Outdoor game for children – Third extra: rules
Dynamic games for children perform important functions: the baby develops physically, gets new skills and abilities, and improves health. Active fun helps the kid find a common language with peers. These are the “third extra” and “I hear you”.
Outdoor game for children “Extra third”
The game “The third extra” contributes to the development of reaction and tactics. It is suitable for organizing very young children and schoolchildren. The game will be more interesting if as many children as possible take part in it. It is better if there are an even number of players. Otherwise, one baby can be assigned as a presenter who will monitor violations and resolve controversial issues.
The third extra game will help the child quickly adapt to the new team.
Rules of the game:
- With the help of a rhyme, the driver and the evader are determined. The rest of the guys will form in pairs in a large circle.
- The driver tries to catch the evader inside the circle, who can leave the circle, running around only two pairs. During the game, the runner can take any player by the hand and shout “Superfluous!” In this case, the kid left without a pair becomes a runaway.
- If the driver has managed to touch the escaper, then they change roles.
The game can continue until the children get tired.
The rules of the game “I hear you”
This active game develops attentiveness, teaches children to use tactics, and helps to unite the children’s team. During the fun, kids should be able to show dexterity, as well as restrain emotions so as not to give away their whereabouts. The best place to play is a small lawn in a quiet park. The adult should take on the role of the facilitator.
The course of the game includes the following points:
- The driver is drawn by lot, who is blindfolded and seated on a stump in the center of the lawn. At this moment, the rest scatter in different directions, but no further than five meters.
- After the signal, the guys begin to quietly move towards the driver. Their task is to come close to him and touch him. At the same time, it is forbidden to stay in place and not move. Otherwise, the presenter can exclude the participant from the game.
- When the driver hears a rustle, he points the other side with his finger and says “I hear you.” If the leader sees that the direction is correct, then the participant who surrendered himself is eliminated.
The game ends when the driver hears all the participants or one of the players touches him with his hand.
Be sure to introduce your child to these games. After all, kids who take part in active fun always have a good appetite and sleep soundly at night.