Food for many has long ceased to be a cult. But the holidays: birthdays, anniversaries, New Year — the time when even the most ardent fans of a healthy diet cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating tasty and a lot. No less tasty, but lighter and healthier foods will help get rid of the consequences of plentiful feasts.
Any festive feast can be confidently attributed to one-time compulsive overeating — uncontrolled consumption of food, when we do not seem to feel full.
Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, generously flavored with sauces, seasonings and alcohol, enter the body (sometimes we sit at the table not once, but several), and mainly in the evening or at night. That is, at a time when the body’s systems should rest, and not digest food. And they don’t do it very well.
As a result, overweight and associated diseases. Explanations of doctors about the harm of late dinners are very simple.
You should not abruptly switch to starvation, experts are sure that a strict diet will do more harm than good
Eating food during the day leads to the production of insulin by the pancreas, it works to burn carbohydrates and save fat. At night, the pituitary gland produces the so-called growth hormone, which breaks down these accumulated fats. A heavy dinner signals our body that there is no need to burn fat reserves. And the pituitary gland reduces the release of growth hormone.
The intestines also suffer from late libations, especially the duodenum. Being in a state of sleep, she cannot «push» food. As a result, intestinal distension, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, the development of painful microflora, and so on. Such processes cannot but affect our mood and appearance.
The variety of the festive table is one of the reasons for overeating. This principle was proved by the American biologist Christina Agapakis during a simple experiment. Her charges were mice, which were first fed ad libitum, but only one type of food, and then offered a buffet of food with four different flavors.
In the first case, the rodents refused food immediately after saturation. The reaction to the buffet was very different. The rodents, trying one or the other treat, ate three times more food than in the first part of the experiment.
Human behavior is not much different from the behavior of the very mice that scientists observed. But we have the right to choose whether to eat without measure or to control the process of eating food. Even if you managed to avoid outright overeating at a party, the body should take a breather after a food and alcohol marathon.
Just do not abruptly switch to starvation, experts are sure that a strict diet will do more harm than good. The body, perceiving the hunger strike as a threat, begins to intensively store fat. And the loss of proteins, which we already habitually consumed in large quantities, will lead to general weakness and “sagging” muscles.
The very first and surest remedy after plentiful feasts is the cleansing of the stomach and intestines. We introduce a number of restrictions on food — we say “stop” to fats, carbohydrates and too salty and sweet foods — and proceed to a light diet. We eat fractionally — we eat often, but in small portions. Desirable foods for this period are fruits, boiled vegetables, dietary, lean meats, juices and dairy products. We return to the habit of not eating before bed, refuse dinner or seriously reduce the amount of food consumed.
Carrying out unloading days, coupled with cleansing, will also be a serious help in restoring the body. During the day, one of the low-calorie foods should be consumed: buckwheat, apples, rice, lean meat, kefir — the total consumption per day should not be more than 1000 kcal. The amount of fluid you drink should be more than usual. Sour-milk products will help remove excess fluid from the tissues of the body. She lingered in them after drinking alcohol, salty and spicy food.
Dairy products are quickly digested and absorbed. Their use will help cleanse the slagged intestines, suppress the development of unwanted processes in it. Antibiotics produced by lactic acid bacteria prevent the growth of pathogens: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus.