Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

In October, several video bloggers simultaneously released videos about a new product from the Wein company (Russia, Kirov) – the Wein 6 PRO moonshine still. Many presented it as a kind of breakthrough in the world of moonshine stills. Well, let’s try to figure out how unique and functional this device is, as the manufacturer claims.

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

Volumes, specifications

The column diameter is 2 inches, 3 liters are available: 20, 37 and 50 liters.

We will talk in detail about the components of the device below, but for now we present the technical characteristics (data taken from the official website of the manufacturer).

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

The kit includes 2 drawers of 50 cm each. A meter of the nozzle part is already quite serious, but in a complete assembly it is definitely not an option for working on a stove (therefore, it is better to think over the heating method in advance).

However, the design of the apparatus still allows it to be used at a limited height. Firstly, you can install only one drawer, and secondly, the design allows you to tilt the upper refrigerator, saving height (by the way, this element was borrowed from the previous version of the selection, which had a steam selection unit).

Selection node 2 in 1

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

In the new version, Wein received a selection unit that combines two types of selection – steam-controlled selection and liquid-controlled selection. What is it for? Firstly, this combination adds variability during distillation – for example, “heads” can be selected by liquid, and “body” – already by steam. And someone prefers to work with sugar mashes by liquid, and with fragrant ones – by steam. Some distillers usually work with steam, but if they are limited in time, they use automation, which is more easily combined with liquid selection. That is, each combination can have its own options.

In addition, the double knot does not pose a dilemma for the novice distiller whether to choose liquid or vapor selection. And this is important, considering what kind of disputes are unfolding on the network about which method is more efficient and more convenient.

In itself, the technology of a dual selection node is not new. The same selection knot from Alex Bokakoba has been known since the beginning of the 6s and is popular. But the node in the Wein XNUMX device has a number of design changes and improvements:

  1. There is a diopter that allows you to control the return of phlegm to the column and its choking.
  2. Upper assembly cooler tilts. This helps to save height, which is generally quite relevant.
  3. I think that the node for liquid in the outlet (as in Wein 6 Pro) has more advantages over the glass-type node.

In addition, there are several more design features in the Wein node:

  • the valve on the steam unit has a diameter of ¾ inch: if the diameter were smaller, this would limit the selection speed, if it was larger, it would be difficult to adjust the selection of “heads”;
  • phlegm returns through a special tube exactly to the center of the packing – this improves the irrigation of the packing and ensures more stable and correct operation of the column;
  • one cooler for both types of sampling – fewer hoses and connections, lower risk of leakage;
  • the thermometer probe is installed directly into the steam environment – it measures the temperature more accurately and responds faster to its changes (although this is only relevant for those who received the unit separately from the apparatus and do not have a thermometer in the drawer);
  • the reflux ratio is 3 with the steam valve fully open;
  • it is possible to carry out sampling without return of reflux in the co-current mode.

The most controversial point is the fixed diopter. Most likely, it was conceived this way for economic reasons. To get the maximum functionality of a full-fledged diopter, but without forcing the user to overpay. Although, it would be much nicer to have a separate diopter at your disposal.

The design of the assembly is at first glance complicated, and an experienced distiller may ask the question – why complicate it? But having figured it out a little, you quickly understand the idea of ​​​​the designers – to take the existing technology of the 2 in 1 selection unit and “pump” it a little, making it more convenient and functional.


Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

The column of the apparatus (2 inches) is collapsible, consists of 2 drawers of 50 cm each, 2 refrigerators, 2 turns, 2 thermometers, a spout for collecting the product and a double sampling unit.

Pretty standard set. Of interest is perhaps the second thermometer installed in the drawer. Unlike the thermometer on the node, where we measure the temperature “posthumously”, the thermometer on the side allows you to see the temperature of the vapors on the way to the node and, if necessary, correct it to prevent harmful impurities from entering the selection.

Moonshiners with experience in their moonshine stills have been using a thermometer in the drawer for a long time, installing them on their own. Now it has appeared in mass production.

The second thermometer is an additional guarantor of the quality of the drink. Indeed, a very useful innovation, given that they are still not installed on most serial devices.

Water inlet and outlet hoses are separated on different sides of the column. It is proposed to fasten the hoses through quick couplers. Is it good or not? It’s hard to say for sure. Many distillers note that over time, quick-releases begin to leak. Although rigid polyurethane hoses correct this problem. However, no one forbids the use of plumbing – it is not so convenient, but more durable. In addition, any other type of simpler fittings can be planted on the ½ thread (on the right in the figure below).

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

The device is positioned as a universal one, capable of preparing any drinks – aromatic distillates (whisky, gins, calvados), alcohol 96,6 °, beer, tinctures, etc. Each type of drink has its own design: for alcohol – strengthening mode, for aromatic drinks – co-current mode, beer can be brewed in the tank using a false bottom. The case when the collapsible design really works to improve the quality of the product.

The stated rate of distillation in potstill mode is 12 l/h. A good figure, but to achieve it, you need to apply a lot of power to the stove. In reality, the performance of most distillers will be much more modest. The distillation rate in the rectification mode of 2,2 l/h is also in doubt. At a certain moment, of course, it can be like that, but at a distance the speed will definitely be lower than declared. Most likely, under the words “up to 2,2 l / h”, the manufacturer indicated not the average speed over the entire shoulder strap, but the maximum speed at the current time, at the beginning of the selection.

Distillation cube

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine

There are questions about the distillation cube. But first, the good things.

The cover has 2 stiffening ribs in the form of 2 truncated cones, which should make the structure more rigid for column stability. Many bloggers in their videos about Wein 6 PRO demonstrated that the column, even in the maximum assembly, stands very firmly and does not sway.

The drain valve is large – ¾ inch. This allows you to quickly drain the remains of the mash after distillation. The location of the tap under the handle is a popular solution in modern devices: it is really convenient to drain the mash with this arrangement.

The cube has a hole for the heating element. No need to waste time and money on a tie-in if you suddenly want to distill drinks using a tubular heater. True, the heater itself is not included in the kit, so in any case you will have to spend money on it.

The thermometer sank to the side wall. It is difficult to say for sure whether this is good or bad. If you plan to brew beer in the machine or make grain mashes, the position of the thermometer is justified. If we are talking about ordinary sugar moonshine, a thermometer on the lid is a more convenient solution.

Now – about the negative points.

The clamp is not adjustable in length. Over time, it can wear out and no longer fix the lid on the tank so tightly. A leaky tank is not safe.

The second old sore of the apparatus is the safety valve. The model installed on the cube will work only at a pressure of 0,5 atm. But it is worth noting that similar valve models are installed in most modern devices.

The cube raises questions. On the one hand, they improved the lid and enlarged the tap, on the other hand, the old shortcomings were not corrected. They do not directly affect the distillation, but in the apparatus for such money one would like to see an ideal design.

Complete set Wayne 6 Pro

In addition to the standard set in the form of cooling hoses, thermometers, water connection kits and a recipe book, the manufacturer put in the box:

  • 8 meters on-load tap-changer;
  • silicone hose for collecting the product (attached to the spout for draining the product);
  • a rack for carbonization, which, with the help of a drawer and a tube for communication with the atmosphere, turns into a coal column (to give the product a vodka taste);
  • pyramid to hold SPN;

Sounds good, but other distillation towers in this price segment offer more efficient STCs instead of on-load tap-changers. True, at the same time they cut down on the basic functionality, offering, for example, one type of selection and thus reducing the overall price of the device.

Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the Wayne Pro package loses. If necessary, SPN can be purchased at a relatively low price, but a separate selection node will cost several thousand. If we draw an analogy, then it is much more logical to choose a car by engine power, and not by the quality of additional body kits. So it is with the moonshine still: the basic functionality is the priority, and only then the additional one.

Overview of the Wein 6 PRO moonshine


Combined and “pumped” unit, rich package bundle, reinforced lid, long sides, powerful coolers – all this makes the device a tasty morsel for all lovers of powerful equipment. Yes, there are some roughnesses (mainly related to the construction of the cube), but in general they do not affect the process and do not cause severe irritation.

In general, the Wein 6 Pro device can be recommended, especially to those who do not have sufficient knowledge to assemble an individual package for themselves.

Prices for October 2020:

  • 20 liters – 25990 rubles.
  • 37 liters – 28990 rubles.
  • 50 liters – 29990 rubles.

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