Our advice against cellulite and cellulite!

What woman doesn’t dream of saying goodbye to her orange peel? Food, massages … we give you our professional advice to put an end to cellulite.

Eat light and balanced


At night, we pay for our excess during the day because the fat cells, the adipocytes, make reserves. Between 21 p.m. and 6 a.m., storage is maximum. Glucose that has not been burned is converted into triglycerides by fat cells … which get bigger. And cellulite with it. Fortunately, nighttime rest promotes intense drainage of water and toxins. This is why it is recommended to drink a glass of water before falling asleep. To lose or reduce cellulite, it is also essential to have a healthy diet. But losing weight while on a diet is not enough. Cellulite fatty tissue is resistant to calorie restriction. To have results, it is necessary to establish a nutritional assessment with a doctor or a dietitian and to take into account the various triggering factors: psychological and hormonal state, behavior and eating habits, family and individual weight history, decrease in physical activity, state of lean mass and fat mass.


Massage at will


After a body scrub (if you have time) massage your body starting at the ankles and working your way up the thighs with draining essential oils. The essential oils of cedar, grapefruit and geranium are effective in disinfiltrating, activating lymphatic circulation and strengthening venous microcirculation. This massage will bear more fruit if it is preceded by a shower in cold water, always starting from the ankles and going up along the leg to stimulate circulation. In the evening, before going to bed, apply a cream that refines the curves by kneading the orange peel and the dimples to promote exchanges … A sort of homemade feel / roll! Also consider lymphatic drainage. It is a gentle massage performed most often by a physiotherapist masseur, which helps the small lymphatic vessels to bring lymphatic fluid back up to the veins and the heart. This technique “decongests” the legs and thighs of the lymph which tends to accumulate there, and fights cellulite by promoting circulation.

Practice a sport


Swimming, walking, jogging, cycling… All sports that work the lower limbs can also help you fight orange peel. They activate the blood circulation of the lower limbs and mobilize fatty deposits. The ideal is to practice a sporting activity at least twice a week (with a minimum of 30 minutes per session). And then, everyday prefer the stairs (by contracting the buttocks) on the elevator.

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