Outdoor Running – Proper Technique and Helpful Tips

Spring has come, and very soon regular jogging will enter your life. So let’s go over the basics of proper running technique one more time.

Running on the street is a popular and accessible form of physical activity for everyone. Classes increase the overall endurance of the body, strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory system, muscles, joints and effectively burn subcutaneous fat. In this article, we will tell you about the correct technique for running outdoors so that you get not only a positive effect, but also pleasure.

How to choose outdoor running gear?

High-quality equipment will make your training comfortable at any time of the year. It is important to dress in such a way that you do not overheat in the summer and do not freeze in the cold season.

  • Running shoes. Choose shoes with good cushioning that are designed specifically for running. This is equally important when running on asphalt and cross-country. Do not wear sneakers, football boots, or other non-designated footwear. This will lead to injury.
  • Leggings, shorts. Leggings are not blown by the wind, and do not give resistance when running. In sports stores, you can choose models of any color, material and style. In the summer it is convenient to run in shorts.
  • T-shirt, jacket. In summer, wear loose-fitting T-shirts and T-shirts made from thin materials. The fabric should be well ventilated and not restrict movement. In winter, it is best to dress in layers. For example, long-sleeved thermal underwear, a T-shirt and a windbreaker. Such equipment will be quite enough for training in weather down to -10 -12 degrees.

Remember that running clothes should be comfortable and quality shoes. It is important to carefully consider the choice of running shoes and be aware of the main myths about running shoes.

Top 5 Principles of Proper Running Technique in Any Weather 

In order for the training to be rich and safe, you need to run correctly, otherwise the load on the knee, ankle joints, and also on the spine increases. Let’s look at the basic principles of proper running for beginners on the street:

  • Choose a comfortable pace for running. Determine the distance you want to cover and don’t try to run fast. Choose a pace that is comfortable for you and try to keep it for the entire distance.
  • Do a workout. Start jogging, trying not to hold your breath. If it gets hard, take a step. When your breath returns, continue running at a steady pace. Don’t skip this part of the workout. Unheated muscles are the path to sprains and injuries.
  • Set the correct body position. A very important factor that will help you run correctly! Try to look forward without throwing your head back and without lowering your legs.
  • Try to use your hands correctly. Bend your elbows 90 degrees, work your arms evenly. With the right hand work, you can run faster and not hold your breath.
  • Observe the correct positioning of the foot. This is the most important element of proper running. For beginners, placing the foot on the middle part is suitable. Planting the foot on the middle part will provide good running efficiency, relieve stress on the knee and hip joints, and part of the spinal column. 

To master the correct running technique, pay attention to these points:

   – Bring forward not the entire leg, but the thigh.  – Land the foot on its middle part.   – Make the first touch of the foot on its front part.   – Straighten your back, relax your shoulders and straighten them.   – Bend your elbows, relax them and move close to your body.

Do not forget about indicators such as pace and heart rate, they will help you train longer and cover more distance. Fitness bracelets and sports watches are suitable for control. With them, training will be more interesting and easier. 

Typical mistakes of runners are – running from the heel, running on half-bent legs, taking out an almost straight leg. We also recommend that you look at a few tips on how to avoid running injuries.

How to start running for beginners

As the first buds bloom on the trees, people come out in the spring who promised themselves – “I will start running in the morning.” Many of them really go out for a run for the first time, and so far they are new to this business. And to make getting started easy, we’ve put together point-by-point tips for every beginner. 

1) Purpose of training 

Why do you want to start running? For example, lose weight, improve your health, increase your stamina, or run a long marathon at least once in your life. One goal requires long and hard training, and the second just an easy run. 

2) Health status 

This is a must to start with. You can’t run for people with 2 and 3 degrees of obesity, people with cardiovascular diseases, untreated injuries, an advanced stage of scoliosis and a number of other contraindications. If necessary, you should consult with your doctor.  

3) Position of the body

Relax your shoulders, during training, make sure that the whole body, and especially the neck and shoulder area, do not overstrain. Hands while running should swing back and forth like a swing. Bend your elbows at a right angle, do not place them much to the sides. Brushes do not clench tightly into a fist. The feet during the run should be under the center of gravity of the body, without moving forward.

4) Running speed

Beginners need to run at a speed that is called colloquial. That is, while running, you can keep up a conversation without choking. If you’ve only ever run in PE class at school, don’t sprint right away. It is better to start with walking. If you can easily walk 10 steps, then you can move on to alternating walking and light running. It looks like this: run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes. Repeat the circle about 5-6 times. With increased endurance, increase the number of laps and speed of running.

5) Completion – hitch

A cool down will soothe your muscles after a run or prepare them for the next workout. If you want to rest after your run, then do a static stretch – taking a certain position for a while, during which your muscles are gently stretched. If you plan to continue training with strength exercises, then you need to finish the run with dynamic stretching. During it, exercises are performed that knead the muscles.  

Remember that running should bring you positive emotions and benefits to the body. Don’t skip your workouts, but don’t overdo it either. And most importantly – watch your condition while jogging!

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