Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Cucumber is the freshest vegetable of the summer. There are many varieties of it. The fruits can be large, small, prickly (lumpy) and smooth-fruited, but the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses, as well as for open ground, are those that give an early, rich and tasty harvest.

 Which ones are suitable for greenhouses?

The first vegetable to be planted indoors is the cucumber. Since this crop loves heat and moisture and really dislikes wind and drafts, if these requirements are fully met, then the crop in greenhouses is harvested earlier.

Fans of this vegetable can enjoy it all year round under certain conditions:

  • build a good greenhouse;
  • choose suitable seeds;
  • ensure proper care of the plant.

Like any garden plant, varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses also have a classification. According to the harvest period, they are divided into three groups:

  • winter and spring;
  • spring and summer;
  • summer and autumn.

Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Each of these groups has its own division depending on the rate of fruit formation:

  • early (early);
  • mid-season;
  • late ripening

and from the method of pollination:

  • pollinated by insects;
  • parthenocarpic (self-pollinating).

Another classification of this crop for growing in greenhouses is based on the further purpose of the vegetable. Based on this, cucumbers are:

  • canning (used for pickling and salting);
  • salad;
  • universal.

For a canning cucumber, it is important that it has a thin skin and contains sugar. In this regard, lettuce, which has a thicker skin, is not recommended to be grown for further processing.

The most profitable and convenient for gardeners are the universal type, which can be consumed both raw and salted. This category, for example, includes “Marta”, which, in addition, is early ripening (the first fruits appear 37 days after planting) and high-yielding. Thus, by planting it in a greenhouse, you win in every way.

The best varieties for greenhouses

The harvest of this vegetable depends not only on the arrangement of the greenhouse, it is important to choose the right variety. To do this, you need to clearly understand what you want more: get early fruits, get a very large harvest, enjoy the taste of a vegetable, or eat late cucumbers when frost sets in.

 The most productive

When choosing seeds for greenhouse varieties of cucumber, each gardener is guided by his own requirements. For some, it is important to quickly harvest, for someone – to harvest as long as possible, someone appreciates only the taste, but the indisputable fact remains that productivity is important for everyone. There are those that allow you to give more than thirty kilograms of vegetables per square meter, subject to the provision of the necessary conditions in the greenhouse. What varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses produce the best yields when grown?

Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Toomey. It is distinguished by good endurance: it is unpretentious to watering, is not affected by many diseases, easily tolerates temperature changes, but at the same time gives good fruits. It can produce up to 12 kg of yield from one bush. Productivity is not the only advantage of the Tumi cucumber, in size it can reach 10 cm, it has a thin skin.

Courage. It is highly regarded by gardeners. We can say that this is one of the most bought and grown. It is rightfully classified as high-yielding, since up to 25 kg of fruits can be harvested from one bush, of course, subject to sufficient care. The main indicator of the number of fruits are its flowers: how many flowers – so many fruits will be. Courage is resistant to many diseases that overcome greenhouse plants.

Amur F1 is one of the most popular ultra-early and productive hybrids. With normal care, you can collect up to 30 kg per square meter, with increased care – up to 50 kg of vegetables per square meter of the greenhouse.

The most precocious

There are many names for the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses in this category. We will only talk about the best and most popular.

Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Zozulya. This variety of early maturing cucumbers takes 48 days to go through the growth process from germination to fruiting. It is distinguished not only by rapid ripening, but also by the size of the fruit, which reaches 23 cm.

Masha F1 is one of the relatively new hybrids, it is also considered the earliest. The size of its fruits is medium, so it is great for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling, and for conservation. Judging by the reviews of gardeners, Masha F1 is a real find.

Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Hybrid Hector. Gardeners fell in love with these early Dutch cucumbers because the fruits of the vegetable do not turn yellow, are very tasty and have dense pulp. It is used both fresh for the preparation of various dishes, and salted fruits are also produced.

 The most delicious hybrids

Hybrids have gained considerable love from gardeners. They are distinguished from the usual “relatives” by the fact that they are more resistant to most diseases, temperature extremes. Their cultivation is possible both in greenhouses and in open ground. They have a higher rate of maturation, an increased level of productivity.

Herman F1 – refers to super-yielding self-pollinating. It is distinguished by its taste qualities both fresh and canned. This cucumber has no bitterness, which is good not only for eating it in salads. Before preservation, it is not necessary to soak the fruits. The yield that bushes give is up to 25 kg per square meter in a greenhouse, however, if you provide the plant with the necessary top dressing, you can collect 10 kg more.

Overview of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses with a photo

Prestige F1. It is chosen by gardeners who prefer growing early cucumbers in a greenhouse and strive to reap a high yield. Under appropriate conditions, Prestige yields a yield of 25kg per square meter. Most often it is grown for the purpose of further conservation. Its advantages include resistance to many diseases, to temperature extremes and to blackout. According to gardeners, this variety has excellent taste, has a slight sweetness, and is not bitter.

Ecole F1. This breed of early parthenocarpic hybrid is considered the best representative of the pickling category.. Its fruits are without bitterness, juicy, crispy. Like most of its “relatives” grown in a greenhouse, it is resistant to some diseases.

Cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses not only in spring, but also to please yourself and your family with fresh vegetables in winter: it is enough to create the necessary conditions and choose the appropriate type of this vegetable (for example, Angelina hybrid).

Video “The best varieties of cucumber”

Video with an overview of the main varieties of cucumber. Which varieties are suitable for the greenhouse, which ones give more yield.

The best varieties of cucumbers!

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