Oversized bite – types, symptoms, diagnostics. Treatment of overshot bite in children and adults

One of the most common malocclusions is that it affects the rear part of the jaw. It consists in withdrawing the lower dental arch in relation to the upper arch. Supersocclusion can be complete when both arches are recessed, partial or false. Symptoms of overshot bite can be observed already in childhood and if the diagnosis is made quickly and the correct treatment is implemented, it will be possible to eliminate its negative effects.

What is an overshot?

Hypersensitivity bite is a bone development disorder or medical condition caused by bad habits. The first symptoms of overshot teeth can be observed already in childhood, when permanent teeth begin to erupt (most often overshot teeth are diagnosed at the age of 7).

We speak of a back bite when the upper jaw protrudes in front of the lower teeth, which disturbs the aesthetics of the patient’s smile and affects his daily life. A common symptom is also a lack of contact space between the lower and upper teeth.

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Rear bite – types

There are three main types of undersection, namely:

  1. Complete overshot bite – consists in a clear retraction of the entire lower dental arch in relation to the upper one and deflection of the upper incisors. This type of malocclusion causes deformities in the shape of the mouth and facial features. Later in total overshoot, the lower lip curls up or retracts when the teeth are heavily sloped.
  2. Partial undershot – consists in retracting or tilting the lower incisors and incorrect shaping of the alveolar part of the mandible, which makes the distance between the front and molars significantly shortened. A symptom of this particular type of malocclusion is incorrect positioning of the lower lip, its retraction or eversion. In the case of partial undershot bite and complete enhancement of the labial-chin furrow.
  3. Supposed overshot bite – manifested by a pronounced protrusion of the front lip. The defect results from abnormal growth of the anterior fragment of the jaw bone in relation to the remaining bones of the skull.

In addition, the so-called overshot malocclusion can also be distinguished. tyluchos, occurring in two variants. We can deal with a functional posterior mandible consisting in the retraction of the mandible without changes in its structure or with a morphological posterior mandible consisting in retraction of the mandible due to inhibition of the growth of its anterior part.

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Oversized bite – diagnostics

Diagnostics in the case of overshot bite is based on the control of tooth contact. The backward relationship of the lower dental arch to the upper one indicates that the person is most likely overshot.

The characteristic symptoms of undersection are:

  1. retracted lower jaw;
  2. lower lip retraction;
  3. lower lip curl.

Overshot bite may be imperceptible at first. This is because a baby’s milk teeth are not as crowded as permanent teeth. Malocclusion cannot be determined on the basis of milk teeth as there are fewer of them and they are not representative of an orthodontist.

However, one visit to the dentist or orthodontist is enough to be able to determine whether the patient has a malocclusion and whether it is likely to appear in the future. It should be remembered that an early diagnosis of a overshot bite is a good chance for a complete recovery.

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Oversized bite – treatment

There are many methods of treating a malocclusion such as overshot bite. These methods depend on the patient’s age and the exact type of malocclusion.

Treatment of overshot bite in children

An early diagnosis enables the use of special exercises in treatment, which, if performed regularly, will be able to effectively compensate for the existing defect. This method works well for both total and partial undersection (usually between 4 and 11 years of age).

Other methods of treating undershot teeth include the use of functional appliances or lifts, and fixed orthodontic appliances, which allows for the proper development of a small patient’s dental arches. Thanks to the use of these methods, it is not necessary to perform tooth extraction (removal). However, it is crucial to visit the dentist or orthodontist early enough (diagnosis of the defect before the age of eleven makes the treatment easier and increases its effectiveness).

Treatment of overshot bite in adults

Treatment of overshot bite in adult patients depends on the type of defect. In the case of total and partial oversocclusion, treatment can be performed with the use of functional orthodontic appliances, so that after the normal shape and size of the arch is achieved, the specialist will insert the patient into a fixed appliance. Such an apparatus enables correct alignment of the teeth in the jaw. For sham overshoot, treatment will usually be more difficult and may sometimes require surgery. In such situations, the goal is to lengthen the mandibular body. After the procedure, a fixed orthodontic appliance is installed to consolidate the effects of the surgical treatment.


However, it should be emphasized that each overshot case is treated individually.

Overshot bite – prophylaxis

Overshot prevention is a long-term (and also painful) process, during which the patient must follow the specialist’s instructions and follow the rules aimed at minimizing the risk of malocclusion, such as overshot bite. You should teach your child to take care of their teeth from an early age by brushing them on their own. As a result, the chance of caries development is reduced, which in turn translates into no need to prematurely remove milk teeth. This is important because too rapid loss of milk teeth may lead to the permanent teeth displacement and aggravation of the malocclusion.

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