Osteoporosis – what is it, who is most at risk and when?

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Osteoporosis is discreet but effective – which is why it is called the “silent bone thief”. Already 2 million Poles are struggling with it, and eight are at risk of it – these numbers are likely to grow. What’s worse, osteoporosis is a disease that is often neglected, and we often contribute to its occurrence. When are you more at risk of having an attack of osteoporosis? important factors.

Osteoporosis – what it is

Osteoporosis is the most common bone condition. It is a debilitating and disabling disease. Briefly, it causes weakening of the bones (pathological reduction of their mass) and increases the risk of fractures. The most common victims of osteoporosis are the hips, wrists and spine, but the disease can affect the entire skeleton. Unfortunately, we often learn that we have fallen victim to osteoporosis when the worst has happened – a bone fracture has occurred.

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For many people, life turns upside down then, because although osteoporosis is not the immediate cause of death, it can put the patient’s life to the highest test. Normal shopping or driving becomes a problem. Many people are unable to walk independently after a hip fracture.

How to protect yourself against osteoporosis? The first and most important step is to know, especially about the risk factors. Remember that some factors predisposing to osteoporosis depend on us. Who and under what circumstances is more likely to get sick?

Women should be especially careful

Women are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Of course, that doesn’t mean the problem isn’t with men. Moreover, osteoporosis can even occur in children, although this is fortunately rare.

According to the NFZ data, in 2018 2,1 million Poles had osteoporosis, including 1,7 million women. It is known that women over 50 suffer from osteoporosis four times more often than men. Experts explain that the decline in bone mineral density, which progresses with age, occurs faster in women and at a younger age than in men. In women, osteoporosis is also associated with menopause (a decrease in estrogen leads to a decrease in calcium absorption and bone mineral density).

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It is worth remembering that it is not only gender that determines the risk of osteoporosis. The likelihood of the disease generally increases in elderly and fragile people. A lot also depends on family predisposition, previous fractures, medications and lifestyle (e.g. lack of exercise, alcohol).

Check if you are at risk of osteoporosis. Do diagnostic tests – full package

A healthy diet is not enough – exercise is essential

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D (supplementation is advisable) is crucial for bone health. However, it is worth remembering that this is not all. The risk of osteoporosis-related fractures increases the less you move. Why is physical activity so important in the prevention of osteoporosis? Movement and load on the bones improve their endurance and stimulate bone formation. Better dexterity also protects against the risk of falls and possible fractures.

Hence, it is important to include in the daily plan, for example, walking, especially on hills, climbing stairs or cycling.

The lean have worse

The risk of osteoporosis is greater in women who are light (especially less than 50 kg) and slimmer than in those who are more built. In smaller women, the bone mass is less. Additionally, fuller women have more body fat that is responsible for the production of estrogens – hormones that protect against osteoporosis.

Coffee and alcohol damage your bones

Remember – stimulants worsen the condition of the bones. Excess coffee (caffeine) increases calcium excretion and limits the absorption of this compound. The same will happen when we drink too much strong tea.

At this point, it is impossible not to mention alcohol. Its consumption increases the risk of injuries and falls, and also reduces calcium absorption. It is also known that frequent drinking of alcohol is associated with low bone density.

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Don’t underestimate your back pain

Back pain is rarely associated with osteoporosis. In such a situation, one thinks more often about degenerative changes in the spine or overloads. Meanwhile, they may be the so-called osteoporotic pain. If you experience constant pain in the lumbar and dorsal areas, do not take it lightly and consult a doctor.

Osteoporosis is worth treating!

Experts emphasize that a big obstacle on the way to the early diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis is the low public awareness of the disease. The effect is that we don’t treat or prevent it.

Meanwhile, treatment should begin as soon as symptoms of osteoporosis appear. This is absolutely necessary at the time of the first fracture.

The goal of treating osteoporosis is to keep the bone mass above the “fracture threshold”. For this purpose, many pharmaceuticals are used (patients taking these preparations must be under the constant supervision of a doctor). It is estimated that properly selected pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis can reduce the risk of fractures by 50-70%.

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