Overcoming the fear of the unknown, the key to trust in the future

Does it give you fear the future? Are you the type of person who likes to have everything under control and well planned to avoid unforeseen events? What happens to you is that you cannot bear the uncertainty that we are given in many aspects of life, and that is not bad, but when the unpredictable and the unknown become a problem in your day to day, it is advisable to go to a psychologist who gives the guidelines to continue normally.
«Uncertainty is the lack of certainty and has to do with the uncontrollable and unpredictable, with the probability that something will happen or not. It is understood as a human motivation towards the search for confirmation », defines
Oceanía Martín, a psychologist at the Cepsim psychological center, and people live with her because life is constantly changing, especially in the situation we have been living since March 2020.
Live the day-to-day
Each person has a series of innate or learned qualities in their life history to be able to overcome the fear of uncertainty. According to Oceanía Martín, it is important that the person “can identify what his fear is like” and what he is fearing, because not all of us fear in the same way: “It is important to be able to identify it and thus face it, little by little. Each person at their own pace to challenge limiting thoughts about uncertainty, as negative and catastrophic outcomes are often anticipated, ”he says.
As the psychologist encourages, the best is work to promote safety in oneself and “confidence will help to set expectations in the day to day” and not to anticipate. “Asking ourselves about what we need, what we want and that this becomes a motivation, gives us information about ourselves, keeps us in the present and prevents us from creating demands for the future of which we cannot be certain”, the specialist says.
Control it all
This need for everything to be under control will only bring problems to our mind because it is usually related to the obsession of “managing everything”, generating little tolerance for frustration, uncertainty and causing the person in question to expend a lot of energy, which in Most of the time it is lost, because there are changes that do not depend on oneself and situations that we cannot control.
Living on a day-to-day basis, more than in the future, will make us move forward on a much calmer path. If, on the contrary, we occupy our day to day in what we believe may or may not happen, we mentally expose ourselves to a great diversity of situations that will wear us out mentally and emotionally, while we do not live our present either. The expert assures that the way to get out of this loop is “to start taking care of ourselves here and now,” for what we can take responsibility for today, for what depends on us, and “becoming aware of the limitations that each one can have when it comes to tolerating uncertainty so as not to see it as a monster, if not as something that is part of life.
“Work in know our emotionsBeing able to manage them, practicing for example meditation or mindfulness, helps to develop a better tolerance of uncertainty ”, recommends the psychologist Oceanía Martín.