Outdoor terrace in the country 

A house without a terrace or veranda looks inferior. In addition, the owner deprives himself of a place where you can relax on a summer evening. An open terrace can replace a gazebo, and thanks to a closed veranda, less cold enters the house through the doors, plus a useful room is added. If such arguments are convincing for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what kind of terrace is in the country, and also consider options for its design and the procedure for building it yourself.

Existing types of terraces

There are many ideas for creating terraces. You can find the simplest extensions, and real masterpieces of architectural art. But all of them are conditionally divided into two types: open and closed. Let’s take a quick look at what they are.

Most often there is an open terrace in the country, since such an extension is easier to build, and it requires less material. The most complex structure is the roof. The wall is shared with the house. Unless you need to install several pillars to hold the roof. It is good to relax in the open area in summer. Wicker furniture, a sofa are installed under a canopy, hammocks are hung.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

A closed terrace is often used to be called a veranda. It is a complete addition to the house. Despite the fact that one wall of the two buildings is common, the closed veranda has three more walls. If desired, the roof and walls can be insulated, a heater can be placed inside, and the room can be used even in winter.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

Only their location unites the open and closed verandas. Any of the outbuildings is a continuation of the house, and is built from the front door.

Arrangement of the veranda and its design

Outdoor terrace in the country 

There is one important requirement for extensions – they must look like a single building with the house. Probably, a chic veranda near a shabby hut would look stupid and vice versa. The same design is important for the house and the annex, so that they harmoniously complement each other. Let’s look at a few examples:

  • If one material is used for a country house with a terrace, a single architectural style is obtained. It doesn’t matter if it’s brick or wood.
  • Good combination of materials. A wooden terrace attached to a brick house looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Closed verandas are often glazed, and an aluminum profile is used for the frame. Its silver color is in perfect harmony with the brickwork of the house.
  • Glazed verandas go well with the facade of the house, lined with modern material, such as siding.

The terrace comes under review immediately at the entrance to the courtyard, so it is important to pay attention to its interior. In closed verandas, curtains are hung on the windows, furniture and other attributes are installed that emphasize a certain style.

Advice! If you want the veranda to look aesthetically pleasing near a chic home, be sure to contact the designer for help.

Curtains – as an integral part of the veranda

If we consider a photo of the terraces in the country, then most places for recreation have a common attribute – curtains. This is due to the fact that the owner wants to maximize comfort. In addition to beauty, curtains are used to protect against wind and rain splashes. Curtains are made from different materials, which determines their purpose:

  • There are many varieties of fabric curtains, differing in material and design. All these curtains are part of the decoration of the terrace, and they can only protect from the sun. Fabric curtains are affordable, have many colors, if necessary, they can be easily removed or replaced. The disadvantage of curtains is the impossibility of protection from gusts of wind with rain. The fabric quickly becomes dirty from settled dust, so the curtains have to be washed frequently. Further, there is a grueling process of ironing, and in winter they still need to be removed for storage.

    Outdoor terrace in the country 

  • The best option for terraces are transparent curtains made of PVC material. In addition to the decorative function, they are responsible for protecting the internal space of the terrace from precipitation, wind and insects. There are even colored PVC curtains that prevent the passage of UV sunlight. With the onset of cold weather, you can put a heater on the terrace, and the film will not allow heat to escape from the room. The disadvantage of PVC curtains is not air penetration. However, the issue is resolved by simple ventilation. It is only necessary when ordering curtains to provide windows that open with a zipper.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

There is another type of curtain – protective, but they are rarely used for the terrace. They are made from canvas. Very durable material will protect from any bad weather, but hardly anyone will cover the place of rest with an awning. Under canvas curtains on the terrace in the country, it is uncomfortable to rest, and there is no beauty.

Briefly about the construction of terraces

Closed and open country terrace is an extension to the house. Its construction begins with laying the foundation.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

The type of base is selected taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the weight of the veranda itself. Light wooden terraces are erected on a columnar foundation. A concrete tape is poured under the brick walls of the winter veranda. If soil mobility is observed, and groundwater is high, it is desirable to install a pile foundation.

The walls and floor are usually made of wood. The material must first be treated with antifungal impregnation in order to extend its service life. On open terraces, the role of walls is played by low fences – parapets. They can also be made of wood or use forged elements.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

Winter verandas are built from solid walls. Boards, bricks, foam blocks and other similar materials can be used. A prerequisite for a winter veranda is the insulation of all structural elements. Usually, mineral wool is used as thermal insulation.

Advice! To insulate the brick walls of the veranda from the outside, it is allowed to fix foam plates.

The roof over the terrace is made flat with a slope of 5о or pitched with a slope of 25о. Any lightweight materials are used for roofing. Transparent roofs look beautiful over the summer playground.

Outdoor terrace in the country 

It is better to cover the winter veranda with ondulin or corrugated board. In general, for an extension, the roofing material is chosen the same as on the house. The roof of the veranda is insulated, plus the ceiling is additionally knocked out.

On the video, a do-it-yourself summer veranda:

Do-it-yourself summer veranda video

The terrace attached to the house will be a great place to relax in the country, if you approach its construction wisely.

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