
Osteopathy is a system of alternative medicine. Modern osteopathy has been divided into a huge number of schools and directions that have neither a single philosophical system nor a scientifically proven base. The founder of the concept is Andrew Taylor Still. This is an American surgeon, whose life fell on the middle of the XNUMXth – early XNUMXth century. Still denied the established medical system, its methods and diagnostics, but especially the doctor did not like the use of drugs. What you need to know about osteopaths, what is their therapeutic course based on and should you trust alternative medicine?

General characteristics of the direction

The founder of the direction, Andrew Still, was an opponent of the infectious theory of diseases, vaccines and drugs. He considered disease a natural reaction to anatomical abnormalities. To correct anatomical shifts, he developed a whole system, which was called osteopathy. Thanks to these techniques, the process of renewal and self-healing from any diseases starts inside the body.

The main concept of osteopathy is: “structure controls function, function determines structure.”

Osteopaths believe that the mind, body and spirit are one. As soon as one of the components fails, the entire mechanism stops working. That is why osteopaths treat the whole body as a whole, and not individual organs or systems. It is also believed that our body has the ability to self-heal and regenerate, a person only needs to start this process.

Osteopaths point to the importance of good blood circulation and the ability of the body to adapt to all, even the most unbearable external circumstances. Another principle of direction proclaims the primacy of the nervous system. The quality and usefulness of the work of other parts of the body depends on it.

Osteopathic principles do not have an evidence-based scientific basis and are not empirical. This is a separate philosophy and the views of its adherents on life and human functionality.

What do osteopaths do

Since osteopathy is an alternative medicine, the duties of a doctor are not strictly regulated.

The specialist conducts manipulations with his hands, which should help diagnose or cure various internal problems. What exactly does an osteopath do? It moves and massages the limbs, face, stretches the skin, joints. So the doctor removes excess body tension, relieves muscle stiffness, increases blood circulation and instantly copes with weakness, apathy or poor health. The osteopath does not use force, but simply helps the body to activate and begin to cope with the disease on its own without drugs and surgery.

Osteopathic techniques

Regardless of the purpose of the treatment, the doctor seeks to normalize and stabilize the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.

Osteopathic techniques include:

  • massage (to release and relax muscles);
  • stretching of rigid joints (to relieve clamps and eliminate discomfort);
  • articulation (moving joints through their natural range of motion for maximum flexibility);
  • quick thrusts (sharp short movements along the spine to stimulate blood circulation and minimize pain).

For the first few sessions, the patient may feel pain and discomfort, despite the fact that the osteopath does not use force. Gradually, the body gets used to the stress, but if you feel severe pain, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

What symptoms should you see a doctor

Osteopaths are treated with problems of the musculoskeletal system, pinching, pain or discomfort in the bones, muscles and joints. The most common reasons for treatment are: pain in the lower back, neck, shoulders, arthritis, discomfort in the hip area due to driving or long-term work in a permanent position. Alternative medicine is especially in demand among pregnant women. They claim that the osteopath helps relieve tension throughout the body and relieve physical discomfort during childbearing. Sometimes a doctor, like a gynecologist, examines a woman both during pregnancy and during the recovery period. The osteopath helps the body quickly return to its pre-pregnancy shape and perform new functions with high quality.

A specialist can use not only manual techniques, but also prescribe a diet, a course of electrical stimulation, and any other auxiliary measures.

Some osteopaths claim to be able to treat diseases that are not related to muscles, joints, and bones. Sometimes people seek non-traditional treatments for headaches, migraines, eating disorders, depression, or excessive crying in babies. There is no scientific theory that could confirm the effectiveness of osteopathic therapy. On the contrary, a person can only harm himself, ignore the body’s signals about internal problems and provoke the development of complications.

Osteopathic treatments should always be combined with conventional medicine. It is better to completely protect kids and schoolchildren from alternative methods of therapy so as not to harm the child’s body.

Contraindications for osteopathic therapy

Alternative methods of treatment should be abandoned for pregnant and lactating women so as not to endanger the life and full functioning of the baby. It should be noted that children should also visit pediatricians and regular preventive examinations, and not sessions with an osteopath. The ban applies to patients with arthritis, fractures, infectious or oncological diseases, multiple sclerosis. The use of anticoagulants or the passage of radiation therapy is also a contraindication.

For any disease that is not related to the muscles or joints, you need to go to a general practitioner or a narrowly specialized specialist.

With chronic back pain, a visit to a neurologist will be much more meaningful. If the doctor excludes serious illnesses, then you can go to a session with an osteopath with peace of mind.

In general, a therapist from the nearest clinic can conduct a therapeutic massage, prescribe a diet and recommend increasing physical activity, but the choice always remains with the patient.

Examination and therapy by an osteopath

In the first session, the osteopath asks the patient about symptoms, general health, and additional medical care. After collecting an anamnesis, he proceeds to manipulation. The doctor runs his hands all over the body, looking for its weak and strong points.

The osteopath focuses on the tension of the body or its individual sections, the specialist pays special attention to the spine.

The doctor may ask you to remove clothing from the area being examined or to perform simple movements (such as raising or tensing your arm). Remember that all manipulations can take place only after your consent, so do not be afraid to interfere in the process. After the examination, the specialist gives a conclusion – indicates the problem, explains whether osteopathy can cope with it, prescribes a treatment plan or sends the patient to a specialized doctor.

The first session can last more than 60 minutes. The duration of the subsequent sessions is about 30-40 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the symptoms and the body’s response to manipulation.

Is alternative medicine effective?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of the effectiveness of osteopathy. There is evidence that these sessions can relieve chronic low back pain. But Still’s main osteopathic theory has no basis. He was guided only by his idea of ​​the world and completely ignored the then science.

Osteopathy gained popularity due to comparative safety. In those days, syphilis was treated with mercury, and even the most minor diseases were corrected by not entirely humane methods. Manual practices, in comparison with dangerous toxic substances, attracted patients much more.

Now there are many osteopaths and areas of their activity. Some believe that they are engaged in a dialogue with the consciousness of the cells, others start the self-healing of the body, others just give a pleasant massage. Some osteopaths work only with problems of the musculoskeletal system, some experts claim that they can cure absolutely all diseases – from allergies to cancer.

Remember – osteopaths specialize only in diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. With diseases of a different etiology, it is better to consult a general practitioner. For chronic pain, traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment are also recommended. At present, science can neither refute nor confirm the effectiveness of the method, so the choice between alternative medicine and a narrow-profile doctor must be made by the patient himself.

Make the right decisions and be healthy.

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