General description of the disease
Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints of a chronic degenerative nature, in which the cartilaginous tissues of its surface are damaged.
This term combines a group of diseases in which the entire joint suffers (not only articular cartilage, but also ligaments, capsule, periarticular muscles, synovium and subchondral bone).
Forms of osteoarthritis:
- localized (one joint is damaged);
- generalized (polyostearthrosis) – several joints succumbed to the defeat.
Types of osteoarthritis:
- primary (idiopathic) – the cause of the development of the disease cannot be established;
- secondary – the cause of osteoarthritis is clearly visible and identified.
The causes of osteoarthritis:
Various injuries are considered the most common cause of this disease. Joint dysplasia (congenital changes in the joints) ranks second in the frequency of cases. In sufficient quantities, osteoarthritis provokes an inflammatory process that can occur against the background of diseases of the autoimmune system (rheumatoid arthritis is considered a striking example), the disease can develop as a consequence of purulent inflammation of the joint (mainly, this process causes gonorrhea, tick-borne encephalitis, syphilis and staphylococcal infection) …
Risk group:
- 1 genetic predisposition;
- 2 overweight people;
- 3 advanced age;
- 4 workers in a specific industry;
- 5 violation in the functioning of the endocrine system;
- 6 lack of trace elements in the body;
- 7 various diseases of bones and joints of an acquired nature;
- 8 frequent hypothermia;
- 9 poor environmental conditions;
- 10 undergone surgery on the joints;
- 11 increased physical activity.
Stages of osteoarthritis:
- the first (initial) – there is an inflammatory process and pain in the joint (changes begin in the synovial membrane, due to which the joint cannot withstand the load and it wears out with friction);
- the second – the destruction of the cartilage of the joint and meniscus begins, osteophytes appear (marginal growths of the bone);
- the third (stage of severe arthrosis) – due to the pronounced deformation of the bone, the axis of the joint changes (a person begins to walk with difficulty, natural movements become limited).
Ostearthritis symptoms:
- 1 crunch in the joints;
- 2 joint pain after physical exertion (especially pain is felt in the evening or at night);
- 3 the so-called “starting” pain (occurs during the beginning of the movement);
- 4 periodic swelling in the area of the affected joint;
- 5 the appearance of a growth and nodules on the joints;
- 6 disorders of musculoskeletal functions.
Useful products for osteoarthritis
- lean meat (it is better to eat more fatty fish);
- offal (lamb, pork, beef kidneys);
- black bread, grain bread, bran bread and all cereal products;
- cereals;
- jellies, jellies (the main thing when cooking them is not to get rid of tendons and ligaments), jellied fish;
- jelly, jelly, preserves, honey, jam, marmalade (always homemade);
- leafy plants (sorrel, runny, cabbage, tops of carrots and beets);
- legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, beans, lentils);
- fermented milk, dairy products without fillers and with low fat content;
- root vegetables (rutabaga, horseradish, carrots, turnips, beets).
These foods contain mucopolysaccharides and collagen, which are essential for normal joint function. These substances are building materials for the joint and ligaments. They are involved in the formation of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint during movement.
Traditional medicine for osteoarthritis
To slow down the progressive destruction of the joint and relieve pain, it is necessary to drink decoctions of the color of elderberry, willow bark, horsetail, juniper, calendula, wild rosemary shoots, nettle, mint, violet, lingonberry leaves, strawberries, hawthorn fruits, St. John’s wort, pine buds, thyme , eucalyptus leaves. You can combine them into fees.
Use as a rubbing ointment and mixture:
- 1 Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with a tablespoon of gum turpentine (smear the sore joint twice every 7 days at night);
- 2 mix honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil (take a tablespoon of each component), put on fire, heat and make a compress from the resulting mixture for 2 hours on a sore spot;
- 3 insist a few pods of red pepper in half a liter of vodka for 10 days, after this time, rub the sore joints.
For general health improvement and improvement of the work of joints with osteoarthritis, it is necessary to walk for 15-30 minutes daily on a leisurely gait on flat terrain, ride a bicycle or go swimming.
In order to relieve the joints, it is extremely important:
- for legs – exclude a long stay in one position (squatting or standing), squatting, long running and walking (especially on uneven surfaces);
- in case of damage to the joints of the hands – you can not lift heavy things, wring out the laundry, keep your hands in the cold or use cold water;
- exercise on a stationary bike;
- wear the right shoes (they should be soft, loose, the heel should not be higher than 3 centimeters);
- wear individually selected retainers (always elastic);
- use additional support means (if necessary).
Dangerous and harmful products for osteoarthritis
- “Invisible” fat, which contains baked goods, chocolate, pies, sausages;
- rafinated sugar;
- pasta;
- “Hidden” sugar (found in soda, sauces, especially ketchup);
- too salty, fatty foods;
- fast food, products with additives, fillers, semi-finished products.
These foods provoke excess weight gain, which is highly undesirable (excess body weight adds stress to the joints).
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!