Overview of gas boilers Mimax

The Mimax gas boiler is a product of a domestic manufacturer. The company offers a wide range of gas-fired floor and parapet heaters. These devices attract buyers with their simplicity of design, efficiency and moderate cost. The manufacturer produces heaters with a power of 7–40 kW, designed to heat an area of ​​30–400 m².

About company. LLC “MIMAKS” was founded in 2002. Initially, it was engaged in the production of automatic burners. Moreover, all ASU are their own developments. A completely new type of burners was developed and produced – AGU-T-M, equipped with a special Maxima nozzle. The burners are made of steel, resistant to corrosion. The design feature allows you to make the process of burning fuel completely silent. Further, the manufacturer produced AGU-T-E-IM and AGU-T-E-IO burners equipped with SIT safety automatics.

Today the company produces versions of the floor and parapet type. All products of the enterprise are certified.

What are Mimax boilers

Heating heaters from the Taganrog manufacturer receive positive feedback, mainly due to their compactness and high performance. These devices are able to work not only on natural gas: if you change the jets (nozzles), you can switch to liquefied gas. According to their purpose, Mimax heaters are:

  • Single-circuit – they are installed based only on heating. They are marked KSG. Next to the letter designation, there is a number adjacent – this is the designation of the thermal power of the device. The minimum heat output for KSG-7 is 7 kW, the maximum for KSG-40 is 40 kW. KSG stands for simply – Steel Gas Boiler. By power, the consumer can judge the area of ​​u1000bu10bheating. Usually XNUMX W falls on XNUMX m².
  • Double-circuit – heat housing and provide domestic hot water. The two circuits have their own separate heat exchangers. Water and coolant do not mix. They have the designation KSGV. Power range – 12,5–40 kW.

Any Mimax heater, single-circuit or double-circuit, has a thermometer on the facade showing the heating temperature – a scale of 0–120 ° C.


  • Low, competitive price. Depending on the power, their cost ranges from 10–000 rubles.
  • Reliability. The equipment is ideally suited for our conditions.
  • The presence of a certificate and compliance with all standards of sanitation and fire safety.
  • A wide power range, it is easy to find a suitable option.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

How to choose

The model of the gas heater is selected for heating a specific area. Suppose a consumer decides to purchase a floor-standing boiler. To heat, for example, a private household with an area of ​​200 m², you will need KSG-20, and if you take it with a margin, then KSG-25. When choosing, we use the above ratio: for every 10 squares – 1 kW.

If, in addition to heating, it is supposed to heat hot water, you need to take a two-circuit version with a capacity of 40 kW, no less. This is the main disadvantage of floor-standing devices with two circuits: you have to take a double power model.

  • 7 W. This is the lowest power option. Suitable for a one-room apartment, a small house, a guard post. Saves fuel.
  • 10 W. Suitable for 000 bedroom apartment. For a large apartment, this power is not enough.
  • 12 500 kW. This is the most popular option. This heating capacity meets most of the needs of an average home.
  • 20 W. You can heat penthouses, multi-storey cottages, large offices.
  • Versions over 20 W are used for heating industrial premises, warehouses, etc.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

Models overview


Single and double-circuit floor models with heating output from 7 to 31 kW. Due to the thoughtful design of atmospheric burners, heat exchangers and turbulators, they are distinguished by high efficiency – up to 92%. Equipped with automatic equipment SIT (Italy). All Vega heaters have a built-in gas reducer, piezo ignition, a draft sensor and a sensor that prevents the device from overheating. The heat exchanger is durable, as it is made of cold-rolled steel (2,5–3 mm). The use of highly efficient thermal insulation reduces the heat loss of the heat exchanger. The case is painted with powder enamel, which gives the product attractiveness and anti-corrosion resistance. The operating parameters of water pressure for all modifications are 0,2 MPa. Parameters of VEGA KSGV-31:

  • Heat output – 31 W.
  • The maximum heated area is 300 m².
  • Efficiency – 92%.
  • Fuel consumption – 3,45 m³ / h.
  • Weight – 131 kg.
  • Duration of operation – from 15 years.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

KSG(P) and KSGV(P)

These are parapet devices with one and two circuits. Their design provides for a closed firebox. They are used to heat buildings without a chimney. Such devices can be placed both in the house and in the apartment. Oxygen for combustion and smoke removal is produced through a coaxial chimney crossing the outer wall. Universal connection, easy installation. SIT automation of a non-volatile type was used. Burner devices Polidoro of sectional type are installed. The heat exchanger is rectangular, it provides increased heat transfer. Efficiency – 92%.

For example, we give the characteristics of a single-circuit model KSG (P) -16:

  • Heat output – 16 W.
  • Designed for heating 160 m².
  • Efficiency – 92%.
  • Fuel consumption – 1,7 m³ / h.
  • Weight – 64 kg.
  • The minimum service life is 15 years.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

KSG(IR) and KSG(M)

The manufacturer offers single-circuit models KSG(IR) and KSG(M) and their double-circuit analogues KSGV(IR) and KSGV(M). These are steel boilers, compact, with a stylish design. The IR modifications are equipped with automation made in Italy and OPTIMA atmospheric type burners. Modifications of the “M” version are equipped with AGU-T-M automation, this is our own development. In the latest versions, MAXIMA burners made of stainless steel are installed.

Versions with domestic hot water are equipped with a copper coil with a diameter of 14 mm. The length of the coil is 12 m. This is 2–3 m more than that of domestic competitors. The large length of the coil provides increased efficiency of the circuit and uninterrupted water heating. Asbestos-free thermal insulation material reduces heat loss and increases efficiency. The body is powder coated.

Technical parameters of KSGV(IR)-20:

  • Heat output – 20 W.
  • Designed for heating 200 m².
  • Efficiency – from 88%.
  • Fuel consumption – 2,43 m³ / h.
  • Weight – 66,5 kg.
  • Operation up to 15 years.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

Features of operation

Installation, connection, start-up, configuration and maintenance must comply with the manufacturer’s requirements. Each model comes with detailed user instructions. In order to avoid malfunctions, it is recommended to follow the operating rules:

  • Before kindling the wick, the room is ventilated. The furnace is ventilated for 5–10 minutes. The burner control knob must be closed.
  • Checking the draft: hold a thin paper strip to the holes located at the bottom of the front panel. If there is a pull, the strips will be drawn into the holes. If there is no draft, it is strictly forbidden to ignite the gas burner device.

How to increase traction? The slots of the front plate must be opened to such an extent that the draft is sufficient. In the Mimax devices, it is necessary to regulate the draft with the help of a grate and a chimney damper.

  • If the draft is sufficient, the paper rope is ignited by pressing the valve button. The flagellum is brought to the wick. When the fire becomes stable, the button is released.
  • Slowly open the control knob and make sure that the fire from the wick is lit on the main burner.
  • The air supply to the main burner is regulated by the appropriate regulators, the air must be supplied in the amount necessary to establish a stable blue-blue flame.
  • During the operation of the equipment, the user will not interfere with periodically monitoring the gas and thrust. The fuel should burn without leaving soot. The color of the flame is blue-blue. Burning should not be accompanied by hissing and pops.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

Why does the boiler go out

Causes of burner damping and troubleshooting:

  • Ice growths on the boiler head. You need to remove them very carefully, you can’t rush – you can damage the system. Ice frozen inside, on the walls of the head, blocks the access of air, and the flame goes out. Defrosting is carried out slowly, removing the head of the apparatus. Then it is brought into the room so that the ice thaws. While defrosting is in progress, the equipment can work without the removed part.
  • The pressure in the gas line has dropped. Perhaps the gas distribution network or the gas meter is faulty. If the meter is broken, the gas does not pass in the required volume – sounds that are uncharacteristic of the meter indicate a problem. The reason for the drop in pressure can also be a breakdown of temperature sensors or a violation of the tightness of the connections. When the pressure drops, the automation signals a problem – the system turns off. You may smell gas. To solve the problem, it is necessary to check the tightness of the connections with a damp sponge and soap suds. If there is a leak, bubbles will form. We need to urgently call the gasmen.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax

How to remove soot

To clean the boiler from soot, you will need a set of tools:

  • metal brush or brush for cleaning surfaces;
  • another ruff needs to be purchased to clean the chimney – made of metal or plastic;
  • scraper;
  • steel cable;
  • brush holder;
  • hooks.

Sequence of work:

  • Shut off the fuel supply.
  • Dismantle the door, thermocouple, nozzle, burner tube.
  • Remove top panel.
  • Remove thermal insulation.
  • Remove chimney.
  • Clean the heat exchanger with a wire brush.
  • To clean the channels of the heat exchanger, you will need a vacuum cleaner.
  • Clean the walls of the boiler with a brush and wipe with a rag.
  • Clean the chimney with a brush. If it is too long, a steel cable may be needed.

When the cleaning is finished, the device nodes are assembled in the reverse order.

Overview of gas boilers Mimax


KSG-10: Petr G., Yuria

Generally satisfied with the work. Having learned how much the boiler costs, they doubted its quality. After believing the reviews, we decided to buy and did not regret it. Takes up little space and is easy to use. To heat our 72 squares, it is enough with a margin. Minus – low efficiency. Too much heat is wasted, goes into the exhaust pipe. Another drawback is the inconvenient temperature setting, since there are no temperature indicators on the control knob. You need to turn the knob and wait for the readings on the thermometer.

KSG-10: Ivan E., Perm

Previously, we had a wall-mounted domestic apparatus, which was worn out and a lot of gas began to leave. We decided to take an inexpensive floor model, we chose Mimax. In principle, it works normally – it heats 80 square meters, it consumes gas economically. Minus – it is very inconvenient to kindle, as you have to take a long piece of paper. But the noise from it is small, and over time they figured out the automation.

The products of the Taganrog company Mimax will suit consumers who are interested in inexpensive floor and parapet boilers. A wide power range allows each consumer to choose the option corresponding to the heated area. These heaters may not be perfect, but they do the job well, working flawlessly in harsh climates.

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