Outdoor game hot cold, rules for children
One of the most favorite fun for kids of all ages is the hot cold game. Thanks to this entertainment, you can diversify the baby’s leisure time or make an interesting surprise for a holiday, if, for example, you do not hand the gift in hand, but hide and guide the baby to the present with tips.
The rules of the game “Hot and cold”
The main goal of this fun is to find a hidden object, guided by the prompts of others. At the same time, the participants cannot point to the exact location of the “treasure”, but must only guide the person entering in the right direction with the help of prompts.
The game “hot cold” is liked by all children, regardless of age.
To start playing, ask the one who will be looking for the “treasure” to leave the room and hide an object, such as a toy. After that, the driver walks around the room, trying to determine the place. And the rest of the participants can help him with the following phrases:
- Very cold! Alternatively, you can say – winter, frost, completely frozen. These words mean that the player is moving in the opposite direction and is far away from the subject.
- Cold! The hidden treasure is a little closer, but still too far away.
- Warmer! The phrase says that the seeker has approached the goal and is moving in the right direction.
- It’s cold again! These words are pronounced if the seeker again went in the wrong direction.
- Hot! The phrase is pronounced if the seeker got very close to the hidden object.
- Hot! Alternatively, you can say words such as burning, fire. They mean that the object is at hand’s distance from the seeker.
This interesting entertainment not only diversifies the kids’ leisure time, but also brings a lot of benefits. Indeed, thanks to the fun, logical thinking improves, as well as the speed of reaction.
Options for outdoor games for children
To have fun, you don’t have to stick to the rules, because there is always the opportunity to bring something of your own into the entertainment. For example, you can clap your hands or stomp your feet instead of the usual words. And the closer the participant is to the hidden object, the louder the claps. In addition, you can complicate the task and arrange “championships” for a while, or team competitions between kids and adults. In this case, the search will be exciting.
An interesting entertainment called “hot cold” will bring a lot of pleasure to both kids and their parents. After all, you can play this fun at any time. Moreover, it does not require a large company.