Outdoor pumpkin care: pinching and shaping

Pumpkin is grown in many regions of Our Country. However, gardeners do not always pay due attention to such care operations as pinching, or shaping a bush. Meanwhile, it is necessary to form a pumpkin in open ground, such a procedure has a direct impact not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of the crop.

The Importance of Growing Pumpkins Outdoors

The uncontrolled growth of a pumpkin usually leads to the fact that a fairly large number of small fruits ripen on the bush, while the yield of marketable products leaves much to be desired. It is also possible that fruiting does not occur at all. This situation is far from rare, especially in regions with a cool climate. This happens because the plant during its entire life span increases its green mass, expels many shoots, and forms a large number of fruit ovaries. In this case, for the laying and ripening of full-fledged fruits, he simply does not have enough nutrients.

Outdoor pumpkin care: pinching and shaping

Correcting the situation allows the artificial formation of a pumpkin bush. In this case, the number of shoots is strictly normalized, and the required number of fruits is laid on the bush. It is for their maturation that the lion’s share of the nutrients received by the plant will be spent. Thus, by forming a bush, the gardener redirects nutrients to the ripening of fruits, while limiting their number and blocking the growth of green mass by the plant.

When to shape a pumpkin

Pinching is the removal of part of the stem above the fruit that has set. After such a procedure, all the juices that the plant would spend on the further growth of the shoot will go to the ripening of the fetus. You can start pinching pumpkin lashes after their length reaches at least 1 m. The procedure itself should be carried out in the early morning, before the onset of heat. If the day is cloudy, then work can be done throughout the day.

How to pinch a pumpkin in the open field, depending on the variety and type

Pumpkins are distinguished by a wide variety of varieties and species. There are three main groups of these plants:

  • Decorative. Such pumpkins have a beautiful appearance and are used to decorate household plots, as well as ornamental material and souvenirs.
  • Feed. Raised for feeding to pets.
  • Cutlery. Such varieties of pumpkins are used for food.

In addition, pumpkins are divided depending on the timing of ripening, the size of the fruit, the length of the lashes and some other factors.

Formation of a bush in 1,2 and 3 stems

Ornamental and fodder varieties of pumpkin are usually not pinched, because in this case the size and taste do not matter. When forming table varieties, the formation is carried out in 1,2 or 3 stems, depending on the yield of the variety, soil fertility and the climate of the region. In the most unfavorable conditions, with insufficient nutritional value of the soil and a cool climate, the plant is formed into 1 stem. To do this, 2 fruits are left on the main lash, the stem is pinched at a distance of 4-5 leaves above the outermost fruit.

In more favorable conditions, you can form a pumpkin in 2 stems (main lash + lateral) or 3 (main + 2 lateral). In this case, an additional 1 fruit is left on each of the side shoots. Above it, at a distance of 5 leaves, pinch the stem.

The scheme of pumpkin formation in open ground is shown in the figure below.

Outdoor pumpkin care: pinching and shaping

How to pinch a bush pumpkin in the open field

Bush pumpkin varieties do not form long lashes, so many gardeners grow such varieties in order to save space on the site. However, such species also need to be pinched. Otherwise, the bush will form a large number of empty shoots. The harvest must also be rationed, otherwise it will be small-fruited and tasteless. 3-4 ovaries are usually left per bush. All other flowers are removed, as well as extra side shoots.

A video on pinching a pumpkin and how to shape it to get a good harvest can be viewed at the link below.

Ways to form a pumpkin

Pinching a climbing gourd in the open field

Pumpkin is characterized by intensive growth and significant size of the stems, so a lot of space is needed for their cultivation in open ground. In crowded planting, the stems are often intertwined with each other, which creates additional difficulties. When grown in a creeping form, it is possible to form a melon in 1,2 or 3 stems, it all depends on the climate of the region and the fertility of the land. The worse the conditions, the fewer shoots and ovaries must be left.

Climbing pumpkins are pinched after the size of the fruit ovaries exceeds 10 cm. The stems are straightened so that they are directed to the south. The pumpkin is very fond of light and warmth, this orientation will allow the bush to receive more sunlight.

Important! With a significant number of pumpkin plantings, an experiment can be carried out by forming neighboring bushes according to different schemes. Thus, it will be possible to choose the optimal one for this area.

Climbing pumpkin can be grown both in creeping and bush form, using natural or artificial supports: fences, nets, walls. The plant is perfectly kept on them with the help of tendrils. With this method of cultivation, two shoots are usually formed, the main and side, spreading them in opposite directions. The general principle of formation remains unchanged. 2-3 fruit ovaries are left on the main lash, 1 on the side. Stepping back from them, 4-6 leaves are pinched.

Outdoor pumpkin care: pinching and shaping

After pinching, the plant will continue to strive to grow green mass, constantly releasing side shoots – stepchildren. They must be removed immediately.

Important! Ripening pumpkins with this method of cultivation can come off the stem under their own weight. To prevent this from happening, the fruits must be placed in special mesh bags and tied to a support.

Another video on how to properly pinch a pumpkin when grown outdoors: 

How to pinch a pumpkin

Culture care after pinching

After removing part of the shoot, fresh sections are usually not processed, they dry out on their own. You can also sprinkle them with earth to minimize moisture loss. In order for the plant to receive additional nutrition, the internodes of the lashes are sprinkled with soil. This not only fixes the plant on the ground and prevents it from moving around the bed under the influence of the wind, in such places the stem takes root. Under each fruit lying on the ground, it is necessary to place a piece of foam or a plank, thereby limiting its contact with the ground.

After the formation of the pumpkin bush, all normal care operations should be continued: watering, weeding, top dressing.

A few tips for beginner gardeners

Pinching a pumpkin in the open field is a very important event. To get a quality crop, this procedure is indispensable. Here are some tips for novice gardeners to help avoid mistakes when doing work.

  1. All work on the formation of a pumpkin can only be started after fist-sized fruits have formed on it.
  2. Pinching significantly reduces the ripening period of the fruit. This is very important when growing pumpkins in the northern regions. In order for a short summer to be enough for full ripening, in such regions the plant is formed into 1 stem, leaving 1-2 fruits on it. It is also possible to reduce the ripening period of the crop by using the seedling method of growing, when not seeds are planted in open ground, but a plant that has already begun to grow.
  3. For areas with an unfavorable climate, it is better to choose bush or weakly branching varieties of early ripening.
  4. You don’t have to chase quantity. Even in the southern fertile regions, only 3-5 pumpkins on a bush fully ripen, the rest are small, unripe and tasteless.
  5. It is best to pinch early in the morning. Then before the end of the day, the sections will have time to dry.
  6. Some gardeners leave 1-2 fruit ovaries “in reserve”. They will come in handy in case of death or damage to the main fruits. And you can cut them off at any time.
  7. No need to be afraid to add lashes or sprinkle them with earth, fixing them in the garden. They will take much more damage if they are intertwined and then have to be untangled.
  8. Stepchildren, extra shoots, unnecessary flowers should continue to be cut off until harvest, so that they do not draw on some of the nutrients.
  9. Growing squash on a net or support can significantly reduce the area occupied by the squash. It is much more convenient to pinch such plants, since all the lashes are in sight.
  10. The nets in which ripening pumpkins are hung must be rotated periodically so that the fruits are illuminated by the sun evenly from all sides. This improves their taste.
  11. Young shoots and stepchildren are usually removed simply by hand. To cut a large shoot, it is more convenient to use an ordinary garden pruner.


Forming a pumpkin in the open field is quite simple. Many gardeners forget about the need to do this, relying on the fact that the pumpkin itself will regulate the number of fruits and give a good harvest. However, this happens only in the southern regions, in which the long summer allows the fruits to ripen completely in natural conditions. In an unfavorable climate, without pinching, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a good harvest.

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