women living in Europe, the higher their level of education, the more the proportion of overweight women decreases. In addition, men are more affected than women, 60% against 47% who are overweight. There are also differences according to the age groups: 65-74 year olds are more affected than 18-24 year olds.

Obesity is a serious public health problem

According to the WHO, obesity is a chronic disease that has negative consequences on the overall health of the person who suffers from it. In France, 7 million people are affected by this pathology which is multifactorial. Indeed, it is not only food that is responsible. The causes can be genetic, linked to psychological suffering, hormonal imbalances, certain medications or even sleep disorders. Obesity is responsible for 180 deaths each year in France, in particular because the risks of developing other diseases in parallel are higher. Indeed, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular diseases as well as certain cancers can develop in the person suffering from obesity. This is why at the start of the vaccine campaign, obese people were part of the priority public to be protected from Covid-000, because they are more vulnerable and at risk of developing serious forms.

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