Overtraining – symptoms and causes. Ways to overtrain

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Overtraining is a state where your body gets overwhelmed by exercise. Properly selected and used training should not lead to such a state, however, there are people who exercise too intensively and do not keep appropriate breaks between training, so as to allow the body (muscles) to regenerate. Then overtraining occurs, which is manifested by general fatigue, weakness and pain in muscles and joints.

What are the symptoms of overtraining?

Symptoms of overtraining This is shortness of breath, decline in form, lack of appetite, and a decline in libido. The body has no chance to rebuild and regenerate after intensive trainingso our condition, instead of getting better, is declining. Overtraining is simply chronic fatigue of the body, which has no time to rest after intense physical exertion because it is constantly forced to do so. The body rebels against such treatment and sends signals about its exhaustion.

Overtraining it can affect everyone – both a professional sportsman and an amateur athlete. People who start exercising often set themselves very ambitious goals (shedding a large amount of unnecessary kilograms and fat tissue in a short time, quick body sculpting and body shaping), which makes them plan very intense and frequent workouts. Meanwhile, after a few weeks, they observe a decline in form and general discouragement. There are also injuries, because the muscles that are forced to work hard without being able to regenerate refuse to obey.

For signs of overtraining there should also be a decline in mental form – overtrained person she is stressed, irritable and has a negative attitude towards further training. Allergies, infections and nutrient deficiencies may develop. Overtrained person may notice tremors in the limbs, sweating, problems with coordination, rapid breathing, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Problems with insomnia, lack of appetite, weakened immunity, pain in the heart area, muscle and joint pain, symptoms of dehydration and weight loss may appear. Symptoms this may be accompanied by increased temperature. Overtrained person she is discouraged and exhausted, her condition and efficiency deteriorate.

What are the causes of overtraining?

The most obvious the cause of overtraining training is too intense or too frequent. The training schedule should be designed in such a way as to give the body a day or two to regenerate and rest after more intense exercise. You can then do lighter exercises or spend this time relaxing (for example, massage).

Cause of overtraining it is the exploitation of the body’s strength beyond measure – the effect is then counterproductive and instead of improving the efficiency and condition, we lose strength.

The cause of overtraining there is also the inability to properly match the training to one’s own abilities. This is especially true of amateur athletes who are not supervised by the coach. Such people often have a tendency to charge and exercise beyond their own strength. Such training usually does more harm than good, and in a short time leads to overtraining.

Do reasons for overtraining they also belong inadequate diet and excessive training load (too many training sessions per week).

How to prevent overtraining?

The best way to overtraining is to prevent this state from happening. For this purpose, you should choose the training that suits your own abilities and plan your training wisely, so that the body has time to regenerate. Between workouts, it is good to plan relaxing activities, such as yoga, massage or a visit to the sauna. It is worth exercising under the watchful eye of an experienced trainer and giving up intensive exercise when your mental condition drops. It is also important balanced diet and getting enough sleep. If, during training, we notice the first symptoms of a decline in form, it is necessary to react in time and remedy this problem. It is good to reduce the intensity of exercise then and extend the time spent on rest.

How to deal with the symptoms of overtraining?

Overtraining it’s not the same as exhaustion. Fatigue is a short-term decline in form, a temporary state. In the case of fatigue, physical symptoms appear, but overtraining it is also a decline in mental form. An over-trained person I just don’t feel like exercising anymore and find any excuse to quit training. Overtraining it is not enough just to wait it out – if it does appear, it must be counteracted.

In the case of overtraining it is best to stop training for a while, until the body regenerates and the psyche regains its former stability. It works good change of diet (for a more balanced and healthy one) and relaxing massages. If as a result overtraining there is an injury, it must be completely healed before returning to training.

It is worth using warming preparations for aching muscles and joints. At Medonet Market you can buy Arnica Active FLOSLEK warming care stick or Arnica Active FLOSLEK warming care gel. Choose the form that suits you better and order.

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