Our answer Kardashian: 10 Volgograd women who know how to make the ass perfect

Each of us wants to become the owner of a flawless figure, including perfect buttocks. What are the steps to take towards your dream? Where should you start, and what should you give up forever? 10 Volgograd women with chic shapes share their secrets with Woman’s Day readers, proving by personal example that nothing is impossible. The main thing is persistent and regular work on yourself!

Alina Muravyova

Personal Fitness Trainer

Height – 163 cm, weight – 53 kg, age – 21 years

How to make your butt perfect? “If nature has not rewarded you with ideal forms, it doesn’t matter! There are many simple ways to pump the buttocks. Always start with basic exercises like squats. One of my favorites and the most effective ones are lunges! It can be done both at home and in the gym. Also, do not forget about the technique of performing the exercises, a personal trainer will help with this. In general, the main advice for beginners is to get started! It is important to make every effort while exercising and to properly adjust your diet – and then everything will definitely work out! “

Maria Beteva

Personal trainer for fitness and bodybuilding

Height – 165 cm, weight – 57 kg, age – 21 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“The recipe for a perfect butt is simple! We need:

Booty – 1 pc.

Motivation – 100 kg

Tenacity – 100 kg

Patience – 50 g

Personal trainer – 1 pc.

Sleep – 7 hours a day

Selfies – 54 pcs.

We mix motivation, perseverance, put a tablespoon of patience, there is also a pinch of your favorite music to taste. We send all this for two months to the fitness club to the trainer – and the perfect ass is ready! “

Veronika Popova

Trainer at the XFit sports club

Height – 162,5 cm, weight – 51 kg

How to make your butt perfect?

“My secret is regular weight training. Squats and lunges are some of the most effective exercises. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest in the human body, so it makes no sense to pump it “fluently” and with a small weight. My max squat is 100 kg. Worker – 70 to 10. Start small (20-30 kg minimum), gradually increasing the pace and number of approaches. “

Svetlana Trosh

Pole dance instructor at the Argo pole sports choreography studio

Height – 165 cm, weight – 52 kg, age – 31 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“The secret of beautiful buttocks lies, first of all, in the complete rejection of bad habits. It is necessary to exclude any soda from your diet, do not consume alcohol and tobacco. All this makes the skin of the buttocks dry, loose and unattractive. The second important point is, of course, sports, namely the squat is the king of all exercises. Since I work exclusively with my own weight, I also perform squats in various variations without additional loads. The frequency and duration of training are also important. ”

Oxy Konovalova

Personal fitness trainer

Height – 176 cm, weight – 65 kg

How to make your butt perfect?

“Well-chosen strength training plus proper nutrition – the success of a beautiful figure and perfect buttocks. I will gladly tell you all the secrets and nuances in my workouts, I invite everyone! “

Ekaterina Gorunova

Owner of the online store The Hip Store

Height – 167 cm, weight – 54 kg, age – 25 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“Those who do not want to work on themselves will always find excuses. Personally, I most often study at home due to the lack of free time to visit the gym. 20-30 minutes at least every other day is enough for me to keep my body in good shape. Sometimes you manage to get into the stadium for cardio training. I cannot say that I have ideal forms, I have something to strive for. The main thing is not to be lazy! Love yourself and work on yourself! “

Lepilina Ekaterina

Leading specialist for advertising projects at Mall’ER magazine

Height – 172 cm, weight – 56 kg, age – 29 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“There are no special secrets, and there cannot be. It’s all about sports and a balanced diet! If you want everyone to turn around after you – squat, do lunges, fall in love with different variations of deadlifts and hyperextension, do not be afraid to “pump” and train with iron. The main thing in everything is regularity! And then the result will exceed all expectations! “

Daria Mitrofanova


Height – 162 cm, weight – 47 kg, age – 23 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“Only regular training, proper nutrition, willpower and a great desire to become the owner of the perfect ass! I go to the gym 3 times a week. Together with the trainer, we developed a program aimed at the buttocks and leg muscles. Here are the main exercises – squats with a barbell row, plie, cross-legged squat, on one leg (“pistol”), leg press in the simulator (GACK), leg extension and reduction in the simulator, leg abduction alternately on block (crossover), gluteal bridge, or lifting the pelvis in the simulator. As you already understood, there are a lot of exercises. But the main thing is not quantity, but quality. In order to avoid injuries, at first, it is better to work with a trainer who will select exercises taking into account your state of health, physiological characteristics and level of physical fitness, and also explain the technique of performing the exercises. I wish you all good training and good results! “

Ksenia Glukhovskaya


Height – 167 cm, weight – 50 kg, age – 19 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“The first important step is proper nutrition, without it even training cannot help you achieve the desired result. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits: as corny as it may sound, they help us stay healthy and energetic. Also, on the way to the rounded buttocks of your dreams, regular workouts will help. My workout goes like this: first, I run on a treadmill to stretch my body and prepare it for strength loads. Then I do exercises on the buttocks with the help of various simulators, as well as with my own weight (often the latter also have a significant impact on the appearance of the fifth point). The main thing is not to be lazy, and then everything will definitely work out! “

Lydia Zimina

Pole dance instructor at the Argo pole sports choreography studio

Height – 155 cm, weight – 45 kg, age – 29 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“It is important to start the day right: woke up, stretched, smiled. Do not forget about proper nutrition: cottage cheese for breakfast, chicken for lunch, light salad for dinner. Move more! For example, I solve all matters in the city on a bicycle: fun, fast and athletic. And in the evening you can work hard on the sports ground or go to your favorite Argo studio. “

Nina Chursina

Fitness trainer

Height – 161 cm, weight – 48 kg, age – 25 years

How to make your butt perfect?

“I have my own system of work on the body – there is no iron, heavy squats and unimaginable loads. In girls, I like femininity and naturalness, I do not like pumped body parts. I have my own approach to creating an ideal figure, including luxurious buttocks: special exercises with 1,5 kg dumbbells and a viscous elastic band with a resistance of 8 kg. “

They have already received their main prize – an impeccable figure – thanks to their perseverance and willpower. We just decided to please the girl with the most ideal figure with a pleasant surprise. Nina Chursina, for whom 431 people voted, will receive a certificate for services from the Isabella Medical Cosmetology Clinic and a set of glossy magazines from Wday.ru. Congratulations to the winner and thanks to everyone who participated!

Voting ended on August 26, 2016. For information on receiving prizes, please contact the brand manager at group on VKontakte.

Who has achieved ideal forms?

  • Alina Muravyova

  • Maria Beteva

  • Veronika Popova

  • Svetlana Trosh

  • Oxy Konovalova

  • Ekaterina Gorunova

  • Ekaterina Lepilina

  • Daria Mitrofanova

  • Ksenia Glukhovskaya

  • Lydia Zimina

  • Nina Chursina

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