Osteophytosis – course, causes, symptoms. How to treat bone degenerative changes?

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Osteophytosis is a symptom of a degenerative disease. She appears, inter alia, in on the edges of the vertebral bodies, around the knee and hip joints, as well as the joints of the hands and fingers. Bone growths make it difficult to move and bend the limbs. How is rehabilitation going and when is surgical treatment necessary?

Osteophytosis and degenerative disease

Osteophytoza is a form of degenerative bone changes. It is characterized by bone growths, i.e. osteophytes, within the vertebral bodies and around the hip and knee joints as well as the hands and fingers. The changes are clearly visible on X-rays. Bone projections are closely related to the degenerative disease which, by destabilizing the processes of degradation and synthesis of articular cartilage, affects morphological, biochemical, molecular and biomechanical changes in bone tissue. The development of the condition can be caused by many factors. Degenerative disease it causes hardening and thickening of the skeleton, ulceration, weight loss of articular cartilage and subchondral cysts at the vertebrae and joints. During the disease, the range of movements is limited, limb flexion is accompanied by severe pain and inflammation occurs.

Osteophytosis – causes and course

Reasons for development osteophytozy may be different. Often mentioned are the weakening of the condition of the bones and joints during the aging process. In the elderly, the risk of this condition increases significantly, as in people with a genetic predisposition to rheumatic diseases. Being overweight is also one of the most common causes of bone growth. Among people with degeneration of the knee joints, as many as 65 percent. is overweight or obese. The degeneration progresses by the permanent burdening of the joints with increased body weight. A sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep hygiene (e.g. too soft a mattress, high pillow) can also contribute to bone changes. Osteophytoza it often occurs in athletes who are constantly exposed to bone and joint injuries and high overload. People who practice sports such as tennis or running are more likely to develop various osteoarticular degenerations.

Symptoms and diagnosis of vertebral osteophytosis

The most noticeable and, at the same time, the most troublesome symptom of ailments is saliva pain at the site with degeneration (in the lower back, neck, hip, shoulder, hands). The area affected by the lesions may become numb, and the pain itself sometimes radiates all the way to the spine. Osteophytoza gradually limits the range of motion. Due to the degeneration of the vertebral bodies, the load is transferred to adjacent structures, which in some cases leads to the patient’s immobility. The joints are stiff, there is inflammation, joint effusions and crepitations – the characteristic sound of crunching when the limbs are bent. Osteophytoza vertebral bodies is associated with difficult chest movement and breathing problems.

Knee joint osteophytosis

Osteophytoza in the knee joint occurs most often in obese people or in other people who constantly and significantly strain the knees. Degenerations occur throughout the joint, including the kneecap, making it very difficult to move or get up from a sitting position.

Hip joint osteophytosis

osteophyte they arise in the area of ​​the femoral head and the acetabulum. As in other cases osteophytozy the movement of the legs is accompanied by a sharp pain. Degeneration in the hip can worsen over time, significantly narrowing the joint space (along with a loss of cartilage) and further reduce the ability to move. Besides osteophytosis causes the legs to contract and direct them outwards.

Osteophytosis of the joints of the hands and fingers

A bone growth in the area of ​​the interphalangeal joints is called guzkami Heberdena i Boucharda. Bone build-up most often appears in the fingers of the right hand. Osteophytoza increases the circumference of the fingers, stiffens them, causes pain which may increase at low temperatures. The greatest stiffness and pain in the fingers occur in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Rehabilitation – how to maintain proper mobility of the limbs?

At osteophytosisas with other rheumatic diseases, comprehensive treatment is important. Pharmacological treatment alone will not bring significant effects, only added rehabilitation, weight reduction, a diet nourishing the skeletal system and an appropriate lifestyle will help in the fight against the disease. Osteophytoza hip, knee or vertebral bodies require individually tailored therapy. Rehabilitation and physical therapy will improve motor skills and reduce pain. It includes muscle relaxation treatments, deep massage, exercises as well as ultrasound and laser treatment.

Osteophytosis and surgical treatment

Advanced degeneration cannot be treated only by physical therapy and pharmacotherapy. The doctor may refer the patient to an arthroscopic procedure, during which the joint will be surgically cleaned of bone growths. After the procedure, the patient feels a significant improvement and an increase in the range of motion.

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