Ovarian and colon cancer cured in mice in six days. “Let’s not get excited, but the results are promising”
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The experimental type of cancer treatment had impressive results in the mice experiment. Thanks to the use of specially given cytokines, it was possible to eliminate advanced ovarian and colorectal cancer after just six days. «The new therapy has only been tested in mice so far, so let’s not get excited just yet. However, the results are promising and human clinical trials may begin by the end of the year » emphasize the authors of the study in an interview with sciencealert.com.

  1. Scientists boasted of a new method in the fight against ovarian and colon cancer
  2. The treatment lasted only six days, but with very good results
  3. It is true that the research has been conducted only on mice, but specialists hope to start clinical trials on humans soon.
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Researchers at Rice University in Houston, Texas, developed a therapy that showed surprisingly good results in sick mice. Treatment is by implanting small beads into the body that scientists call the “drug factory”. The beads provide a constant, high dose of interleukin-2, a natural compound that stimulates white blood cells to fight cancer. The research has been published in the scientific journal Science Advances.

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100 percent cured

“The beads are given only once, but the body produces a new dose each day where it is needed until the cancer is eliminated” says bioengineer Omid Veiseh, one of the authors of the study. «We have eliminated tumors in 100 percent. animals with ovarian cancer and seven out of eight animals with colorectal cancer » adds during an interview with sciencealert.com.

What is interleukin-2?

Interleukin-2 is a cytokine that belongs to the group of proteins that stimulate the immune system. Though cytokines are already used to treat melanoma and kidney cancer, scientists are having trouble using them because of the serious side effects.

The researchers explain that such a dose of interleukin-2 administered through an intravenous drip would be too toxic. In this study, to avoid this, the beads were placed in peritoneum. High levels of cytokines are concentrated in the tumor. Protein levels elsewhere in the body were about 30 times lower than near the tumor.

The special structure of the balls (hydrogel shell) means that they are recognized by the immune system as foreign objects, and not as a direct threat, so the body does not try to fight them.

Scientists hope to start clinical trials in humans soon. In their opinion, the therapy may be effective in the treatment of various types of cancer.

Cancer prevention is very important. It is worth undergoing regular tests that will allow you to quickly detect or rule out possible neoplastic changes. You will find a package of such tests, among others in Medonet Market.

The editorial board recommends:

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