Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)

All models of the Domovyonok apparatus manufactured by the Yukond enterprise contain a proprietary scheme protected by a utility model patent No. 84730, the author is Kunitsyn Yury Gennadievich. Such a statement of the question causes the respect of potential buyers, is good for advertising and business. We will clarify the practical side of the application in this review.

To begin with, let’s figure out what exactly the author patented and how this applies to the models sold. Quote from the patent: “A small-sized apparatus for obtaining pure ethyl alcohol and distilled water is arranged as follows. Cylindrical body 1 contains at least forty lower sections … “and further:” The height of each section is at least 100 millimeters.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Scheme from the patent

This means that the “small-sized” moonshine must be at least 40 x 10 = 400 cm high. And these are only the lower sections. Just right for our kitchens.

The patent is not directly related to the “Domovenok”, since these models contain up to 8 pieces of lower sections, and not at least 40.

However, the very basis of this, so to speak, patent is based on an initially flawed principle based on a complete misunderstanding of the process of rectification. In this case, there will be no difference between 4 and 40 cameras. In the presence of a bubbling column, albeit not technically perfect, the reflux condenser is completely absent. This means that the process of heat and mass transfer occurs only due to wild phlegm, which is formed evenly over the entire surface of the bubble column at the beginning, and after filling the condensation compartments – only on the part not filled with phlegm.

The amount of reflux is negligible compared to the amount of steam passing through the column. We can safely say that the column will not provide a strengthening of more than 1-2 percent, and there can be no talk of division into factions at all. Wild phlegm, which has almost the same composition along the height of the column, mixes and averages the contents of all condensation compartments.

The author of the “Domovyonok” devices sincerely believes that the components of the cubic bulk evaporate sequentially in accordance with their boiling points (theoretical refutation). Then the steam, rising through successively located dry steam tanks, gradually cools down, and impurities also condense from it in succession. The concept of the volatility of impurities or their rectification coefficient depending on the concentration of alcohol in the bottom bulk is left out. This determines the inevitable fallacy in the design of the apparatus.

Overview of individual models

All Domovyat models are made of 2 mm stainless steel and covered with hammer paint on top. This paint slightly hides poor quality welds, which are quite numerous on the surface of the device due to its design features. For all models, the manufacturer gives a 12-month warranty, although the advertisement states that the service life is 50 years.

The first model “Domovenok-1” stands apart, which differs from all other devices in an inclined 9-chamber bubble column.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)

Remarkably, the inclined shirt refrigerator is also made with baffles that create liquid plugs that prevent steam from slipping through. This allows you to condense all the steam, giving out hot distillate, but with a rather high performance for such a small refrigerator. However, it is the partitions that retain the head fractions, smearing them all over the shoulder strap.

The initial productivity of the Domovyonok-1 apparatus during the distillation of mash, as the manufacturer claims and proves with its control distillations, with a heating power of 4 kW is 5 l / h. In this case, steam is allowed to bypass the bubble column.

During the second distillation, in the case of a bulk of 55% raw alcohol and 2 kW of heating, the initial productivity of the “body” selection is 3,5 l / h, moonshine comes out at a temperature of about +35 ° C with a strength of 84%, which proves the almost complete absence of strengthening and separating the ability of this column. As can be seen from the diagram, if the distillation proceeded without a bubble column, the fortress would be about 82-83%. With errors, it’s the same thing.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Equilibrium curve of ethyl alcohol and water

For home conditions, the refrigerator of the Domovenok-1 device has sufficient utilization capacity. Its main disadvantage is the smearing of the head fraction over the shoulder strap. The bubble column does not give any noticeable purification or strengthening of the product. At the output we get the usual, poorly cleaned moonshine.

The remaining Domovyat models received vertical bubble columns with a different number of sections, as well as one of two types of refrigerators.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
From left to right Brownies 2, 3, 4 models

“Domovyonok-2” has 2 bubbling chambers and a low-power shirt reverse cooler. “Domovyonok-4” is essentially no different from the second model, it is simply made with one bubbling chamber, and “Domovyonok-3” is just one refrigerator at all.

All these models have a very low – about 1-1,5 l / h distillation rate and the almost complete absence of additional strengthening of the distillate. Moonshine comes out hot, about +50 ° C.

“Domovenok-5” is a logical attempt to bring to mind 2, 3 and 4 models. The refrigerator has grown significantly in size. The performance figures are so fantastic that one of the decent online stores made a footnote: “*Please note: the data on the speed of the device is provided by the manufacturer. The store … is not responsible for the correctness of the indicated indicators.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Brownie 5

Based on the dimensions, available drawings and other information, we can safely assume that the Brownie-2 will cope with 5 burners of the gas stove, but more is not needed for an apparatus of this class. The real productivity of 4-4,5 l / h is confirmed by the owners.

The remaining models came with the proven refrigerator of the first model, but placed vertically. “Domovyata” 6 and 7 models by and large differ only in the number of bubbling chambers (4 and 6 pieces), they have a distillation capacity of about 2 l / h.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Brownie 6 and 7

“Domovenok-8” with the same performance has only one bubbling chamber-dry steamer, which, however, does not matter.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Brownie 8

Separate bubble column

To expand the capabilities of the apparatus, the manufacturer released a bubble column, which is easily mounted between the refrigerator and the cube. The column allows you to increase the number of bubbling chambers by 6 pieces and mount any device on it, except for the 8th model. Columns can be mounted on each other in any quantity. From the point of view of its intended purpose, the thing is useless, but it makes the Domovyonok moonshine still look like a distillation column. For models 3 and 5, the column will provide splash protection from the cube.

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)
Another bubble column can only protect against splashing on models 3 and 5, otherwise it is a useless module


The manufacturer does not particularly insist on purchasing his cubes as a set, offering to buy them on the side. However, there are quite decent options in the assortment: for placement on one comfort for 15 and 18 liters, and for two – for 27 liters.

Despite the fact that the Domovyonok devices are aimed at the low-budget segment, the cubes are made of 2 mm stainless steel with a neck diameter of 9 cm (not enough, it will be inconvenient to wash) and equipped with safety valves, and this is already worthy of respect!

Overview of moonshine stills “Domovenok” (1-8 models)

The sizes of cubes are sharpened for use in the kitchen and only for simple distillation. Of course, it would be nice to equip them with thermometers, but you can do it yourself.

A small cube is not suitable for inserting a heating element, as it is too miniature, and a large one can be upgraded in the future.


To conquer the market, the manufacturer used a whole arsenal of marketing moves:

  • disguised some of the models as distillation columns, and some as beer columns;
  • made compact one-piece and collapsible structures;
  • used the magic word “rectification” and declared that at Domovyaty he easily makes alcohol at a rate of up to 5 l / h;
  • attached to the products a patent for a utility model, only remotely resembling them.
  • “Domovyata” overgrown with their legends and continue to be bought by novice moonshiners.

On moonshine stills “Domovenok” 1-8 models (all existing at the time of writing the review), alcohol and even fortified moonshine cannot be made. This design has no advantages over the classic distiller. However, “Domovyata” complete with native cubes are cheap, this is their only advantage.

Refinement and modernization of the devices of the Brownie series is impossible (not counting the large cube of 27 liters).

Reviewed by IgorGor.

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