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The AMH test is a test recommended for women who are trying to conceive. It can be a prophylaxis before trying to get pregnant. However, it is very often recommended for women whose doctor suspects infertility. AMH is a hormone that is produced by the follicles of the ovaries. The test allows you to assess the condition of the ovarian reserve. Check how to prepare for the AMH test.

AMH hormone and ovarian reserve assessment

The assessment of the ovarian reserve is used in the diagnosis of female infertility and is related to the measurement of the concentration anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). The name of the hormone refers to the Müllerian ducts from which the female genitalia develops. The level of this hormone is determined by laboratory analysis of a venous blood sample.

AMH has several other uses in diagnostics. It is important in the process of diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in women, as well as disorders of androgen production in men.

AMH test – when to perform?

There is no specific point in time for this test to be performed. The doctor who suspects female infertility always decides about the necessity. Usually, the basis is long-term and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Is there a specific point in the cycle where the result will be most reliable? When to do the AMH test? This test can be performed at any time during the cycle. The cycle has no effect on the test result. Additionally, it is not disturbed even by hormone therapy. This is the best method for assessing the possibility of having children.

Ovarian reserve decreased it is mainly related to age. For this reason, the AMH study becomes particularly important after the age of 30. The ovarian reserve may also be lowered by procedures on the appendages, autoimmune disorders, genetic predisposition and neoplastic diseases. In the case of female infertility, the AMH test not only allows you to check the ovarian reserve. It is also used to diagnose premature ovarian failure syndrome (POF), to detect ovarian damage caused by chemotherapy or secondary ovarian dysfunction (hypogonadism).


Infertility is sometimes confused with infertility, but they are not the same thing. Female infertility is the permanent inability to become pregnant. Infertility, on the other hand, is a difficult-to-get-pregnant condition that can, however, be cured with a certain degree of probability. However, this requires understanding the causes of infertility. One of them may be a decreased ovarian reserve.

An interesting fact may be that AMH testing is not only done in women. They are also commissioned to men. The AMH test is an indicator that closely monitors the effectiveness of the treatment of testicular cancer in men and ovarian cancer in women. Thanks to it, we can determine whether the disease has recurred. Pre-pubertal boys can also be tested. It allows you to evaluate the functioning of the testicles. It is especially recommended in the case of birth defects of the male reproductive system. This could be testicular atrophy or gonadal dysgenesis.

  1. Also read: Genetic tests before pregnancy and diagnosis of male and female infertility

AMH test – what does it look like?

AMH testing is very simple and safe. It is enough to come to the collection point with the appropriate referral and submit a standard blood sample from a vein in the arm to the laboratory. It is convenient to be able to perform the test at any time during the cycle. Thanks to this, there is no need to change the entire day plan just to perform the AMH test in the right time.

AMH test result:

  1. below 1,0 ng / ml – means the level is too low (menopause, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, excessive stress, malnutrition, the effect of chemo- or radiotherapy),
  2. over 1,0 ng / ml – normal level,
  3. over 3,0 ng / ml – the level is too high (polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian cancer).

Ovarian reserve assessment (AMH) is a test that only some laboratories perform.

AMH test – how to prepare

Do you want to get an AMH test and don’t know how to prepare? The AMH test is a type of test for which no special preparation is needed. A blood sample is taken from a vein in the arm to perform it. Therefore, it is completely safe and does not cause any complications. Be sure to put pressure on the needle where the needle has dropped. This will prevent hematomas. You should also not make upward movements of the limb for about 10 minutes. However, we must take into account that the AMH test will not be performed everywhere.

Many diagnostic laboratories do not offer it. All because it is not a routine test. Biggest the chances of having an AMH test they will be in special fertility clinics. Usually, the waiting time for the test result is about 2 weeks. As for the price, it ranges from PLN 150. It all depends on the specific clinic. In such a place, the woman is forced to bear the entire cost of the examination. It should be noted that the obtained result should be consulted with a gynecologist. It is he who, after an in-depth analysis and familiarization with the patient’s clinical picture, will give specific instructions.

Name of the study AMH
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for Female fertility test. The test checks the number of follicles and assesses the ovarian reserve
Indications for the examination Suspicion of infertility in a woman, long efforts for a child.
Standards The norm depends on age, however, it can be assumed that the result should be above 1,4 ng / ml /
Interpreting the results (at least basic) Too low a level means that you don’t have enough eggs. It is associated with decreased fertility. If the level is too high, it may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome.
How is the test going Taking a blood sample from a vein in the arm
How to prepare for the test No preparation is required
Information to be reported prior to testing Lack
How to behave after the examination Apply pressure to the needle injection site and do not move the limb upward for 10 minutes
Possible complications after the examination Bruise at the site of collection.
Other important (if any) x

Effectiveness of the AMH study

Problems with fertility in women require complex diagnostics, and the assessment of ovarian reserve is not a way to unambiguously dispel doubts about problems with getting pregnant. The AMH test has a prognostic function and is only one of the fertility indicators. On its basis, it is estimated what the chances of becoming pregnant are, as well as how much time a woman has left to plan a possible pregnancy.

For the assessment of the ovarian reserve, the concentration of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and inhibin B are also used. However, they are less effective than the AMH level test.

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