Overexposure to screens: the dangers children face

Overexposure to screens: the dangers children face

22 Mai 2018.

Studies are increasing on the dangers of overexposure to screens from an early age. What are these dangers and what behaviors to adopt to avoid them?

Concrete consequences for children

In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) opened hostilities by publishing a study on the impact of devices with screens on the youngest. According to the authors of this work, overexposure to screens results in an increased risk of obesity, but also depression, sleep disorders, school failure and relationship problems. This study was followed by new work of equal concern.

For Anne-Lise Ducanda, doctor in PMI, this fight against overexposure to screens should become a public health priority. ” Over the past five years or so, I have noticed that teachers have been reporting to me more and more children in very great difficulty. », She explains in an interview with the magazine DNA. « I noted that in 95% of cases, we were faced with a problem of overexposure to screens. »

Bad habits that can get expensive

In recent years, tablets and smartphones have taken a considerable place in our daily lives. Manufacturers have even offered educational toys for children with screens, intended for children from 9 months old. If these games and cartoons are not bad in themselves and keep children busy at times, very quickly, bad habits have developed.

Dr Anne-Lise Ducanda has observed many adverse effects: “ In children under 6, they are multiple. First, there are behavioral problems. Some children are very inhibited, expressionless. Other children are very agitated and cannot calm down on their own. They are intolerant of any form of frustration “. And to add: ” Children drop out of school at 3 years old, just because they are totally unable to endure this regime of constraints” Creepy !

Marine Rondot

Read also: Tablets: language delays observed in children  

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