Our advice for accepting aging

Our advice for accepting aging

Our advice for accepting aging
It’s unanimous: no one likes to see white hair and wrinkles appear. Yet it is impossible to fight against time and the years inexorably follow one another. So you might as well take things with philosophy. Here are our tips for accepting aging.

Since it is impossible to prevent the passing of time, we might as well accept to grow old. Here’s how.

Meditate on death

Death is the last phase of our time on earth. Even though we know she will end our life, we all hope that day arrives as late as possible. And inevitably, the older we get the more time approaches

Does this idea scare you? This is normal but luckily you can tame this anxiety. According to Marie de Hennel, psychotherapist, “ Meditating on your finitude allows you to age serenely », We read in an article by Psychologies. Look to your past and reflect on all that you have accomplished and be proud of it. If necessary, read texts such as St. Augustine’s prayer: Death is nothing.

Some people, to be less afraid of their own death and of the day when they will leave for the afterlife, prepare their funeral. Texts, celebration, choice of the coffin and flowers… A way of ensuring that everything will be done in its own way which can be reassuring.

Make peace with others and yourself

Ask forgiveness from those you have hurt, (re) express your affection to the people you love. Can’t you do it? Write them a nice letter! A wonderful memory to keep and a real source of happiness and peace of mind for everyone.

To be at peace with yourself, get rid of anything that could eat away at you, drive away remorse, regret and grudges.

Learn to love each other

Do you have wrinkles appearing on your face? Your white hair is more and more numerous? Are you sure this is unsightly? Be objective : if on Georges Clooney, you find that salt and pepper hair is not without charm, tell yourself that it may also be your case! What else? As for wrinkles, they give character to a face: don’t you think?

Getting older doesn’t mean getting ugly, it’s just a change. Look how smoother the skin is on an older person. You can be old and beautiful: it is absolutely not incompatible!

To feel useful

One of the fears that emerge as we get older is the fear of addiction and feeling useless. To no longer feel this fear, make yourself useful and above all, feel useful.

Helping a child with homework, relieving a young mother by babysitting her children for a few hours, getting involved in a charity … There are lots of ways to help yourself : everyone to find what they are capable of doing.

Make way for projects

When you were younger and active, did you find that you didn’t have time to do nothing? Since aging rhymes with retirement, see the bright side : you will finally be able to achieve what you have been wanting to do for years!

Now is the time to embark on all the projects that you did not have time to realize: finally write that book that has been germinating for years in your brain, take that trip around the world that you dream of so much, spend your helicopter license, learn a new instrument … in short, the projects and the free time are up to you !

Remember these words spoken by General MacArthur during the eulogy for US President Roosevelt: “ Youth is not a period of life, it is a state of mind “. We can age while remaining young: “ You will stay young as long as you remain receptive. Receptive to what is beautiful, good and great. Responsive to the messages of Nature, women, men and the Infinite ».

Our complete file: Aging well


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