Otoscope – types and application. Which one to choose for home use? WE EXPLAIN

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There are many instruments in the doctor’s office that are helpful in performing daily diagnostic tests. One such device is the ENT otoscope, a handy device that allows you to look into the ear, nose or throat of the patient. By looking through the otoscope, the physician should be able to locate a foreign body stuck in one of these areas or to identify inflammation characterized by severe redness and swelling.

Although the name otoscope refers to the Greek name of the hearing organ (otos – ear), it is sometimes used to scan other organs located around the head and neck. An otoscopic examination, usually performed by an ENT specialist, does not cause pain, unless the insertion of the tool mechanically irritates the existing inflammation. It is a completely safe procedure.

Otoscopy allows you to make an appropriate diagnosis and take action to remove the problem or exclude ENT causes.

What exactly does an ENT doctor do? Read: ENT specialist – indications for a visit, course of examination, treatment

Types of otoscopes

There are many types of otoscopes available online or in-store in medical stores. Due to the type of lighting, we can divide them into three groups. The first group includes otoscopes with direct illumination, where the bulb is located behind the speculum window and directly illuminates the ear canal or the throat.

The second group includes otoscopes with fiber optic illumination, where the bulb is mounted in the head of the otoscope. In this type of device, the light is led through the light guide to the illumination end of the otoscope.

The third group includes otoscopes with fiber optic lighting and LED diode. These are the latest generation devices that have recently been available on the market. Thanks to the LED diode, we have a guarantee that the otoscope will work for a long time without having to replace the light source. It is also important to use less energy. When buying this type of otoscope, it is worth paying attention to the parameters of the LED diode, the color reproduction indicator and the color temperature.

Proper lighting, i.e. color reproduction in the case of ENT or pediatric examinations, is extremely important and helpful in the diagnosis of ailments.

The magnification scale in the otoscope

In classic otoscopes, the magnification is threefold. Such magnification guarantees proper otoscopy. In medical stores, otoscopes with higher magnification, up to four times, are also available. However, it is worth remembering that the higher the magnification, the smaller the field of view. In the case of advanced otoscopes, this dependence may not be felt or completely reduced.

The magnifying lens should be made of mineral glass or acrylic. These types of lenses are more resistant to scratching and allow a better view of the tested canal.

Pediatric otoscope

What to consider when choosing an otoscope for pediatric examinations? It is very important to buy the right otoscope for a pediatrician, because every visit of a young child to the doctor is associated with a lot of stress. Therefore, the physician should ensure that the examination is carried out quickly and without problems. An otoscope for a pediatrician should resemble a colorful, friendly toy with its appearance and shape, so that the little patient is not afraid of the examination.

If the doctor does not have this type of otoscope, he can carry out the examination with an ordinary device with a speculum appropriately adapted to the age of the child.

Otoscope for the family doctor

A family medicine doctor should get an otoscope, which is universal, because he can see both small patients and adults in his office. It is important that your GP has several sizes of specula sizes so that they can be sized for each patient you are visiting.

Can a family doctor replace a pediatrician? Read more: Family doctor instead of a pediatrician. Is that a good solution?

ENT otoscope

An otoscope for an ENT doctor is the most important diagnostic device. The ENT specialist uses this type of equipment in practically every patient. Endoscopy of the external ear canal, assessment of the eardrum or respiratory system is the basic test by which an otorhinolaryngologist can diagnose diseases such as: otitis externa, fluid behind the eardrum (e.g. purulent discharge, inflammatory effusion), laryngitis, purulent angina or oversized palatine tonsils.

See also: Enlarged tonsils: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Before starting the examination, you need to put the otoscope head on the handpiece, both these parts should be kept separately. Then, to perform the otoscopic examination properly, you need to insert a speculum. There are two types of specula: disposable and reusable, the size of which is from 2,2 mm to 10 mm.

After precise placement of the speculum, slightly pull the auricle up or down depending on the patient’s age to straighten the ear canal and gently insert the otoscope. Thanks to the emission of light from the otoscope, the doctor can accurately assess the condition of the patient’s eardrum.

Some otoscopes are equipped with a special balloon and a speculum with a soft end sealing the ear canal. With this type of otoscope, we can evaluate the mobility of the eardrum.

Otoscopy allows you to diagnose minor ailments and serious diseases. These include: ear barotrauma; complications after viral infection; acute otitis media; hemorrhagic otitis; wax plugs; foreign body in the outer ear; perforation of the tympanic membrane; and neoplastic diseases.

How to unclog a clogged ear? Read: Clogged ear – causes, ways to unclog your ears

If a doctor of a different specialization than otolaryngology in his work quite often encounters minor ENT problems, it is worth considering investing in this type of equipment. When it is not about the basic work tool, an otoscope in a reduced, pocket-size form may be enough – they are much cheaper than full-size counterparts, they also have fewer additional functions, which, however, can only be fully used by a specialist.

Important elements that should be taken into account are the parameters of the device, the method of illuminating the examined area and a set of issues related to maintaining the functionality and servicing of the otoscope. Inexpensive instruments with this name usually refer only to the speculum part (the so-called otoscope head), so it is worth reading whether the offer also includes an otoscope handle (or body).

Of course, the quality of workmanship and the materials from which the device is made are also important: the magnifying lens in the head can be glass or plastic, and the camera shaft can be made of metal or plastic.

It is also worth considering the costs associated with the supplementation of replaceable parts – some otoscopes require disposable elements, individual for each patient. This can generate quite high additional costs, which we do not always take into account when choosing an otoscope for our surgery.

An otoscope examination requires a light source, which in some cases is built into the equipment itself, and in other cases it will be necessary to use an external lamp. Of course, a fiber optic otoscope with an LED lamp will be much more expensive, but we will certainly appreciate the comfort of using this equipment compared to those that require a different light source.

The same applies to the power source. The cheaper otoscopes are usually battery operated, which deplete quite quickly. Slightly more expensive devices equipped with a battery can often be charged with the same charger that we use for other devices located in the office, which allows you to save costs.

The origin of the equipment is important, and more precisely where it can be serviced. It is known that if you buy an otoscope from a little-known foreign brand, a warranty repair may be associated with a long waiting time for repair of the equipment. Therefore, it is worth looking for an otoscope, the service of which is performed as close as possible.

Despite the relatively high price of medical equipment, some parents decide to purchase an ENT otoscope for their own use. Indeed, using this equipment to locate small parts that are stuck in a toddler’s ear or nose is not beyond a parent’s skill.

One of the typical potentially dangerous behaviors for children are attempts to introduce small elements into the holes of the body – sometimes it is quite difficult to remove a toy, but sometimes it is most difficult to find out what is the cause of the problem. In such a situation, it would be good to have an otoscope at hand, the use of which allows you to quickly assess whether an external element inserted there by a toddler is not stuck in the nasal or pharyngeal cavity (or in the ear canal). If the foreign body is close enough that we are able to deal with its removal on our own – it can certainly be seen with the naked eye. If, however, it is not possible to notice the problem, it will be necessary to visit a specialist to remove it.

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