Our fears in our dreams

You are sitting in a car that cannot stop, you have lost your keys, you have come to the exam, and there is another teacher in the classroom … What do our fears say when they appear not in reality, but in a dream?

1. I’m taking an exam and I don’t know anything!

You came to take an exam and can’t find an audience. Late, come in and see that another teacher is sitting in it and in general it turns out that you need to take another subject. Or the subject is the one you need, but you don’t know anything! Or you are performing on stage and you forgot the words…

These are dreams about anxiety about your public actions or performance. You are afraid that if you don’t do something well, you will be rejected or ridiculed. Chances are there are areas in your life where you feel unprepared for a challenge or feel like you’re being discussed.

Ask yourself: What new feature would I like to try, but still feel like I’m not ready? Whose expectations are you afraid to disappoint? What do you need to do to feel competent?

2. I lost my wallet and keys!

Dreams of lost items indicate that there is something in your life that you are particularly attached to. Fear in a dream does not arise by chance. It’s as if we are asking ourselves: what will happen if I don’t save, store and lock it all up?

Losing your wallet could mean it’s time to rethink your identity – to think about who you really are.

Losing a car in a dream is a reason to think about how your need for movement, freedom and independence is realized. You may have defined it differently in the past than you do now.

Losing your keys most likely indicates that you are afraid of missing out on some opportunity or losing credibility.

Losing money may mean that you are ready to let go of something that was meaningful to you until recently. You probably want to understand what is really important to you right now.

Ask yourself: perhaps I have already outgrown the idea of ​​myself that was relevant before? Isn’t it time to let go of the situation, to let everything take its course, to trust your intuition? In what areas is it important for you to feel freedom and peace?

3. My car can’t stop! (Or, conversely, does not move from its place)

Such dreams occur when something in life is out of control, you feel powerless to fix it, or you are afraid that you will fail. Transport in general and a car in particular, seen in a dream, symbolize your movement through life.

Determine if you are a driver or a passenger? If in a dream you are riding in the back seat, this is no accident. If you are being taken along crooked lanes to where you do not want, even more so.

See how the machine from your dream functions. Difficulties with it indicate problems in real life. If in a dream you cannot stop and the brakes do not work, you may be moving too fast or about to make a big mistake.

Ask yourself: who controls my life and where should I slow down and be more careful, and where should I speed up?

4. I am without clothes, and there are people around!

Such a dream suggests that in real life you feel vulnerable in some areas. Perhaps you are afraid of getting into a situation where everyone can see right through you.

Being naked in public in a dream also means being taken by surprise, unprepared or uninformed in some work matters.

Ask yourself: what am i hiding? What’s wrong with being seen for who I really am? Can I tolerate and even love my imperfections? Where do I need to make an effort and become more prepared?

5. A monster is chasing me!

You run, trying to break away or hide from the pursuer, but he always finds you. Suddenly, your legs are paralyzed, you cannot move, and you realize with horror that he has overtaken you.

Such dreams about the chase speak of the fear of facing something that we have a negative attitude towards. For example, own anger or irresponsibility. Or fear to go to the conflict, to withstand it.

Ask yourself: what do i want to avoid? What do I close my eyes to? To whom did you give your power? To whom and when did he give up the right to take his place? And how do you learn to deal with conflict?

6. I found the money!

It would seem, what do our fears have to do with it? You have found a wad of money or are trying on a piece of jewelry that looks like it was made for you.

Dreams about finds themselves leave joy in the soul, but their deep foundation hides fear. A dream in which we find something gives us the opportunity to feel abundance, to breathe freely and not need anything, to feel like the owner of a whole fortune.

Such dreams can be considered at different levels of generalization. On the surface, they may harbor fears of never making enough money or losing what they already have.

If you look deeper – you want to be happy, powerful, and you literally see it in a dream. But even deeper – perhaps we are afraid of being unloved, of being left without support, of not earning the favor of fate.

Our subconscious, our inner “I”, with the help of a dream about finds, made us a real gift – it showed us what it means to be happy, blissful, what it is like to feel that life gives only good things.

Ask yourself: what precious gifts from life do I expect and which ones I may have received a long time ago and did not notice?

Two facts about dreams

It doesn’t matter who you dream about – those who participate in them only talk about what is happening in your real life right now. Dreams are a visual picture of our inner state.

Not always fears in a dream indicate fears in real life. Psychoanalyst Mark Blechner notes that dreaming about an exam may mean that you have long wanted to show what you are capable of. And if you’re being chased by a (not-so-scary) stalker, maybe you want to be stalked… romantically?

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