Ostrich Emu

Ostrich farms have not lost their popularity for several years. They exist not only as a kind of entertainment center for those interested in birds, but also as an industrial enterprise with a full production cycle. Delicious meat, huge eggs and an abundance of fluff are obtained from ostriches. Fluff and eggs are used not only for their intended purpose. Often, specific souvenirs are made from them, which are sold in shops near the ostrich farm and bring additional income.

What you need to know about the emu, how ethical is the use of ostrich meat and is it difficult for exotic poultry farms to get along with competitors?

General characteristics of the animal

The emu is Australia’s largest bird (the second largest bird after the Australian ostrich). The animal belongs to the cassowary order. Cassowaries, large flightless birds and miniature kiwis, are also included in this order.

The emu does not belong to the ostrich family. In the 1980s, such a classification was recognized as erroneous, and the emu was assigned to another order. The only representative of the ostrich family is the Australian ostrich.

The natural habitat of the animal is Australia. Much of the mainland is dotted with massive birds that avoid densely populated areas.


The external data of the emu and its close relative the cassowary are very similar. The main difference is the absence of bright leathery outgrowths on the neck and a specific helmet that rises above the head of the cassowary. The animal reaches an average of 180 centimeters in length and weighs from 30 to 55 kilograms (depending on gender and age).

The bird develops a speed of up to 50 km / h, and long limbs allow you to take a step 275 cm long.

Plumage color depends on environmental conditions. The special structure of the feather protects animals from overheating, so they calmly frolic in the midday heat and do not feel the slightest discomfort. Females and males are almost identical and it is very difficult to distinguish them by external signs. To understand the gender of an ostrich, listen to the sounds he/she makes.

The average age of an emu is 15 years (in the wild). Only the most healthy and hardy individuals live up to 20 years.

On each foot of the animal there are three fingers with three phalanges. For comparison, the Australian ostrich has only 2 fingers on each limb. The emu has residual wings that are not used for their intended purpose. Their length is about 20 centimeters. Each wing is topped with a small sharp claw, which is also used to fight the enemy. The neck of the animal is painted in a pale blue tint and dotted with rare grayish feathers. It is these feathers that minimize exposure to ultraviolet light and protect the body from overheating.

Features of behavior

Large birds lead a nomadic lifestyle. Every day they travel enormous distances to find food and shelter. The emu, like the Australian ostrich, lacks strong teeth. To smooth out this natural defect, the animal deliberately swallows stones, glass fragments and small pieces of metal in order to artificially start the process of grinding food in the digestive tract.

The animal practically does not drink water, but if there is a safe cozy reservoir nearby, it will not refuse a portion of the cooling liquid. One of the bird’s favorite activities is carefree pastime in the water. The animal is an excellent swimmer and likes to just sit quietly in rivers or lakes.

In order to protect the bird uses clawed paws and massive legs. Strong legs of ostriches often damage the fences and metal wires of the townspeople. Among the most important advantages of the creature are excellent vision and hearing. They help the animal to feel predators, analyze critical situations and provide quality life. Emus are preyed upon by several predators, including eagles, hawks and dingoes. Another danger is foxes. Ostriches themselves are of little interest to them, a real tidbit for foxes is eggs. To fend off predators, the animal makes a sharp jump up, after which it flaps its wings / legs to hit the enemy and prevent it from approaching.

A Brief Historical Reference

The animal was discovered by European explorers in 1696 while traveling to the west coast of Australia. By 1788, emus were flooding the east coast immediately after the formation of European settlements. The first description of an ostrich belongs to Arthur Philip in the book A Journey to Botany Bay (1789).

The name of the species was formed with the light hand of ornithologist John Latham. The scientist took as a basis the name of nearby settlements. As for the etymology of the name “emu”, scientists still cannot find a logical explanation. There are several unofficial versions. According to one of them, translated from Arabic, the term means “big bird”. Another version is associated with a specific Portuguese dialect, which also means a huge bird, which is very similar to the Australian ostrich.

The economic importance of the animal

Previously, emus were considered the most important food for the Australian Aborigines. Animals were used not only as a food product, but also as a medicine and a source of down. Ostrich fat was considered a valuable drug. It was rubbed into the skin or taken orally to act on the foci of inflammation. Moreover, fat was used to lubricate various mechanisms and special ceremonial paints were prepared from it. The fat was mixed with alder and other brightly colored botanicals to create the desired range of hues.

Commercial breeding of birds began in 1987 in the western regions of Australia. The first slaughter was made in 1990. Ostrich farms still continue to exist. Now their activities are strictly regulated by law. Each commercial enterprise must obtain a special license and clearly regulate the further fate of the emu, so as not to endanger the population. Outside the Australian continent, large ostrich farms have been recorded in China, Peru and North America.

The main purpose of industrial breeding is the extraction of meat, leather, fluff, eggs and butter. Ostrich meat is considered a real dietary delicacy. The fat content of the product does not exceed 1,5%, and the cholesterol level is only 85 milligrams / 100 grams of meat. The fat rendered from emu is used for the production of cosmetics, dietary supplements and medicinal substances. The composition of fat includes a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the condition of the skin / mucous membranes, promote regeneration and high-quality functionality of living organisms.

Ostrich skin is used to make shoes, clothes, decorative elements and other things. The main advantage of such leather products is the structure. In the feather area of ​​ostriches, a specific pattern of follicles is noted, which makes the skin firm and textured. Feathers and eggs are most often used in crafts or arts and crafts.

Product benefits and disadvantages

The appearance of ostrich is identical to beef – a rich red hue, high juiciness and a minimum amount of fatty layers. One of the most important advantages of the product is its low calorie content – 100 grams contain no more than 98 calories. In terms of calories, only turkey and young calf meat, which are also considered dietary products, can compete with ostrich meat.

The most valuable and useful cut is the fillet (located along the spine in the lumbar region). It is recommended for use by diabetics, patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, depending on the etiology, and people with high cholesterol levels.

The protein, which emu abounds in, acts as a catalyst for the entire metabolic process. Properly cooked meat will help to disperse the metabolism, it is easier and more efficient to absorb useful vitamins / nutrients. The composition of the product includes the entire set of vital minerals. Cuts are rich in B vitamins, tocopherol, nicotinic acid, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. The concentrations of useful nutrients are so high that a serving of 150-200 grams of ostrich meat helps to replenish half of the daily nutrient balance.

Nutritionists argue that there can be no harmful effects from eating fresh and well-cooked ostrich meat. The use of the product should be limited only in case of individual intolerance.

Use component in cooking

The emu is a very specific bird. Its meat resembles beef for the first few seconds, but then, having tasted and placed accents, the taste buds feel a special mixture of venison and ostrich aftertaste.

An adult animal weighs between 100-150 kilograms. Of these 150 kilograms, you can get only 50 kilograms of fillet – the most valuable and delicious meat. No less tasty cuts – dorsal and hip. The remaining trimmings can be used for minced meat or, for example, broth. Ostrich meat has a minimum percentage of fat, a meager amount of cholesterol (lower than in turkey meat), an abundance of protein and useful nutrients. Moreover, it is much easier to digest by the body compared to the same beef or venison.

The simpler the ostrich is cooked, the tastier and richer it is. The meat does not like the abundance of spices and spices that interrupt the natural taste and aroma of the dish. The ingredient absorbs odors and new accents well, so the main thing is not to overdo it with the marinade. An ideal emu marinade is a few tablespoons of olive oil.

When cooking meat, you must carefully monitor the degree of roasting. An inexperienced cook can easily overdry the product, making it a stale, dry piece that is completely impossible to chew. The roast should be medium so that juicy pink meat remains inside.

But ostrich cuts are not only fried or baked. On the basis of fillets and even bones, you can prepare an excellent rich broth for any soup or sauce. A pate is also prepared from the fillet: the cut is passed through a meat grinder, a drop of butter is added and mixed thoroughly. From ostrich meat you can cook:

  • cutlets;
  • steak;
  • any dish using minced meat;
  • hot dishes like pilaf;
  • soup;
  • snack;
  • salad.

Why is ostrich meat more expensive than chicken or beef?

The life cycle of a chicken or beef differs in many ways from that of an ostrich. Moreover, they belong to traditional cattle, which have been bred on any land since ancient times. There are many industrial corporations that supply the best steaks and chicken thighs to supermarket shelves.

The situation with ostriches is completely different. There are practically no competitors in the industry, and a specific commercial enterprise is engaged in the main production. Finding ostrich meat on supermarket shelves is impossible. If you want to get delicious meat for dinner, you will have to negotiate directly with the supplier, go to the farm or arrange targeted delivery. Such a business has one obvious advantage – the confidence in the quality for which the consumer is willing to pay more.

Another reason for the high cost of meat is the peculiarity of the growth and reproduction of birds. The animal gains the necessary weight by 1-1,5 years. The period of fertilization in males begins only by 5 years. For the previous 5 years, the emu has just been living quietly on a farm, in contact with people and other animals, without thinking at all about procreation.

Moreover, little ostriches require constant careful care and attention. They need to be fed, treated, put on crutches if there are problems with the limbs. The period of hyper-custody lasts about a month – then the bird begins to gain independence. All this makes the final product very expensive. Otherwise, the exotic emu normally tolerates sudden changes in temperature, frost, the usual food of wheat, oats, grass and vitamins.

Ostrich – forbidden food

The Bible creates clear regulations for the followers of Christianity and defines a list of acceptable and unacceptable foods. The forbidden list includes several varieties of birds, among which were emus. In addition to ostriches, the Bible forbids eating eagles, vultures, and ospreys. Humanity refused to use these birds of prey on its own, but things are a little different with ostriches. The popularity of ostrich farms is clearly contrary to religious beliefs, but the right to choose always remains with the person himself.

The Tanakh, the sacred texts of Judaism, also calls ostriches “unclean animals”. It is believed that along with the meat of “unclean animals” a person is transferred to his predatory nature and aggressive character traits. Followers also see hygienic and aesthetic reasons in the prohibition. Pepper “unclean” includes reptiles, locusts, rodents, bats, birds of prey, fishing birds, crows, and aquatic animals without scales.

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