Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Wein ReFrom is a new 1,5-inch beer column from the Wein company (Russia, Kirov). The device entered the market in May 2020 with loud statements that the manufacturer took the classic assembly scheme (the standard Wein 4 stick) as a basis and perfected every detail. Well, let’s see how these words correspond to reality.

Volumes, specifications

The device is sold in 2 configurations: 20 and 37 liters. The column diameter is 1,5 inches. A fairly limited selection, but given the diameter of the column, the absence of a 50-liter version seems quite logical. Still, such large volumes are preferable for 2-inch columns.

Prices (July 2020):

  • for a version of 20 liters – 16 rubles;
  • for a version of 30 liters – 18 rubles;
  • column separately — 8 990 r.

The lack of a 2-inch version and a 50-liter tank is a minus. However, if you are not looking for speed, but for quality, a 1,5-inch column will be enough.

We will talk about individual components in more detail below, but for now we present a plate with technical characteristics from the manufacturer’s website.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)


Classic collapsible column on clamps: drawer side (50 cm), dephlegmator, 2 turns, refrigerator and collection spout with TCO. The basic version for working “according to the classics”.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Judging by the absence of selection nodes and other additional components in the set, it can be assumed that the device is aimed at two types of people. Firstly, these are those who choose their first column and want to work “according to the classics”. And only then decide on the necessary “upgrade”.

The second type is distillers who do not want to overpay for the set imposed by marketers (part of which will gather dust in the closet), but want to assemble the device “for themselves” (at the request, Wein ReFrom is equipped with a selection unit for liquid, steam, a false bottom, a gin basket, diopter, etc.)

One of the main differences between the updated version and the previous Wayne 4 is the pursuit of increased power. Apparently, this is a desire to compensate for the lack of a 2-inch column with a “reinforced” version of 1,5 inches. Yes, and to the dephlegmator of the previous version of the apparatus, some had questions. This is probably why the shell-and-tube dephlegmator in the Reform “grew” by 5 cm in length and acquired partitions.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Judging by the close attention on the site, partitions are a separate pride of the manufacturer.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

The fact is that the partitions are not classic (semicircular), but alternating: in the first one there is one hole for water in the center, in the second there are five holes on the outer edge of the partition (near the shirt). And so on, the partitions alternate.

Thus, water moves along a complex trajectory in the form of a “pigtail”, which (at least in theory) should increase efficiency and reduce water consumption. As in practice, we cannot say, since the device itself has not been tested. Although if you believe the review of bloggers, these 1,5-inch refrigerators perform at the level of many 2-inch ones. We do not undertake to judge the honesty of such opinions, but we have not yet seen any insufficient power of reviews.

Sanitary engineering

Against the background of the previous version, quick-detachers are striking (instead of the usual fittings that were still on all Vanes).

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Is it good or not? How to look. On the one hand, it is really convenient to connect cooling hoses with them, on the other hand, there are often dissatisfaction that quick-releases begin to leak over time (moreover, PVC hoses are included, with which leaks can occur if the ends of the hose are unevenly cut. It would be more logical to include rigid polyurethane hoses are included with which there are no leaks). However, the situation is saved by the presence of a ½ inch thread: a universal connection to which you can connect both “indestructible” flexible plumbing wiring and any other type of fittings.

Distillation cube

Wayne, like most modern manufacturers, uses the Chinese Luxstahl pan as a basis in his apparatus.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

Whether that’s good or bad, it’s hard to say. On the one hand, this is a convenient and proven solution over the years, on the other hand, questions periodically arise about the quality of the metal from which the pan is made.

The most interesting thing is that if the adherents of one camp are categorically against these pans, then others, on the contrary, are not ready for anything other than Luxstal. Apparently, until we encounter some real problems with this cookware, most Russian devices will come out on its basis.

Briefly about the main features of the tank design:

  • The drain tap under the handle is a very good solution. Now, while draining, the tank can be supported with one edge on the surface, and not kept on weight, as before.
  • In both liters there is a hole for the heating element. An important advantage that not all beer columns on the market have. True, the heating element itself is not included in the kit, so if you want to drive on it, you will have to pay extra.
  • Welds are fine: sanded and almost invisible.
  • The shape of the lid is domed. The column stands firmly on it and does not sway.
  • The thermometer is electronic. The dipstick is immersed directly into the tank, not through the sleeve. It instantly reacts to temperature changes and accurately displays them. For the fact that they removed the bimetallic thermometer with a sleeve – a separate plus.
  • But there are questions about the blast valve. The installed model will work only at a pressure of 0,5 atm. This means that when excess pressure is released, there is a high chance that a hot jet of vapor and liquid will escape from the tank. What it threatens, we think, it is not necessary to explain. However, it should be noted that such models are installed on most modern moonshine stills and so far there have been no such cases. Still, you have to try hard to create excessive pressure in the tank.

With the exception of a questionable blast valve, the tank is unquestionable. The manufacturer competently finalized it, making qualitative changes to the design.

Wein ReForm package

The package bundle of the device is extensive, but at the same time without unnecessary details that would only increase the cost of the device. It has everything to assemble the apparatus, pour the mash, put it on the stove and start distillation.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

The only thing missing is a silicone hose for product selection, which is attached to the outlet spout.

A complete set for distillation is here and now, with the exception of a hose for draining the product – for some reason they forgot to put it.

Opportunities for modernization

As we said, there are practically no additional devices in the kit. Instead, the manufacturer makes it possible to improve the standard configuration right at the time of purchase with components of its own production. Additionally, you can install in the device:

  • gin basket;
  • false bottom with maceration function;
  • selection unit (for steam or liquid);
  • diopter;
  • strengthening king;
  • a parrot;
  • Heating element;
  • nozzles Panchenkova, SPN and others.
  • bazooka (a more budgetary alternative to a false bottom).

All additional equipment can be purchased directly on the official website, without collecting everything from different stores. A plus for convenience.

With additional expenses, the apparatus from the beer column can be easily turned into a full-fledged distillery. The list of compatible hardware is extensive.

Wein insert. Additional functionality or marketing?

A separate know-how that the manufacturer draws attention to is the Wein insert.

Overview of the moonshine still Wein ReForm (Wayne Reform)

The detail that causes the most controversy. According to the manufacturer, she has 2 options for use:

  • When installed in the upper part of the drawer side, it serves as a phlegm concentrator: it ensures better operation of the nozzle (phlegm flows into the center of the nozzle part, and not along the walls of the drawer side).
  • When installed at the bottom of the drawer, it serves as a support for the SPN. Very convenient: no need to use wads.

However, not without a “but”. Firstly, the very need to concentrate phlegm is considered by many, not without reason, to be just marketing, because one way or another, phlegm still spreads throughout the nozzle.

And if you use this insert as a support for the SPN, then you can really fill up more nozzles. But the convenience of its rash raises questions, because for this you will have to remove the side along with the lid. Otherwise, you will have to collect SPN by gender.

In general, the decision, as they say, is not for everyone. But, in the end, if you are convinced that this element is of no use, then you can simply not use it. The insert did not give a strong rise in the cost of the device. Much worse, when, for example, they overpaid a couple of thousand for a false bottom you didn’t need.


The manufacturer positions the Wayne Reform device as an improved version of Wein 4. In fact, it is true – without introducing major innovations into the design, he finalized the popular and time-tested design of Wein 4. It worked – the device became more versatile and convenient, and the price remained relatively low.

According to the technical data, “Wayne Reform” is not inferior to its colleagues in the shop – it can receive alcohol of maximum purification and has a solid power and productivity for a 1,5-inch column.

However, it was not completely without drawbacks:

  1. The performance of the blast valve raises questions.
  2. The choice of displacements is limited, there is no 2-inch version.
  3. The package does not include a hose for draining the product.

The cons are not so significant, and in general the device can be recommended for purchase.

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