Our Polish problem is still a big one – smog and respiratory diseases in children and adults

On September 10, as part of the XXII Conference of Allergologists, Pulmonologists and Clinical Immunologists / Kazimierz Meetings with Allergology and Pulmonology, held on September 10-12, there will be an open session “Our Polish, still a big problem – smog and respiratory diseases in children and adults ”, co-organized by the Foundation for the Development of Lublin Pulmonology and Allergology – the organizer of the Conference, Sans Souci Konferencje and the Medonet editorial team.

The session will be organized on the first day of the event – on Friday, September 10th. Everything will be broadcast on the Internet, including via Facebook. It will start at 12:00. The meeting will be chaired by Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając, editor-in-chief of Medonet.

The group of experts will include: prof. dr hab. n. med. Tadeusz Zielonka – Chair and Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Kuna – Department of Internal Diseases, Asthma and Allergy, Medical University of Lodz, prof. dr hab. n.med. Michał Pirożyński – Department of Allergology and Pneumology, Medical Center of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, prof. dr hab. med. Paweł Śliwiński – President of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Lung Diseases, prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Emeryk – Department of Lung Diseases and Pediatric Rheumatology, University Children’s Hospital in Lublin, and Paweł Bijoś, MD, PhD – Medical Department of Teva Pharmaceuticals Polska, pediatrician and founding member of the Coalition of Doctors and Scientists for Clean Air.

It is estimated that in Poland about 35-45 thousand people die prematurely every year due to the negative impact of smog. The main causes of death are respiratory diseases, but also stroke, heart attack and heart failure caused by them. In addition, over 6 million people in Poland suffer from asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but many cases remain undiagnosed.

The deteriorating air condition only exacerbates this problem. The situation is serious – according to data from the World Health Organization, since 2016 Poland has been on the podium of European countries with the highest concentration of harmful substances in the air. Despite the more and more widespread debate on the effects of bad air condition, the condition of the air in our country is not improving.

The problem of the health of the youngest deserves special attention, and thus increased action. Children are exposed to the harmful effects of polluted air to a much greater extent than adults, according to UNICEF. Meanwhile, over 60 percent. Polish kindergartens are located in places where the permissible air quality standards are exceeded for at least 35 days a year.

All the more, we need an open, public debate with the participation of authorities in the world of medicine, which will shed new, much more light on the problem that may soon become the main cause of the epidemic of respiratory diseases among adults and children.

The following issues will be discussed during the session:

  1. The impact of smog on the health of Poles
  2. Reporting data on the level of air pollution 
  3. The impact of smog on respiratory diseases in adults 
  4. The impact of smog on respiratory diseases in children 
  5. Healthy air means healthy lungs – about the influence of the environment on the respiratory system
  6. How the pharmaceutical industry can contribute to the protection of our environment
  7. How to deal with air pollution? What can we do? How to protect the little ones?

During the special session, apart from the discussion with the participation of the lecturer and experts, questions prepared by the readers of the Medonet editorial office will be asked. We would like to remind you – the session organized jointly by the Foundation for the Development of Pulmonology and Allergology in Lublin, Sans Souci Konferencje and the Medonet editorial team will be broadcast on the Internet, including via Facebook. We invite you to participate.

More information at: allergologia-kazimierz.pl

See also:

  1. Every year, it silently kills 45 Poles
  2. How to protect yourself from smog? Practical advice
  3. Smog – how does air pollution affect our health?

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