Overkill? Husband brutally prank his wife who just gave birth

The husband decided that the son was not like him at all, and demanded a divorce.

After the birth of a child, a woman is very vulnerable and especially in need of support. However, our heroine, instead of support, received a cruel stab in the back, moreover, from her beloved spouse. A month after giving birth, the man said that the child was not born of him.

“My husband has always behaved in a peculiar way. He loves to arrange tough pranks on loved ones and often goes too far. Moreover, the husband is sure that this is very funny. But judge for yourself. On the night of our engagement, he deliberately took me to one restaurant and called my family to another. From the outside, it looked as if they just hadn’t come. I thought that the relatives refused to share this event with us. And after the wedding, the husband pretended to have forgotten the keys to the house. Can you imagine my feelings when I imagined how I would spend my wedding night on the street ?!

And so we became parents for the first time, and I already thought that my husband had left all these jokes in the past. He was so sympathetic, so helpful to me. I bought groceries, cooked breakfasts, did the cleaning, took care of the child.

But last week he suddenly changed. He stopped sitting with the baby, looked depressed, and avoided me for two days. I had no idea what was going on. I tried to talk to him, but he was even more distant. Then I could not stand it, flared up, and my husband finally admitted what was the matter.

It turns out that his mother said that the child did not look like him at all, and advised him to secretly do a DNA test. And two days later, the results came, which said: the child is not his. Now he is going to move out and see a divorce lawyer.

I was numb, it struck me like a thunderbolt, I did not understand anything. And my husband said that he did not want to arrange a showdown and listen to my excuses. Everything has already been decided. But something was wrong with his reaction. He is usually not so calm at all when something serious is going on.

After recovering from the shock, I demanded to show the results of the DNA test, which he had done behind my back. The husband fell silent, and then suddenly began to laugh … I was dumbfounded. It turned out that it was all his prank!

When my husband realized how angry I was and that I was not at all laughing, he, of course, began to ask for forgiveness. He said that his cousin, a 20-year-old idiot who behaves like a 13-year-old teenager, offered to play a prank on me.

But I got even more angry with my husband. It turns out that he left me alone with the child to arrange his stupid prank. My husband believed that I was taking everything too seriously and it was time for me to laugh and forget everything.

Later, I expressed everything I think to my husband’s cousin. She explained that one shouldn’t play so cruelly on a woman who has just given birth. And then my husband also scolded me for it. Say, there was no need to pounce on my brother and generally need to ask for his forgiveness.

A week has passed, and I still have not been able to forgive my husband. I still don’t talk to him and ignore him in every possible way. And he keeps trying to convince me that it was just an innocent joke, and I should apologize to everyone. And he doesn’t want to admit his guilt at all. “

What do you think, is it worth taking offense at your husband for such a joke?

1 Comment

  1. Хеј, тако сам узбуђена што се мој брак и мој муж вратио након што је мене и наше двоје деце оставио због друге жене. После 8 година брака, мој муж и ја смо се свађали, све док ме коначно није напустио и преселио се у Калифорнију да буде са другом женом. Осећао сам да је мој живот готов и моја деца су мислила да више никада неће видети оца. Трудила сам се да будем јака само за децу, али нисам могла да обуздам болове који су ме мучили, срце ми је било испуњено тугом и болом, јер сам заиста била заљубљена у свог мужа. Мислим на њега сваки дан и ноћ и увек желим да ми се врати, била сам стварно узнемирена и била ми је потребна помоћ, па сам потражила помоћ на мрежи и наишла сам на веб страницу која је сугерисала да ми др Апата може помоћи да се брзо вратим , Па сам осетио да треба да пробам. Контактирао сам га и он ми је рекао шта да радим и ја сам то урадио, а онда је он урадио (љубавну чаролију) за мене. 48 сати касније, мој муж ме је назвао и рекао ми да му ја и деца толико недостајемо, тако невероватно!! Тако да се вратио истог дана, са пуно љубави и радости, и извинио се за своју грешку и за бол који је нанео мени и деци. Тада је од тог дана наш брак сада био јачи него раније, а све захваљујући др АПАТИ. он је тако моћан и одлучио сам да поделим своју причу на мрежи Др. Апата је прави и моћан точак за које ћу се увек молити да дуго живим да помогнем својој деци у невољи ако сте овде и требате свог бившег назад или свог мужа преселио се код друге жене, не плачи више, контактирај овог моћног чаробњака одмах. Ево његовог контакта: Пошаљите му е-пошту на:драпата4@гмаил.цом, можете му послати и Вхатсапп/вибер са овим бројем (+447307347648), хвала

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