“Our 10 enchanted minutes” to … make a Chinese portrait

Make a Chinese portrait


The aim of the game ?

To be able to describe what we are, what represents us, what we like through different themes. This allows you to (re) discover the other and have fun imagining them in different ways.


The unfolding?

If you were a vegetable? A sport ? A dish ? A color ? A smell ? A place ? A book ? A movie ? A song ? One fruit ? An animal ? A cartoon character or an illustrated album? Take as many criteria as you want (this should not be too long because everyone has to pass them). It is often very funny!


For older children, we vary the questions: a country? A work of art ? A celebrity ? A monument ?


After that ?

Cutting: You illustrate your Chinese portrait by cutting out corresponding elements from magazines and gluing them on a white or colored page (on a black background, it makes you look pretty darn pretty).


By Super Julie

But who is Super-Julie?

Super-Julie is a mother and teacher, specializing in the selection of quality apps for children. But that’s not all. Since nothing is more important to a child than the time spent with him, Super-Julie also offers a multitude of small activities to create quality memories. You don’t need (almost) anything, just the desire to have a good time with the kids! What to have fun, discuss, create, share, build, jump, dance, whirl… Find more ideas on his site.

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