Overview of the moonshine still (mini-distillery) LUXSTAHL 8 (Luxstal 8)

Back in March 2021, information appeared on youtube that Luxstahl Distillers had released a new model of the Luxstal 8 distiller. However, mass reviews from bloggers and changes on the official website occurred only in May 2021. And immediately caused a large number of discussions, both among buyers of the previous models, and among the rest of the community of distillers. The distiller received many changes compared to Luxstal 7, and there were also a lot of opinions on all these changes. In half of the comments, the design of the column is compared with the Selivanenko column (3 inches). But the device should be considered as a whole: with a cube and a column, describe its technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


1.1. The material is AISI 304 food grade stainless steel. Prior to the previously used Chinese cooking boilers Luxstahl made of 201 steel, which were used in Luxstal 1-7 moonshine stills of the same name, there was an ambiguous attitude on the Internet. But the user reviews were rather neutral: the stills served the distillers regularly and there were few complaints about the old Luxstahl containers. However, the fact that they were made from “cheap” 201 stainless steel was often controversial. Apparently, this forced the manufacturer to start making containers from 304 steel.

The inscription “Made in Russia” on the cube indicates that Luxstal began to support a domestic manufacturer (the production of columns in Russia was shown on the manufacturer’s YouTube channel when Luxstal 7 was released), but it is not known for sure whether the cubes are made in Russia.

Overview of the moonshine still (mini-distillery) LUXSTAHL 8 (Luxstal 8)

1.2 Dome cover. Allows you to pour more mash into the cube, leaving space for foam on top. Most distillation tanks of all manufacturers are now made with domed lids. Luxstahl has been following this direction since the release of the Luxstal 6 distiller. Compared to Luxstal 6 and 7, the dome of the G2 is domed rather than trapezoidal, which, with a stainless steel thickness of 3 mm, allows you not to worry about the stability of the column. In the basic configuration in the cube, the output is 2″. An adapter for a XNUMX″ column, in case of ordering a cube separately, can be purchased in addition.

1.3 Thermometer in the liquid zone. Two-level sleeve for the probe of the temperature sensor of automation 6 mm and for the probe of the thermometer 4 mm. Here, too, everything is at the request of malt fans for accuracy when measuring temperature during mashing and when controlling bottom temperature. The standard configuration of the cube is a Chinese digital thermometer Thermo, which “does not shine” with its accuracy. However, the stamp of the quality control department of Luksstal LLC with the personal signature of the inspector on each thermometer shows that the company is carrying out some kind of culling of these products.

1.4 Emergency valve. In Luxstal 8, the Chinese pressure cooker valve (Luxstal 7) was replaced with a membrane safety valve in accordance with the recommendations set out in the article from the Alcofan website https://alcofan.com/predoxranitelnyj-klapan-dlya-samogonnogo-apparata.html.

1.5 Clamp outlets 2 pieces under the handles for the faucet and heater. This arrangement has also become the most common on containers, it allows not to “twist” the hands when draining the stillage (you can tilt the cube by 1 handle to drain), and it is also convenient to carry the cube, since the clamp under the handle does not rest against the legs and does not interfere.

1.6 Three-layer induction bottom. An almost obligatory attribute on most modern distillation tanks. The Luxstal 8 cube has it. The choice – to work on induction or heating elements – the user has.

1.7 Modular design. The basic cube capacity of 37L can be increased with 20L modules. The manufacturer himself in his Vkontakte group claims that the increase test was carried out up to 117 liters (37 liters + 4 x 20 liters). The guarantee for tightness, as well as for the device, is provided for 10 years.

1.8. Volume marking in a cube. A small useful bonus from the manufacturer.

1.9. Heat resistant handles. 1 more bonus.

In general, the cube looks quite solid, made of 304 food grade stainless steel, has a classic design and handle layout.

Overview of the moonshine still (mini-distillery) LUXSTAHL 8 (Luxstal 8)
Before unpacking


2.1 The diameter of the column is 3 inches (76 mm), the height of the drawer side as standard is 1 m (50 + 50 cm). More and more columns for increased heating power appear on the market and Luxstahl 8 also follows the general trends in this.

If on Luxstal 7 the manufacturer declared an operating power of 1.7 kW for a 2″ column and a rectification rate of 1 l / h, then for model 8 the indicators indicated on the site are twice as high – 3.1-3.5 kW and the recommended selection rate is 2 l / h. In many comments on youtube, Luxstal 8 is compared with the Selivanenko column, in the advertisement of which higher rates of speed and strength are declared (96,6 rectified alcohol on a 75 cm side). luxstahl is much more modest in the declared characteristics, however, it focuses on a 2 times lower price. By the way, the manufacturer, without hiding, indicates that the output is, though strong (96.6%), but distillate (NDRF), and recommends buying an additional drawer for rectification.

2.2. In the basic configuration of the column 4.8 kg SPN 3.5×3.5×0.25, a supporting wad of stainless tap changer and 3 wads of copper tap changer for the distillation of aromatic distillates.

The wads of the copper on-load tap-changer have dimensions of 10×120 cm and are installed in a 76 mm drawer side with an average density. 3 wads of copper + 4th wad and stainless steel are designed to provide a strength of 90-94% at a withdrawal rate of approximately 3 l / h for aromatic distillates for aging in a barrel or for drinking “white”.

SPN 3,5×3,5×0,25 is made (according to the manufacturer) of matt wire with good wettability. Due to the fact that the nozzle for several modes of operation is supplied with the column, the manufacturer’s advertising slogan “ready to work out of the box” looks realistic.

2.3. The liquid selection unit is bowl-shaped with 3-point irrigation. The manufacturer apparently abandoned the steam selection unit that was in Luxstal 7. In the comments under the presentation video on the Luxstahl channel, the official explains that in order to reduce the cost of construction and due to the fact that on a 3″-inch column, the steam selection unit already has a solid weight and tilts the column to the side. Well, the last answer is logical and reasoned.

2.4 Dephlegmator 7 kW. 7 tubes with a diameter of 20 mm with a total condenser length of 350 mm provide a utilization of 7 kW in pot-steel mode with a water flow rate of

2.5 Plumbing connection kit for cooling. In the basic configuration of the distiller – 7 meters of silicone (not PVC) hose with a wall thickness of 2 mm and an adapter for a tap. The device can be connected immediately without purchasing additional products.

Overview of the moonshine still (mini-distillery) LUXSTAHL 8 (Luxstal 8)
Complete device


In general, the Luxstal 8 apparatus can be recommended for purchase for the preparation of any, including strong, up to 96,6%, distillates (for rectification, the drawer needs to be increased). The intention of the manufacturer is to make a 3″ column for the price of 2″. Many design simplifications show this. And in principle, everything worked out – the nearest 3″ analogue columns on the market are 1.5-2 times more expensive.

The manufacturer took into account several wishes of distillers who bought previous models, for example, he made a displacement markup, installation of sleeves for automatics and digital thermometers.

The distiller is worthy of attention both for beginners who are just starting to learn the basics, and for those who want to switch from 1.5″ and 2″ columns to more powerful equipment.

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