Ossetian pies: a step by step recipe with a photo

Each housewife has her own recipe for Ossetian pies, “by eye”, however, as with the recipes for most dishes. I’ll write you the one I’m trying to cook myself.

Dough recipe for Ossetian pies


  • Dry yeast – 2 teaspoons without top (make sure that they are fresh, otherwise the dough may not rise)
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Flour – 2 tablespoons (I put without top)
  • Water – 100 ml warm water

Mix, wait for the appearance of bubbles / foam on the surface.


  • Flour – 4 Glass
  • Milk – 1 cup (warm)
  • Water – 200 ml (warm)
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons


Pour the prepared dough into a bowl, add warm water and milk, salt, stir. After that, we begin to add flour, knead the dough. The recipe from which I make was written for ten minutes, about that much and kneaded, first with a spoon, then with my hands.

It turned out watery, sticky to the hands, the ball was not formed. At the end, add sunflower oil, mix, smooth (becomes smoother, does not stick to hands, but still very soft).

Cover with a towel, put in a warm place, wait until it doubles at least twice. After forty minutes, I slightly “kneaded” it again, that is, I shuffled it with my hands several times.

I don’t know what the problem is, but it started to approach me only after two or three hours, and very slowly. I put it to the battery, on the other hand, at a distance – a heater. And in the meantime the night had come. So the dough is in the refrigerator, and the pies are baked tomorrow, on Saturday morning.


  • Mushrooms from a jar, homemade – about 1-1,5 l
  • Potatoes – 5 medium pieces
  • Onion – 1 large onion

The dough has risen a little more in the refrigerator. For the first three pies, I made the filling like this: I chopped the onion finely, fried it, added washed mushrooms (homemade from a jar) to it.

It was decided to make the second batch of homemade Ossetian pies with potatoes. I boiled mashed potatoes and mixed it with fried mushrooms and onions.

How to form an Ossetian pie

So, I took a large enough lump of dough and kneaded it in flour so that it became a little more dense, but remained soft. Then she rolled this ball on flour into a round cake of 20 centimeters in diameter.

She put a large ball of filling on it, then slowly began to collect the edges of the cake and lift them up, collecting a kind of bag.

Then she transferred the bag to a baking sheet or a frying pan (I put it in the oven in a frying pan, first sprinkle with flour) and began to level it so that it was thin, but the dough did not tear. I made a hole in the middle to let the air out.

Place in preheated oven for 20 minutes until golden brown. When it is ready – take it out, remove the excess flour and generously spread with butter. Put the next cake on top and also cover with oil. Stacked one-on-one pies will soak and become soft.

Everything! You can enjoy 😉 Pies are good both hot and cold, both with tea and as an appetizer for strong and not very strong drinks.

I liked this recipe for Ossetian pies, the only thing I want to try is with a more risen and dense dough. If you have prepared Ossetian pies with different fillings – share the secrets of cooking in the comments, I will be grateful.

Since we don’t have a normal camera, we took a photo of the process on the site pirogi.su (thank you!). And since what is written does not quite match what is in the pictures, I will post photos of the process taken on the phone just in case. Quality, as you know, does not shine 😉

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