
General description of the disease

Otitis media – an inflammation of the ear, refers to an ENT disease.

Types of otitis media

You can catch a cold at any age, but most often children suffer from it.

Depending on the localization (place of occurrence) of the inflammatory process, otitis media is external (the structure of the outer ear becomes inflamed), average, internal (accordingly, the inflammatory process occurs in the inner ear, otherwise this type of otitis media is called labyrinthitis). The most common cases of otitis media.

According to the course of otitis media, sharp or chronic.

Depending on the nature of the secreted fluid, otitis media are purulent and catarrhal character.

Causes of otitis

All possible reasons can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. 1 This is the presence of factors that contribute to the appearance of the disease and help in its further development. These include a poor immune system (especially for the imperfect immunity system of children), genetic predisposition, poor nutrition and insufficient intake of vitamin A in the body, anatomical differences and features in the construction of the nose and ears.
  2. 2 Bacteria (streptococci, moraxella and Haemophilus influenzae) and viruses (parainfluenza, influenza, respiratory-sentential virus, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses).
  3. 3 Diseases of an allergic nature. It has been noticed that in most cases, children who suffer from allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma are more susceptible to the disease than children without these diseases.
  4. 4 Social factors. These include unfavorable living conditions, smoking (even passive), large crowds, poor hygiene, and unfavorable environmental conditions.

Otitis symptoms

In adults and adolescents, otitis media is manifested by sudden shooting pain, sometimes with temporary hearing loss. Basically, the pain gets worse at night. In middle-aged and young children, otitis media may be accompanied by high body temperature, various discharge from the auricle, vomiting or indigestion. The child can constantly hold on to the sore ear, fiddle with it, can be nervous and irritable due to unpleasant sensations.

Concomitant symptoms of otitis media: ear congestion, tinnitus.

It is important not to confuse otitis media with such ENT problems as the ingress of a foreign object and water into the ear, sulfur plug.

Useful products for otitis media

With otitis media, it is necessary to eat foods that reduce the amount of mucus produced and that will help increase the body’s defenses. This will help the consumption of chicken broth, herbs (celery, dill, horseradish, lettuce, parsley), red pepper, lemon, honey, melon, papaya, kiwi, black currant, all citrus fruits, pumpkin, soy, carrots, blueberries, ginger, beets , green tea, seeds, nuts and beans.

Traditional medicine for otitis media

There are many recipes for fighting otitis media. Consider the most effective and proven ones by our great-grandmothers and grandmothers:

  • From otitis media (especially purulent), baked onion juice and linseed oil will help cure (for its absence, you can use butter – just butter, not spread or margarine). It is required to prepare a gruel from these components and insert it into the ear using a tampon.
  • For any types of otitis media, washing with chamomile broth (it must be always warm) will help. For a glass of hot water, you need to take one teaspoon of dry grated herb.
  • For otitis media, lotions from the next tincture will help. You need to take 1 tablespoon of ivy budra, 2 tablespoons of medicinal sweet clover and 3 tablespoons each of peppermint, spike lavender and forest angelica. Mix thoroughly and gently, pour in ½ liter of vodka. Insist for 10-14 days in a dark place out of the reach of children. Then moisten the tampon in tincture and attach to the sore ear. It can only be applied externally.
  • Drip juice made from walnut leaves (2 drops each) and basil (3 drops each) into the sore ear 3-7 times a day.
  • Take a tablespoon of chamomile and sweet clover flowers, pour 200 milliliters of hot water, leave for half an hour, filter. Moisten a plain linen or cotton cloth in the broth, squeeze out a little and make a compress.
  • Make poultices from calamus and cinquefoil roots, oak bark and thyme herb. In general, you will need 2 tablespoons of the dry mixture (each medicinal plant should be the same amount). The mixture of herbs should be placed in gauze or other simple cloth, put in boiled water for three minutes. Squeeze out excess liquid, apply to your ear. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.
  • Bay leaves and boiling water are other helpers in the fight against otitis media. Take 2 medium bay leaves, grind, pour boiling water over a glass, leave for 2-3 hours. Filter. With the resulting water, drop 4 drops into the ear. Cover the ear canal with cotton wool. It is recommended to do this procedure at night.
  • Also, used in the treatment of mummy, honey, propolis. They make tinctures or ointments from it. The main thing is that there is no allergy to these components.

The most important thing in treating otitis media is immediate treatment. If it is tightened, there can be serious complications in the form of a ruptured eardrum, meningitis, a decrease in hearing ability, a brain abscess (if the purulent masses cannot escape).

Dangerous and harmful products for otitis media

  • all fermented milk and dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • red meat;
  • all fried foods;
  • a large amount of salt and sugar in the diet;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • any food to which the patient is allergic.

These foods increase mucus production and impair mucus drainage.


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