General description of the disease
Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bone marrow and affects all components of the bone (compact and spongy substance, periosteum).
Osteomyelitis types
There are 2 main groups of this disease: osteomyelitis of a specific and non-specific type.
Nonspecific osteomyelitis occurs due to pyogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus), in rare cases, fungi are the cause.
Specific osteomyelitis begins due to brucellosis, syphilis, tuberculosis of bones and joints.
Depending on how the infection got into the bone, there are:
- hematogenous (endogenous) osteomyelitis – a purulent infection enters the bone through the blood from an infected abrasion or wound, boil, abscess, panaritium, phlegmon, from teeth with caries, due to sinusitis, tonsillitis;
- exogenous osteomyelitis – the infection gets during the operation, from a wound when injured, or makes its way from nearby soft tissues and organs; osteomyelitis of this type is: post-traumatic (occurs with open fractures), postoperative (the infection gets during operations on the bone or after the placement of the pins), gunshot (the infection enters the bone after a fracture from a gunshot), contact (the inflammatory process passes from the surrounding tissues) …
Osteomyelitis course
The disease can take three forms.
First form – septic-piemic. With this form, there is a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C. The patient is very chilly, has a headache, suffers from severe repeated vomiting, the face becomes pale, the skin is dry, and the mucous membranes and lips acquire a bluish tint. There may be clouding of consciousness and loss of consciousness, convulsions and jaundice of the hemolytic type. There is a decrease in pressure, an increase in the liver and spleen in size. The pulse becomes quickened. On the second day of the disease, at the site of the lesion, the soft tissues become swollen, the skin is taut and red, there is a strong, tearing pain at any slightest movement. The localization of pain can be clearly identified. After one to two weeks, fluid appears in the soft tissues (fluctuation center) in the lesion. Over time, purulent masses enter the muscle tissue and there is the formation of intermuscular phlegmon. If it is not opened, then it will open on its own, while forming a fistula. This will lead to the occurrence of paraarticular phlegmon, sepsis, or secondary purulent arthritis.
The second form is a local form of osteomyelitis. In this case, there is no intoxication of the body, the general condition of the patient in most cases remains satisfactory. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the bone and nearby soft tissues.
Toxic (adynamic) form – the third type of course of osteomyelitis. This form is extremely rare. There is a strong intoxication of the body, loss of consciousness, convulsions, cardiovascular failure. As for the signs of inflammation in the bone, there are practically none. This makes the diagnosis much more difficult.
Osteomyelitis in its initial manifestations differs by type. Over time, these differences are smoothed out and the flow for all forms is more or less the same. After the release of pus, the bone tissue is gradually restored, the recovery period begins. If healing does not occur, the disease flows into a chronic form. The period of replacement of necrosis with new bone tissue depends on the age and level of immunity of the patient. The younger the body and the higher the immunity, the faster the recovery will begin.
Healthy foods for osteomyelitis
To quickly recover and heal damage after bone injury, to strengthen bones and grow healthy bone tissue, it is necessary to eat properly. To obtain this effect, the body requires a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, but very little saturated fat. So, with osteomyelitis, it is important to enter the body:
- folic acid (to replenish it, you need to eat beets, bananas, lentils, cabbage, beans);
- vitamin B (beef and its offal will help to increase its level, as well as mackerel, sardine, herring, chicken eggs and chicken meat, shrimp, oysters, seeds, nuts, brewer’s yeast, citrus fruits, potatoes (especially baked), peas and soybeans);
- zinc (you need to eat seafood, parsnips, celery, pumpkin and its seeds, legumes);
- magnesium (dairy products, whole grains, leafy vegetables and walnuts will help replenish the body);
- calcium (it is found in sesame and sesame oil, almonds, dried apricots, turnips, spinach, hard cheese and cottage cheese).
Traditional medicine for osteomyelitis:
- To get rid of the disease, you need to make lotions from laundry soap and onion juice. To prepare a remedy, you will need a bar of simple laundry soap (the size of a matchbox) and a medium-sized onion. The soap should be grated and the onion should be finely chopped. Mix. Put this mixture on a simple (preferably linen cloth), rewind with a bandage. Apply such compresses daily at night until the wounds heal.
- Buds or flowers of purple lilac are considered a good remedy for osteomyelitis. You need to pour flowers or buds (pre-dried) into a liter jar and pour vodka. Leave for 10 days in a dark place. Strain. Make lotions every day and drink 2 drops of tincture inside.
- A powerful healing and pus-expelling effect is honey and chicken eggs, rye flour, oil. It is necessary to prepare dough from these components and make compresses from it at night. The procedure for preparing the dough: 1 kilogram of honey is heated in a water bath (the water should be at a temperature of about 40 degrees), 1 kilogram of rye flour, 200 grams of butter (preferably homemade) and a dozen yolks of homemade eggs are added (before adding them, you need to beat a little). Everything is thoroughly mixed and kneaded into a cool dough. Each procedure requires a lump of dough (it all depends on the size of the lesion). First of all, pus will begin to come out intensively, then the wounds will heal.
- In addition to applications, for intensive treatment, you need to drink a tablespoon of fish oil in the morning and at night and wash it down with a raw egg. If you don’t have the strength to drink a spoon the first time, you can start with 1/3 of the spoon. The main thing is to gradually bring the consumption of fish oil to a spoon. Ginseng infusion is also useful. You also need to start taking it with a few drops.
- In the summer, you need to sunbathe daily for 15-20 minutes. It is useful to take baths with sea salt, ash. The water temperature should be around 35-38 degrees. You need to take such baths every other day and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. The recommended number of such baths is ten.
- In between all the above methods, the wounds should be smeared with a special ointment made from 1 chicken yolk, a teaspoon of ghee and half a small church candle. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to damage.
- To replenish calcium in the body, you need to drink the shell of 1 egg on an empty stomach. It needs to be crushed into powder and washed down with water. For a stronger effect, it is better to drink it with lemon juice.
If you are allergic to a particular product, do not use a product that contains an allergen.
Dangerous and harmful foods for osteomyelitis
- red meat;
- alcoholic beverages;
- sweet soda;
- semi-finished products, fast food;
- foods containing caffeine, sugar, dyes and additives.
These foods slow down bone growth and wound healing.
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