Ovarian inflammation – causes, symptoms and treatment

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Ovarian inflammation can occur as a direct result of inflammation of other organs of the reproductive system. It manifests itself with severe pain in the lower abdomen and loins.

The causes of ovarian inflammation

Inflammation of the ovary joins the inflammation of the appendages, that is, the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It covers only its outer shell. Most often it occurs due to infections arising from the vagina, cervix or uterine cavity, due to bacteria – gonorrhea or chlamydia. Unfortunately, the vaginal environment of moisture, heat, vaginal discharge and blood promotes the spread of microbes. In addition, the occurrence of ovarian inflammation is facilitated by:

  1. menstruation,
  2. natural childbirth,
  3. childbirth before 37 weeks,
  4. miscarriage,
  5. confinement,
  6. abrasion (curettage) of the uterine cavity,
  7. using a contraceptive IUD
  8. certain gynecological procedures.

It is worth noting that ovarian inflammation may result from a descending infection. The idea is that the bacteria that caused inflammation in the sinuses, gums, and tonsils can travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, including the ovaries. In addition, infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or angina, appendicitis, peritonitis, Grohn’s disease or sigmoid diverticulosis may be responsible for the inflammation of the ovary.

Symptoms of ovarian inflammation

The most important symptoms that may indicate inflammation of the ovary include:

  1. cramps and pains in the lower abdomen, occurring most often on both sides and radiating even to the femoral groin,
  2. pain in the loins,
  3. feeling broken and feeling very weak,
  4. low-grade fever, sometimes also fever,
  5. vaginal discharge,
  6. severe pain and vomiting with pressure on the lower abdomen.

It happens that the symptoms of ovarian inflammation are additionally accompanied by inflammation of the endometrium. In this case, the symptoms are: constipation, diarrhea, intestinal colic, irregular periods, irritation of the bladder, bleeding during menstruation, irregular periods, and spotting between periods.

Ovarian inflammation – home methods and traditional treatment

Since ovarian inflammation is caused by the presence of bacteria, antibiotic therapy is the main line of treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe medications for inflammation and pain relief. When taking antibiotics, remember to use probiotics at the same time. Ovarian inflammation rarely requires hospitalization.

Treatment of ovarian inflammation at home should be carried out after consulting a doctor. It will be important to stay in bed and warm the site of inflammation. For this purpose, it is worth applying a hot water bottle in the area of ​​the lower abdomen. It will also be valuable to cover it thoroughly with a blanket or wear warm clothes. The treatment period for ovarian inflammation ranges from one week to two weeks.

Complications after inflammation of the ovary

If ovarian inflammation is neglected or treated inadequately, it can lead to serious complications. It is mainly about:

  1. peritonitis,
  2. formation of an abscess of the ovary and fallopian tube (removal is performed surgically together with the entire organ),
  3. cysts,
  4. increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy,
  5. purulent discharge.

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