
Otorhinolaryngology (otolaryngology) is a branch of medicine and a clinical specialty. It is based on the diagnosis/therapy/prevention of ENT diseases. Practitioners are called otolaryngologists or ENT doctors for short. What you need to know about the direction, what pathologies does the doctor work with, what to expect from diagnostics and therapy?


This is a field of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis/treatment/prevention of pathologies of the ear, throat, nose, head and neck. The discipline itself was formed in the XNUMXth century, incorporating not only general practice, but also surgery. A practicing otolaryngologist has knowledge in the field of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, neurology and bacteriology.

ENT organs provide protection from the pathogenic environment, are responsible for normal breathing, hearing and other vital processes. It is this group of organs that most often suffers from seasonal acute respiratory diseases (ARI). The ear, nose, pharynx and larynx are closely connected to each other, so infection of one organ immediately spreads to others.

In addition to infectious, bacteriological diseases and mechanical injuries, an otolaryngologist is treated with allergic manifestations – a runny nose, cough and other associated symptoms. Also, the competence of the doctor includes the elimination of snoring, bad breath (if it is associated with pathologies of the upper respiratory tract) and the normalization of hearing.

Very often, a person confuses the onset of serious ENT diseases with the usual acute respiratory infections or fatigue after a long working day. Watch your own body and visit a doctor regularly to prevent complications or start irreversible processes.

Professional duties of a doctor

An otolaryngologist works with pathologies of the ear, throat, nose, neck and head. The spectrum of diseases begins with the common cold, and ends with cancerous growths in the larynx. The doctor corrects voice problems, swallowing problems, ringing in the ears, or complete hearing loss. The specialist also deals with allergic pathologies. He finds out the causes of the disease, creates an individual therapeutic course, informs the patient about the features of his condition and recommends methods for preventing allergies. In a separate category, otolaryngologists-surgeons are distinguished. They correct anomalies of the ENT organs: deviated nasal septum, ear deformities, drooping eyelids, cleft palate.

Diseases that the doctor works with
Organ/organ systemPathology
Nasopharynx/oral cavityAdenoids
Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis)
Atresia / synechia of the oral cavity
sinusitis, aerosinusitis
Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils
Retropharyngeal abscess
The presence of foreign bodies
Laryngitis (regardless of form)
Deformation of the nasal septum
Tuberculosis of the larynx
Paresis/paralysis of the larynx
The presence of polyps
hearing organsEustachite
The presence of foreign bodies
Retropharyngeal abscess
Perforation of the tympanic membrane
Hearing loss
Meniere’s disease
cochlear rhinitis
All forms of otitis media
Ripe Cork
The presence of foreign bodies

What symptoms should be referred to the ENT?

An otolaryngologist is one of the most frequently visited doctors. It is the ENT organs that are the first to suffer both from the usual acute respiratory infections and from more serious pathologies. A doctor’s consultation is required for any changes in the functions of the ears / throat / nose – difficulty breathing, discharge from the nose, discomfort or pain in the temples, jaw, at the root or back of the nose. Swelling of the soft tissues of the lips, eyelids or cheeks, bursting pain in the eyes, forehead, temples, swollen lymph nodes are also the reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor.

With standard symptoms of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections (headache, general malaise, apathy), you need to undergo an initial diagnosis with a general practitioner. He will determine the patient’s condition, prescribe therapy, and, if necessary, write out a referral to the ENT. Directly to the otolaryngologist should be addressed in case of severe pain, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, fever (up to 40 °), nosebleeds, skin rash.

Under what symptoms should a child be taken to the ENT? One of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatrician is the growth of the palatine or pharyngeal tonsils. Pathology most often develops in babies, and untimely diagnosis and therapy can lead to deformation of the cartilage / bones of the larynx, oral cavity. To notice the problem in time, take your child to a consultation with an otolaryngologist at least 2 times a year. With general intoxication, pain in the upper respiratory tract, hypersensitivity, it is recommended to consult a specialist unscheduled.

Diagnostic features

For diagnosis, general clinical basic, laboratory and instrumental methods are used. Diagnosis is determined by the patient’s complaints and the specifics of the affected organ. For example, with ear pain, the doctor performs palpation of the outer ear and adjacent areas. With the help of an ear funnel, the ENT examines the external auditory canal, the eardrum. The combination of these methods is called otoscopy. After the otoscopy, the doctor proceeds to test the hearing. He analyzes the perception of a whisper and ordinary speech by the patient, if necessary, uses a tuning fork. To obtain more accurate information, audiometry, impedancemetry, tympanogram, and otoacoustic emission are performed.

To check for vestibular dysfunctions, the ENT uses a physiological research method. The patient should stand on his feet, firmly move his feet, stretch his arms forward, close his eyes and alternately touch a number of external organs (touch the nose with the left hand or the right hand with the elbow of the left hand).

Diagnosis of pathologies of the nose begins with palpation and external examination. Then the otolaryngologist examines the nasal cavity through the nasal passages using a special mirror. The combination of methods is called rhinoscopy. Posterior rhinoscopy is also used – the cavity is examined using a nasopharyngeal mirror and a spatula. The condition of the pharynx is diagnosed by pharyngoscopy. The lower part of the pharynx is examined with a laryngeal mirror; a spatula, a laryngoscope and autonomous lighting (for laryngoscopy) are additionally used. Also, the ENT prescribes radiography and computed tomography for a detailed examination of the affected organ.

Features of therapy and prevention

Based on the diagnosis, the doctor develops a therapeutic course. In otolaryngology, both conservative and surgical methods of treatment are used. Surgery involves the removal of tumors of the ENT organs, excision of adenoids, or implantation restoration of hearing function. For the operation, three types of surgery are used: endoscopic, radio wave and shaver (a device with interchangeable cutting nozzles). The choice of this or that method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the disease, the degree of damage to the body. In other cases, drug therapy, dietary and lifestyle adjustments, and regular restorative manipulations by a doctor are used.

Prevention of ENT diseases is based on the general strengthening of immunity. To do this, you should temper the body, give up bad habits, engage in physical activity, regulate the diet and visit doctors in a timely manner. Also, do not forget about personal hygiene. It not only prevents the development of infectious foci, but maintains the normal condition of the teeth, ears and oral cavity.

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