Over-the-counter and prescription sedatives – characteristics and effects.

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Work, a fast pace of life, a tense family situation – many different factors, but the result is always one: stress. Nowadays, stress is becoming a civilization disease, with which masses of people struggle regardless of age, sex or financial situation. Sometimes pharmacological help turns out to be indispensable to coping with stress. Read about the effects of prescription and over-the-counter sedative medications?

The causes and effects of stress

Contrary to popular belief, stress is not always a bad thing. In ancient times, when our ancestors had to reckon with the attacks of predatory animals, for example, the stress it caused helped them to exceed their normal limits for a short time to save their lives more effectively. Similarly today, stress can make us act more efficiently and we are able to mobilize forces otherwise unavailable to us.

Unfortunately, this is not without cost. Stress means a greater strain on the body, which is not harmful in the short-term bursts to which evolution has adapted us. However, the long-term stress caused by life in modern civilization is something else.

Chronic stress causes increased secretion of cortisol, a known stress hormone. Its too high concentration negatively affects almost all systems in the body. It can reduce levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine, compounds responsible for feeling pleasure. Meanwhile, large serotonin deficits are considered to be the main cause of depression. In addition, inadequate cortisol levels can cause symptoms such as decreased libido, increased accumulation of body fat, stomach problems, and high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

Figuratively speaking, in conditions of chronic stress, our body continues to act as if it were in a high-risk emergency. In this way, the psychological factor negatively affects the well-being of the entire body. Therefore, it is important to try to minimize stress before it causes serious health damage. Sedatives can help.

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What do I need to know about over-the-counter sedatives?

First of all, it is worth considering whether we need pharmacological intervention at all. In some cases, methods such as physical activity, listening to relaxing music or simply reserving some of your time to relax will suffice.

If these approaches are not working, it may be time to visit a pharmacy and purchase sedatives. Good over-the-counter sedation pills typically contain a blend of herbal ingredients such as:

  1. Melissa Lekarska
  2. common hops,
  3. valerian, commonly known as valerian,
  4. motherwort herb,
  5. passion fruit flesh.

Of course outside pills There are also preparations in the form of syrups, drops or teas for making decoctions. For example, Alkaline Herbs Bio Yogi Tea – herbal tea with lemon balm and dandelion, which has a calming effect and restores the balance of the body, will work well. You can buy it at a discount on Medonet Market.

Over-the-counter sedative medications mainly consist of herbal extracts. Natural dietary supplements for the nervous system with a calming and calming effect are available at medonetmarket.pl.

Not every drug can be used without reservations. Some preparations, especially syrups, are solutions of herbs in ethyl alcohol. Consequently, they are not suitable for young children and pregnant women. Some herbs may interact dangerously with the medications we take, so you should carefully read the package leaflet of sedatives each time.

Advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter sedative medications

The main advantage of over-the-counter sedatives is, of course, their availability as well as low cost. You can, therefore, allow yourself to try a few different preparations and choose the one that best suits your needs. In this case, such experimentation carries no risk – except in special cases, correctly used over-the-counter sedatives do not have any side effects. They are also not addictive, so you can successfully use them for any period of time.

The disadvantages of such drugs include the fact that many of them take effect only after some time of regular use. This means that they are not suitable for immediate use, and yet in a situation of increased stress, we have the right to expect quick relief. It cannot be denied that their effectiveness is somewhat limited. If a person is predisposed to severe stress or the situation is extremely stressful, over-the-counter sedatives may be too weak to provide a noticeable improvement in mood.

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Which over-the-counter sedation drug is the most powerful?

This question, often asked by patients looking for a drug for themselves, is actually wrongly posed. Instead of the strength of the drug, it is worth considering what exactly we intend to use it for and choose the right preparation in this regard.

For example, lemon balm is best for insomnia, and hops will be a better choice for people experiencing nervous fatigue. Not all over-the-counter tranquilizers work the same. In addition, if we are constantly looking for stronger and stronger sedative medications, it may be a better idea to consult a physician who can prescribe prescription drugs or even recommend psychotherapy.

Prescription tranquilizers – how do they work?

Sedative medications work by modifying certain nerve connections in the central nervous system (CNS) with the brain. In this case, they relax our body, slowing down the activity of the brain.

Sedatives, in particular, produce a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This acid is responsible for slowing down the work of the brain. By increasing the level of activity in the CNS, sedative drugs allow GABA to have a much stronger effect on brain activity.

Read: Everything You Need To Know About Behavioral Addictions

Prescription sedatives – types

In the first half of the XNUMXth century, pharmacotherapy of anxiety and insomnia was based on barbiturates, which were replaced with benzodiazepines in the second half of the last century. In addition to these two groups of sedative drugs, other preparations are also used.

Barbiturates are nonselective drugs that depress the central nervous systemthat have been the mainstay of treatment for patients to sedate or induce and maintain sleep. In modern medicine, they have been largely replaced by benzodiazepines, mainly because they can induce tolerance, physical dependence, and severe withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, some barbiturates are still used as anticonvulsants and for the induction of anesthesia.

The most commonly used group of sedative drugs is the benzodiazepine. Due to their safety and increased effectiveness, they have largely replaced barbiturates. They also have a hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing effect, but do not have any analgesic or antipsychotic effects.

Non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics “Z drugs” are drugs that are structurally different from benzodiazepinesbut act on a subset of the family of benzodiazepine receptors known as BZ1. Their onset of action is rapid and they are considered to be the preferred hypnotic agents as they do not significantly alter the different stages of sleep due to their relative selectivity for the aforementioned receptor.

Some antihistamines with sedative properties (also known as first generation antihistamines) are effective in treating mild forms of insomnia, although the numerous undesirable side effects (such as their anticholinergic properties) make them less useful compared to benzodiazepines.

See: Remember! Drugs are also allergenic!

Sedation Drugs – Side Effects

Despite the fact that sedation drugs are beneficial to our body in stressful situations, they can cause negative side effects.

Some of the direct side effects of prescription sedation medications include:

  1. somnolence,
  2. dizziness,
  3. blurred vision
  4. Inability to see depth or distance as usual (impaired perception)
  5. slower reaction time to things around us (weakened reflexes),
  6. slow breathing
  7. trouble concentrating or thinking (impaired cognition)
  8. slowing down speaking and even slurred speech.

Long-term use of prescription sedation medications may lead to the following side effects:

  1. frequent forgetfulness and even memory loss,
  2. symptoms of depression such as tiredness, hopelessness and even thoughts of suicide
  3. anxiety disorders,
  4. liver problems or liver failure
  5. addiction.

Addiction develops when our body becomes physically dependent on sedative medications and we cannot function properly without taking them.

Read: Anti-anxiety drugs – types, action, natural preparations. How are anxiety disorders treated?

Drugs for sedation – symptoms of addiction

Unfortunately, addiction to sedative drugs, even plant-based drugs, is very common. It occurs when they are taken regularly and there is a (mental and physical) inability to stop taking them. What does this mean exactly? This means that the person taking sedation medications cannot function in their daily life without them.

Dependence on sedative medications also occurs when you need a larger dose to achieve the same therapeutic effect. This means that your body has gotten used to the drug and needs more to achieve the desired effect.

Sedation Medications – Withdrawal Symptoms

Dependence, including sedation medications, becomes most obvious if withdrawal symptoms occur. This happens when the body responds to a lack of sedative medications with both physical and mental symptoms.

Common symptoms of withdrawal from sedative medications include:

  1. increased anxiety,
  2. irritability,
  3. insomnia,
  4. seizures
  5. headaches,
  6. tiredness.

Addiction develops depending on the body’s tolerance to the drug. It can develop over a period of months or weeks, or even less. Adults and the elderly are more susceptible to certain sedative medications, such as benzodiazepines, than younger people.

Drugs for sedation – precautions

Even if you take small doses of sedative medications as prescribed by your doctor, you still need to be extra careful. Remember to:

  1. avoid alcohol -alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body, so drinking alcohol and taking sedatives at the same time can increase the effects and lead to dangerous, life-threatening symptoms such as loss of consciousness or stopping breathing,
  2. do not mix sedatives together or with other drugs with a similar effect – mixing sedative medications or taking them with other drugs that make you feel sleepy, such as antihistamines, can lead to harmful side effects and even overdose.
  3. do not take sedative medications during pregnancy without consulting your doctor – sedatives, when taken in high doses, may harm a developing fetus. If you are pregnant, always consult your healthcare professional before taking sedation medications, even over-the-counter medications.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to halodoctor.pl, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home. Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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