After examining different types of shoes, scientists have come to the conclusion that walking barefoot is much less traumatic for the knee joints than in sandals or athletic shoes.
“As a rule, shoes are designed with comfort in mind for the foot, without taking into account how much stress it carries on the knee joints,” says study author Dr. Najia Shakoor. The least damage to joints, she believes, is provided by shoes with soft soles, such as slippers.
The research team followed thirteen women and three men under the age of fifty-six who were prone to osteoarthritis. They were asked alternately to wear sporty, fashionable shoes, soft-soled shoes, or go barefoot. Scientists measured the stress that different types of shoes put on the knee joints. As a result, it was found that shoes with a solid sole gave a significantly higher load on the knee.
The results of the study were presented at the annual meeting at the American College of Rheumatology in Boston (American College of Rheumatology).
Osteoarthritis – the most common form of joint pathology, which is often called the simple term “arthritis” It occurs in all countries in about four percent of the world’s population. In ten percent of cases, this disease causes disability.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joints, in which degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in the joint itself and the surrounding tissues, which causes all joint tissues to suffer. Trauma, age and overweight are usually the causes of this disease.