On large livestock complexes, hypofunction of the ovaries in cows brings implicit, but large losses. This is the same “lost profit” that cannot be proven in courts. Of course, you can’t sue cows. You can only swear and treat animals.
It seems that the amount of losses is small, and you can ignore it. The cost of treatment, maintenance and feeding of infertile cows, as well as losses due to a decrease in milk yield, is only 220-253 rubles. But in large complexes where they keep thousands of heads, these couple of hundreds add up to hundreds of thousands.
What is ovarian hypofunction in cows
In simple terms, ovarian hypofunction in cows is a hormonal failure. The official “decoding” is wider: after calving, the generative and hormonal functions of the ovaries weaken. The weakening is accompanied by a complete lack of hunting or inferior sexual cycles.
Causes of ovarian hypofunction in cows
У первотелок гипофункция часто возникает в зимний период при стойловом содержании. Причины нарушения полового цикла:
- lack of walks;
- poor lighting in the barn;
- inadequate diet.
По этим же причинам гипофункция может возникать и у коров старшего возраста. Сбой половых циклов может быть признаком других проблем со здоровьем коровы:
- inflammatory processes in the genitals;
- ovarian cyst;
- inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
- mastitis;
- ketosis;
- diseases of the endocrine glands.
Highly productive dairy cows often suffer from ovarian hypofunction.
При недостатке в рационе скота йода нарушается работа щитовидной железы. Это также приводит к гипофункции яичников.
Symptoms of ovarian hypofunction in cows
The main symptom of hypofunction is a violation of the sexual cycle in cows. Such failures can last up to 6 months. The cow does not come into heat or comes, but is not fertilized. It is impossible to imagine a clear photo of ovarian hypofunction in a cow. The maximum that can be obtained is a screen shot of an ultrasound machine or a photo of an ovary obtained during a postmortem autopsy.
The disease also has other, internal, signs: the ovaries are reduced in size and the follicles do not ovulate. But the narrowing of the organs can only be palpated during rectal examination. The condition of the follicles is also determined. The rectal examination of the cow is usually done by a veterinarian, and this procedure should be considered a diagnosis rather than a symptom.
Diagnosis of ovarian hypofunction in cows
In the field, that is, in private barns, hypofunction is usually diagnosed in the old fashioned way: lack of hunting and palpation of the ovaries. Few veterinarians bring an ultrasound machine with them, but this modern diagnostic method greatly increases the accuracy of the examination. In some cases, with ovarian hypofunction on ultrasound in a cow, cysts can be clearly seen and separated from other similar formations:
- vesicular large follicles;
- кистозных и компактных желтых тел.
Также можно получить информацию о локализации кист, их размерах и количестве. УЗИ используют и при наблюдении за ходом лечения яичников.
Treatment of ovarian hypofunction in cows
After the diagnosis is established, treatment begins with improving the conditions of detention and recalculating the diet or treating inflammatory processes in the genitals of the cow. With therapy “in the old fashioned way”, without the use of terrible hormonal drugs, the owner of the animal will have to master the rectal massage of the uterus and ovaries. It is carried out daily, alternating it with irrigation of the cervix with sterile saline at a temperature of 45 ° C. Instead of a solution, you can use a salt-soda composition 2-3 times a day.
Of the old drugs, serum gonadotropin is used intramuscularly at a dose of 4-5 units / kg. It is combined with a solution of Prozerin 0,5% or a solution of Carbacholin 0,1%.
To stimulate the work of the ovaries, cows can be injected subcutaneously with 25 ml of fresh colostrum 2-3 times with a break of 6 days. It can be taken no later than 12 hours after calving.
Используют также Нрогестерон: 100 мг 2 дня подряд. В комплекте колют аналог Простагландина Ф-2-альфа. Эту инъекцию делают спустя сутки после прогестерона и в дозе 2 мл внутримышечно.
But there are more modern drugs. Today, in the treatment of ovarian hypofunction in cows, Surfagon, a synthetic analogue of Gonadotropin, is widely used.
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This drug is used not only to treat disorders of the ovaries, there are other areas of application of Surfagon:
- повышение оплодотворяемости;
- acceleration of the onset of the sexual cycle;
- increased activity of the corpus luteum;
- treatment of follicular cysts.
Активность Сурфагона в 50 раз выше, чем у естественных гормонов. Действовать он начинает спустя 2-3 часа после введения. Повышенное содержание в крови гонадотропинов наблюдают в течение 4-5 часов после введения. Постепенно препарат распадается на аминокислоты, которые выводятся из организма.
Application and dosage
The introduction of Surfagon is always intramuscular. With a mild degree of hypofunction, the drug is administered twice:
- 50 mcg on the 8-12th day of the cycle;
- 10-25 mcg 10 days after the first injection.
In a more severe form of hypofunction, drugs are used in a complex way: 1, 3, 5 days – 4-5 ml of progesterone at a concentration of 2,5%, on the 7th day 50 μg of Surfagon is injected. Cows are inseminated after they come into heat. To increase the probability of fertilization, no later than 2-4 hours after the start of the hunt, the uterus is injected with 10 μg of Surfagon. This leads to accelerated maturation of the follicles, and ovulation occurs within the next 24-28 hours.
Both problems are often caused by hormonal imbalances. To reduce embryonic mortality in the early stages, 10-50 µg of Surfagon is injected once 8-12 days after insemination.
The results of testing the action of Surfagon on experimental cows
As a result of studies of the drug on a group of cows in the Sverdlovsk region, it was found:
- The hormonal background begins to recover within 24 hours after the administration of 50 mg of the drug. After 48 hours, hormone levels begin to drop sharply. In this regard, it is recommended to repeat injections every 48 hours until the ovarian activity is restored.
- The introduction of Surfagon does not have a negative effect on the metabolism of the cow and does not prevent the production of antibodies responsible for the resistance of the internal genital organs to infections during intercourse.
- Сурфагон можно использовать для лечения нарушения полового цикла у коров как самостоятельное средство, так и в комбинации с другими гормональными препаратами. В первый индуцированный цикл оплодотворяемость коров достигает 56,3-73,4%. В следующую охоту с учетом уже осемененных коров общая оплодотворяемость доходит до 100.
- In the treatment of ovarian hypofunction, Surfagon can reduce the recovery period by 13-42 days and reduce the culling of cows due to complications.
Taking into account all these factors, Surfagon allows you to get additional products in the amount of 13,5-32,3 rubles. for 1 rub. costs. But this is compared to other methods of treating hypofunction. Some losses in violation of the hormonal balance will still be. And it is better to initially prevent the occurrence of hypofunction than to treat it. Even if it’s fast.
disease prevention
Предупредить воспаление и другие болезни репродуктивных органов зачастую невозможно. Но вполне реально постараться избежать гормонального сбоя после отела. Так как гипофункцию часто наблюдают в зимнее время, когда скот содержат в помещение, нужно обеспечить ему оптимальные условия содержания.
Животные хорошо приспособлены к обитанию под открытым небом, и опасаться, что за недолгую прогулку они отморозят себе вымя, не стоит. Телята и подавно не замерзнут, играя вместе. В сильные морозы животных нужно выпускать хотя бы на полчаса-час.
It is necessary to provide good illumination (at least wash the windows) and ventilation of the barn. The lack of vitamins and minerals in the winter diet is compensated by the addition of special premixes in full dose. Savings in this case can be disastrous.
Гипофункция яичников у коров может быть проблемой только в случае серьезных заболеваний, которые нужно будет лечить по другой схеме. Владелец крупного рогатого скота может избежать физиологического расстройства репродуктивной функции, соблюдая нормы содержания и кормления.