
Headache can be a torment, it does not allow you to concentrate, rest, it is the cause of irritability and bad mood. What to do to effectively get rid of it when you can’t take the pill? How to deal with the problem of recurrent headaches during pregnancy, when you should pay special attention to your and your baby’s health. What ways to use and can you effectively fight this ailment?
Headaches during pregnancy – what are their causes?
Headaches affect almost everyone, but pregnancy headaches are especially troublesome because they cannot be eliminated with methods available to everyone. Headache during the first months of waiting for a baby is caused by a series of hormonal changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother. Often they also result from the special situation in which the woman is at that time. Stress, uncertainty about the future, concern for the health and condition of the child, fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger and emotional tension are the most frequently mentioned reasons for headaches in this special period of pregnancy.
Want to avoid a headache? Remove its cause
Future mothers are exposed to various health problems that they must learn to deal with appropriately to the situation in which they find themselves. You can bear the headache and somehow survive another day of struggling with it, but why bother? The most effective way to fight a headache is to identify and eliminate its cause and prevent them.
Calmness is the most important thing
During this special time of nine months of pregnancy, it is worth taking care of your comfort and that of your future baby. Noise, bustle, crowds in a shop or restaurant can negatively affect the well-being of a pregnant woman and cause an unwanted headache. The solution is very simple – at home turn down the TV and radio, mute the phone accordingly. Avoid loud music and crowds.
Sometimes the easiest solutions are the most effective. If you are constantly nervous, you have a lot of work, no time to rest, it is not difficult to get a headache. Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time of waiting for a baby, but also a time of anxiety and uncertainty. Despite all the adversities, try to relax. Relaxation exercises or yoga can be great, but they’re not for everyone. Another way to get rid of tension is to lie down for several minutes in a dark, quiet room.
Rest above all
Most women still work intensively during pregnancy, which is why fatigue and headaches can accompany them not only in the first and last trimester of pregnancy, but throughout the entire nine months. You do not have to give up work and your professional plans right away, it is important that you ensure yourself the right dose of rest. Get as much sleep as you can, it will reduce the level of fatigue and will not lead to headaches. However, don’t sleep too much as too much sleep also causes headaches.
Take care of fresh air around
Stuff in the room, too high a temperature, cigarette smoke, these are all factors that cause a headache. Therefore, try not to stay in smoky and overheated rooms, ventilate, open windows, put in a fan to avoid stuffy places.
back straight!
Too long hours in one position in front of the computer, reading with your head constantly bent down, the wrong pillow can also hurt you and cause a headache. Change your position as often as you can, try to sit at the computer with your back straight, invest in a well-chosen pillow that will guarantee you a healthy sleep.