Overview of Ishma gas boilers

Gas boilers “Ishma” – products of the Lipetsk enterprise “Borinskoye”, intended for heating private houses and industrial premises. These single-circuit devices with a steel heat exchanger can be cascaded to achieve the desired power. They are compact and can heat areas up to 1000 m². The Ishma brand is a success with domestic consumers, because it offers an attractive price and efficiency.

About Us

The company was founded in 1932 in Lipetsk. Initially, it was engaged in the repair of agricultural machinery. JSC “Borinskoye” began to produce heating equipment in 1992. At first, only low-power equipment was produced, but since 1997, heating devices “Ishma” appeared. They are used throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and in neighboring countries. Today, the plant produces over 30 modifications of boilers with a heat output of 7-100 kW.

Design features

Ishma models differ in power, on which their dimensions and the heated area directly depend. But the diameters of the connections are the same for all. Complete set – automatic SIT and SABC. The manufacturer presents dozens of modifications with different heat outputs. All heaters comply with GOST 20548.

  • The body is treated with a polymer coating that protects the unit from various external influences. It also increases wear resistance and improves appearance.
  • Thanks to the original design of the heat exchanger, the combustion products receive the necessary turbulence. The thickness of the heat exchanger is 10 mm. Numerous partitions ensure the circulation of the coolant at the proper level. This increases heat transfer and increases the efficiency of the device.
  • A well-thought-out stabilization system guarantees stable operation under the most severe weather conditions.
  • The design of the gas burner device allows to obtain a gas-air mixture with an optimal ratio of components, provides a high combustion density and quiet operation.
  • The gas valve is equipped with a stabilizer that normalizes the gas pressure. It is possible to install an internal thermostat. There is a possibility of individual adjustment.
  • The heater is equipped with two or three types of automatic systems. Moreover, one operates from the mains, and the second operates in the presence of pressure in the gas line.
  • To provide hot water, a boiler of appropriate capacity is attached to the apparatus.


Heating devices of the Lipetsk company differ:

  • High efficiency – 90% or more;
  • Long-term operation – from 10 years;
  • Good maintainability – a failed unit is promptly repaired or replaced after contacting an official service;
  • Flame control. There are also draft stabilizers and temperature controllers;
  • Optimum value for money;
  • Ease of use and maintenance.


  • Out-of-date design;
  • A small number of service centers;
  • Energy dependence. Automation requires electricity, therefore, to ensure stable operation, it is necessary to install a UPS of suitable capacity.

Overview of Ishma models

Models may differ in the design of the smoke outlet. The Borinsky plant produces floor heaters equipped with atmospheric burners. Power range – 12,5; 25; 31,5; 40; 63; 80; 100 kW. The heat exchanger is made of steel. Designed for an area of ​​70-1000 m². In smaller rooms, it is recommended to install AOGV boilers. Models of this series can be installed in systems with any circulation – forced or natural. The manufacturer recommends using the environmentally friendly coolant “Olga” – it contains glycerin and does not freeze at low temperatures. Automatic systems manufactured by Russian and European manufacturers have been installed.

8 models – from 12,5 to 100 kW – are:

  • Wall. Power is only 12 watts. Single circuit and double circuit. There is Italian automation, which is responsible for auto-ignition and stable operation of all nodes at low pressure and with its differences. Operation is virtually silent;
  • Floor. From 25 to 000 watts. Single circuit only. These models, if the buyer wants, can be equipped with automatic SABC.

ISHMA-12,5 B


  • Wall type;
  • Heating capacity: 12 500 W;
  • NovaSit;
  • Price 19 rubles;
  • Designed for an area of ​​45-120 m²;
  • Open camera;
  • Weight: 48 kg;
  • Dimensions: 700x530x225 mm.

Wall heat exchangers are made of steel 3 mm thick. The only coolant that can be used in them is water. The maximum fuel consumption is 1,36 m³/h.

In more durable – floor heat exchangers – antifreeze can be used instead of water. Floor modifications consume gas at a rate of 3-10,6 m³ / h.


The Ishma-U models are equipped with domestic SABK-8 automation. There is a built-in gas pressure stabilizer. Characteristics:

  • Floor mounting;
  • Power: 48 W;
  • Automation: SABK-8-50T;
  • Price: 40 rubles;
  • Open camera;
  • Designed for an area of ​​500 m²;
  • Weight: 165 kg;
  • Dimensions: 895x605x764 mm.


  • Floor mounting;
  • Heating capacity: 40 000 W;
  • Nova Sit (Italy);
  • Designed for 400 m²;
  • Open firebox;
  • Weight: 140 kg;
  • Efficiency: 86%;
  • Cost: 42 600 rubles.

Elletro Sit

The 810 Elletro automation is installed here. If the light turns off, the settings are not reset. When the power returns, the machine continues to operate as before. Parameters of the most powerful boiler in the series – IShMA-100 SIT:

  • Warranty: 30 months;
  • Heating capacity: 95 000 W;
  • Automation: Nova Sit (Italy);
  • Designed for heating 1000 m²;
  • Open firebox;
  • Weight: 356 kg;
  • Efficiency: 91%;
  • Price: 72 rubles;
  • Dimensions: 719 × 1081 × 1060mm;
  • Gas consumption: 10,6 m3/h.


The equipment supplied from the factory is completely ready for installation. To connect the boiler to the heating, you need 2-inch pipes – direct and return. You also need a safety valve. The heater is connected to the gas line by means of an inch branch pipe at the rear of the boiler. Installation is carried out by specialized organizations. To obtain a permit for the implementation of the project, the premises must meet the requirements:

  • Equipped with a ventilation hood;
  • Air enters through the cracks of door and window openings in a ratio of at least 10 m³ for each cubic meter of gas;
  • If the room is completely sealed, it is necessary to organize supply ventilation.

If one heater is mounted, the distance from the wall to its side must be at least 15 cm. At the same time, a passage of 50 cm must remain on the other side.

How to fire up a boiler

The water that fills the system must comply with GOSTs and SanPiN. The maximum hardness is 0,7 meq/kg.

  • Before lighting the wick, check the shut-off valves – they must be closed, and the thermostat knob must be turned off;
  • Make sure there is draft by holding a strip of paper up to the flue outlet. If there is no draft, it is forbidden to kindle the burners;
  • Open the valve of the gas line – apply to the burner;
  • Light a match or paper cord, bring it to the igniter. Press the start button. Keep it pressed for about half a minute – no less. After releasing the button, make sure that the gas on the igniter is burning steadily. After waiting 5-10 minutes until the firebox warms up, and making sure that the igniter is burning steadily, you can proceed to ignite the main burner. If the fire dies out, re-ignite.

It happens that at the first start the igniter does not burn due to the air accumulated in the gas line. Then the button should be kept pressed for at least 2-3 minutes. When re-igniting, you need to wait 5-10 minutes for the firebox to ventilate – then there will be no cotton.


Each model comes with an instruction manual. It will help diagnose the malfunction and indicate what to do in each case. The most common breakdowns:

  • The burner or igniter goes out. The probable cause is carbon deposits on the thermocouple or lack of contact in the circuit. The solution is to clean the thermocouple and ventilate the firebox. This must be done by turning off the gas supply valve. Did not help? Then you have to change the thermocouple. Another possible cause is a faulty solenoid valve.
  • The flame turned yellow. Smoking burner. The reason is problems with traction. The chimney is clogged or blowing.
  • Poor water heating.
  • Lack of water in the system. It is necessary to pour the coolant into the expansion tank – with an open (gravity) system. If the closed version is with a circulation pump, then the coolant is added through the feed valve.
  • Unable to adjust the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the device. Or it has exceeded 90 °C. The reason is that the thermostat is broken or a depressurization has occurred.
  • Can’t light the fuse — the fire is weak or intermittent. The solution is to clean the igniter nozzle and check the tightness of the gas pipeline.
  • Unable to ignite main burner. Or the burning is weak, dying out. Probably clogged burner nozzles. You also need to clean the gas filter.
  • Can’t turn off the burnerand the fire is not regulated. Thermal bellows broken. Need to change.
  • Popping sound during ignition. The location of the igniter has been disturbed – it has shifted relative to the main burner. The solution is to call a service worker.


Ishma 31.5: Alexander P., Mozhaysk

I decided to choose a simple domestic heater – simple and inexpensive. Works without breakage. Heats a house of 300 square meters, warm even in the most severe frosts. Virtually no noise – the main thing is to set everything up correctly. One circuit – no hot water supply. Gas consumes a lot – 3,7 cubic meters per hour. The temperature on the heat exchanger is not less than 60 degrees. The device is heavy – more than a centner, so delivery and installation were not easy. Pros — convenient, economical, easy to find spare parts. Cons – weighs a lot.

Ishma 31.5: Georgy T., Pyatigorsk

Doesn’t work normally. The main disadvantage is that the igniter often goes out. I invited the emergency service – they cleaned it, but they did not guarantee normal operation. You have to clean the nozzle, and the masters cleaned it, and everything repeats. They say it’s a bad thermocouple design. Here I think, whether to put another one – non-native. Or even change the boiler? Last winter, because of this thermocouple, they almost froze. For a long time, the smoke detector bothered me. First I replaced it, then I made a direct connection. Worked for six months and then goes out again.

“Borinskie” boilers are distinguished by an attractive price-quality ratio in their segment. A large number of modifications allows for each area to choose the option with optimal performance. The availability of service centers and inexpensive spare parts are the key to prompt service and troubleshooting. Their device and principle of operation in comparison with European analogues is yesterday. However, they can work properly, performing their main task – high-quality heating of the house.

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