Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

Under the MSA-2 brand, the apparatus is sold by the Moscow Moonshine Apparatus company and positions the product as a distillation column. Under the brand “GMT” and the name of the distillation column “Alpha”, the apparatus enters the market from the enterprise “GMT-CENTER”. Both companies claim to be the manufacturer of this column. Actually, let them fight for themselves, in fact the devices are identical and in the review we will consider the MCA-2 option, realizing that Alpha is no different.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

“Moscow moonshine still” recommends that when working with “ISA 2” to follow the classic technology of moonshine. The distillation of the mash is fast until dry, and the second distillation is fractional with the regulation of the extraction rate by the heating power supplied.

True, in the description of the technology there is a complete misunderstanding of the processes. Quote from the site:

“The second (fractional) distillation will allow you to divide the multicomponent composition of raw alcohol into its constituent parts, by collecting condensate with different boiling points, into “heads”, “body” and “tails”. Starting with a low-boiling head fraction, which includes volatile ethers and alcohols. Then comes the selection of the “body” and then the high-boiling tail fraction is selected, in which fusel oils predominate.”

Just losers who have never heard of rectification coefficients. However, this did not prevent them from setting up production and selling moonshine stills. Let’s see together what came out of it.

Stills MSA

The distillation column is equipped with cubes with a capacity of 12, 15, 30, 40 or 50 liters. Cubes are made of AISI 304/430 steel. Neck diameter – 120 mm. The lid is made of AISI 304 and is attached to the cube with 5 wing pins through a 3,5 mm silicone gasket. A column can be welded to the cover. If the column is connected to the cube on a threaded connection, then a fitting for an electronic thermometer can be provided on the cover.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

The thickness of the walls of the cube is 1,5 mm, the bottom and top are 2 mm. The bottom diameter is 25-30 cm. The design is quite rigid and securely keeps the column from swinging. The thickness of the top of the cube is sufficient so that the handles welded to it do not open the cube like a can opener or an eye on a can of beer. However, almost all manufacturers have abandoned this design. Even Thermosphere cubes of strikingly (or suspiciously) similar designs were phased out last year, replaced by LuxStahl pots.

Since the device is intended exclusively for home brewing, we will limit our claims to its configuration. Let’s just say that concern for the life and health of customers is one of the rules of good taste for manufacturers of equipment that is dangerous in operation. Where is the emergency blast or bleed valve? Why is it not included in the basic package?

The disadvantages of cubes include the lack of a tap for draining stillage on cubes of large volume, it is also not possible to order the installation of a clamp under the heating element and the design of the tank bottom.

The tank is made of AISI 430 steel. In accordance with GOST 27002-86 p 3.3:

“For the manufacture of cases and lids of dishes, thin-sheet rolled products from corrosion-resistant steel of the austenitic class of grades 12X18H9, 08X18H10T, 12X18H10T, 17X18H9, 08X22H6T, 10X14AG15, 03X17H14MZ according to GOST 5632-2014, class 304L 304, 316L according to [316], X1CrNiMo 2-17-12 according to [2], as well as steel of other grades approved for use by national health authorities and ensuring compliance with the requirements of this standard.

For the manufacture of the outer layer of the heat-distributing bottom and other elements of products not in contact with food, as well as at the request of the consumer for plates, it is allowed to use thin-sheet rolled products from corrosion-resistant steel grades 12X13, 12X17 according to GOST 5632-2014, AISI 430 according to [3] and other similar steel grades.

GOST expressly prohibits the use of AISI 430 in contact with food. This brand can only be used for the outer layers of the bottom of the pans, which is what professional manufacturers do. The outer layer of the capsule bottom is AISI 430, the middle layer is aluminum, the inner layer is AISI 304.

Apparently, it is misleading that, according to the conclusion of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation No. dated September 25.09.2000, 430, AISI 430 complies with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. But you need to read the text of this conclusion, and not just the title. This steel is allowed for equipment for grinding, separating and sorting products, for washing raw materials or equipment, etc. AISI XNUMX is used in neutral equipment of the economy series in case, facing elements of products that do not have direct contact with acid-base media.

Well, everything is clear with cubes. Moving on…

Column “ISA 2”

The overall height of the column is 570 mm, it can be welded to the cover or have a threaded connection with a welded nut. In the latter case, the column is attached to a fitting located on the side of the cover, which is convenient, since it allows you not to remove the apparatus when reloading the cube.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

MCA 2 is made in the form of a monoblock with an elegant and completely unnecessary bimetallic thermometer at the top. Two tubes pass through the drawer to supply and drain water from the direct-flow refrigerator. These tubes work like cold fingers, forming a thin layer of phlegm flowing down the walls towards the steam. This significantly reduces the spray and prevents the penetration of foam into the column. In general, the design allows you to work with the distillation of mash with higher capacities without loss of quality.

When re-distilling, the manufacturer recommends laying under the bottom tube of the tap changer. This is a pointless exercise. The amount of phlegm is too small and uncontrollable to organize efficient heat and mass transfer. Here, heating power control is more suitable for working with partial condensation technology in the manner of an alambic. Yes, the distillation performance of raw alcohol will suffer, but the quality of the resulting moonshine will be slightly higher.

The limitation on the power of the device is the capabilities of the refrigerator, which is designed for operation on a kitchen gas stove and feels confident with a heating power of up to 1,5 kW, according to the official website, providing a capacity of 1-2 l / h. Water consumption is large – 30-70 l / hour. Here, the manufacturer was modest: without difficulty, the device will provide a mash distillation speed of up to 3 l / h.

The column diameter of 35 mm is more than enough to prevent splashing and stable operation up to 3,5 kW.

In general, the device is suitable for lovers of distillates working in their kitchen with small volumes.

Column “ISA 2 enlarged”

For lovers of something more, a modification of the column is produced with a height of 760 mm with a refrigerator – a coil 3 meters long, located in a pipe with a diameter of 76 mm. Otherwise, their design is the same.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

The coil, despite the declared productivity of 1-2 l / h, is clearly capable of more. With a coil length of 3 meters and a diameter of 10 mm, the utilized power will be 4,5-5 kW, but neither the cubes nor the column are ready for such capacities. In addition, the quality of moonshine compared to the 570 mm modification will be significantly lower. All non-condensable sulphurous and nitrous gases on their way through a long and thin coil will successfully dissolve. The product will have a true moonshine smell.

Additional equipment

Additional equipment does not shine with variety: an aroma basket and a parrot.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha

The aroma basket, installed under the lid in the neck of the tank, will provide a taste of boiled compote for fillers. But the parrot is not bad and inexpensive.


The quality of welding and seam processing is below average. It cannot be said that the seams are completely unreliable, rather they are made roughly with a fair margin. It seems that the welders were taken from the tank factory.

Overview of moonshine stills (columns) MSA-2 and Alpha


  1. The distillation column “MCA 2” is suitable for producing moonshine with heating on a gas stove. Its characteristics for this are well balanced.
  2. Statements by GMT-CENTER about the Alfa apparatus as a distillation column have no basis, it is just a column-type moonshine still that does not even reach the level of the beer column.

  3. The cube is made of AISI 430 steel in accordance with GOST 27002-86, not intended for direct contact with food.
  4. The build quality is mediocre.
  5. The equipment is very poor and does not correspond to the declared cost of the device.
  6. In general, MCA 2 and Alpha devices cannot be recommended for purchase.

Reviewed by IgorGor.

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