
Useful properties and application of thistle field

Anyone who has a garden or a personal plot, the word “thistle” is notorious, because it is one of the most tenacious weeds. Of course, the fleshy spring grass has no place in the beds with cultivated plants, but in a home folk first-aid kit it would be very useful. Today we will tell you all about the types, chemical composition and use of sow thistle, and you will probably be surprised to learn how much benefit is hidden in this annoying garden “terrorist”.

What is thistle?

Osot – the plant belongs to the Asteraceae (or Asteraceae) family, and can be both annual and perennial. Sow thistle reaches 50-170 cm in height and braids the surface layer of the soil with a dense and branched network of roots.

Sow thistle stems are most often straight, bare, or slightly pubescent with prickly hairs, less often branched. Dense, juicy bright green leaves grow at the base of the stem, and on top it is always leafless. The shape of the leaves of thistle can be regular, whole, pinnately lobed or pinnately dissected, and their edges are almost always covered with prickly denticles. The lower leaves usually form a common petiole, so the sow thistle looks like a bunch growing from one point.

Sow thistle flowers are small, they consist of many soft, thin, needle-like petals, as if looking out of a common basket. In one inflorescence there can be 4-8 such baskets, and in some species of thistle thistle they close in the evenings and in cloudy weather. Ripe sow thistle seeds spread well around the area due to the fluffy crest, with which they fly in the wind.

Where does thistle grow?

We will not be mistaken if we say – almost everywhere! Bunches of thistle can be found in fields and gardens throughout the Eurasian continent, from Western Europe to the Far East. This plant is not too picky, and can settle even on dry and brackish soils, but most of all, thistle loves moist black earth soils, from where, as they say, you cannot expel it.

Sow thistle – the most tenacious weed

Why does this plant deserve an Oscar for Best Weed? Because it reproduces in two ways at once: vegetative and seed, and even does it continuously. One sow thistle bush produces up to six and a half thousand flying seeds per year, which travel long distances through the air.

At the same time, each young plant in the first year of its life deepens its roots into the soil by two meters, and after a couple of years – by four meters. And whenever the root system is damaged by agricultural tools, new shoots form on it, which rise to the surface and sprout. This is a kind of natural protection of sow thistle from weeding.

How to deal with thistle in the garden? If the bush is still young, 15-20 cm in height, it can be carefully pulled out of the soft soil along with the root. But thickets of massive, adult plants can only be got rid of by deep digging, shaking the soil and extracting all the roots found. Moreover, even such measures do not give a guarantee. In areas where there were sow thistle thickets before cultivation, it is necessary to carry out preventive weeding twice a month.

It is up to you to decide whether it is worth trying to permanently eradicate thistle in your area, but before throwing away the plants, think about whether to prepare them for future use in order to use them for medical purposes? With the help of sow thistle, you can lower the temperature, relieve headaches, alleviate the condition of the patient with hemorrhoids and get rid of many other health problems.

The best time for collecting and harvesting the aerial part of thistle is summer and early autumn, that is, the flowering period, and it is recommended to dig up the roots in October, before the first frost. Raw materials must be properly washed from the remnants of the earth and laid out on clean paper somewhere under a canopy or on the windowsill of that window that overlooks the non-sunny side of the house. Sow thistle should gradually dry out of direct sunlight, and then it can be folded into paper or linen bags and put away in a closet.

Sow thistle species

About 80 species of sow thistle are known to science, but we will discuss in detail 3 of them: field, garden and pink, since these are the most common species and are of the greatest medical interest.

Yellow thistle (field)

This perennial giant reaches the height of human growth and inhabits abandoned fields and wet valleys of river banks. The main vertical root of the field sow thistle goes four meters deep into the soil, and the horizontal lateral roots extend radially one meter around.

The stem of the tallest species of thistle is hollow inside, straight and branching at the top, covered with prickly hairs. The color of the leaves is not as cheerful green as that of a garden weed. They are dark, with a gray or even bluish tint, rough, long and jagged at the edges.

Field thistle is called yellow because of the flowers that form large broom-shaped inflorescences, consisting of pitcher-shaped baskets. In color and shape, the flower petals are similar to a dandelion – the same long, needle-like and soft. Bees like this plant, so field thistle is considered one of the best honey plants. And it helps people cope with headaches, vascular diseases and neuroses.

Yellow thistle is used in folk medicine to treat the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis A;

  • Angina;

  • Jade;

  • Osteo-articular form of tuberculosis;

  • Inflammatory processes in the digestive tract and respiratory organs;

  • Feverish conditions.

garden sow thistle

The “cultural” relative of the field sow thistle, which causes headaches for all summer residents, is not tall: 30-100 cm. Its stem is also hollow, but it branches much more intensively, starting from the base to the very top. The leaves are long, pointed and serrated, rich green in color, much softer and juicier than those of the field counterpart. The flowers of garden thistle are larger (baskets reach 3,5 cm in diameter), but at the same time they form not so extensive inflorescences. And the seeds look about the same – dark brown, oblong, with a fluffy tuft.

Garden thistle can come to the rescue with the following health problems:

  • Ascariasis;

  • Furuncles and boils;

  • Hepatic colic;

  • Abscesses and ascites;

  • Colds;

  • Hemoptysis;

  • Gout;

  • Non-healing wounds and cuts;

  • Bedsores;

  • Diabetes.

For treatment, you can use not only dry, but also fresh garden thistle: pick the leaves, chop finely, pour one tablespoon of the raw material into a glass and steam it with boiling water, pouring it to the top. An hour later, strain the infusion through a double layer of sterile gauze and take a tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

pink thistle

This species is a direct relative of the field sow thistle, and is sometimes also called the sow thistle. It is distinguished by smaller growth (up to 120 cm), a different color of inflorescences (pink or lilac) and a more modest panicle size. But the rhizome of pink thistle is as powerful as that of yellow, the leaves have approximately the same structure, shape and grayish tint, and it also belongs to perennials.

Pink thistle is widespread throughout the European territory of Russia, but it prefers to settle on fertile nitrogenous soils, especially along the banks of rivers and lakes. This is an excellent honey plant – from one hectare of a thistle field, bees can produce up to 140 kg of honey in one season. Pink thistle is used in the same way as the two types described above – against fever, headaches, bleeding, inflammation, neuroses and to normalize blood sugar levels.

In Rus’, there were many recipes for cooking dishes from thistle: soups, stews, salads, sauces and gravy, and now, unfortunately, they are almost forgotten and out of use. Fresh salad from young thistle can enrich the body with vitamins, and seasoning from dried leaves gives a piquant taste to meat and fish dishes.

Before adding sow thistle leaves to a salad, it is better to soak them in a weak saline solution for half an hour to eliminate the characteristic bitterness. And the stems and leaves that go to the soup, just rub in your hands – so they get a milder taste. To prepare the seasoning, pre-soaked thistle leaves are dried, and then ground into powder and poured into a wooden closed dish.

The chemical composition of thistle

Interest in thistle, as well as other poisonous plants with beneficial properties, has recently intensified, but its chemical composition is still not fully understood.

It is probably known that sow thistle contains:

  1. Carotene:

    • Antioxidant and immunostimulant;

    • Regulates metabolism and redox reactions;

    • Promotes protein synthesis;

    • Strengthens bones, hair and nails;

    • Slows down the aging of the body.

  2. Vitamin C:

    • Necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine and immune systems;

    • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes hematopoiesis;

    • Fights free radicals and prevents oncology;

    • Increases endurance and mental activity;

    • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

  3. Fixed oils:

    • Accelerate the regeneration and renewal of body cells;

    • Give energy and stimulate metabolic processes;

    • Contribute to the removal of harmful substances and blood purification;

    • Helps speed up wound healing and tissue repair.

  4. Saponins and bitters:

    • Strengthen the body’s defenses;

    • Facilitate digestion and stimulate appetite;

    • Relieve nervous tension and fatigue.

  5. Wine acid:

    • Promotes weight loss and speeds up metabolic processes;

    • Neutralizes discomfort in the epigastrium, eliminates pain and colic;

    • It has a delicate diuretic and laxative effect;

    • Relieves hangover and heartburn.

  6. Choline:

    • Reduces the level of LDL (bad cholesterol);

    • Helps the liver and gallbladder;

    • Promotes the complete absorption of fats from food;

    • Prolongs youth and accelerates cell renewal processes;

    • Stimulates the work of all muscles, including the heart;

    • Supports the nervous system and helps resist stress.

  7. Inulin:

    • Regulates carbohydrate-fat metabolism;

    • Promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food;

    • Strengthens the immune system and normalizes the microflora of internal organs;

    • Ensures the harmonious functioning of the digestive tract;

    • Reduces blood sugar levels.

  8. Alkaloids:

    • Effectively relieve pain of any etiology;

    • Reduce high blood pressure and body temperature;

    • Prevent the occurrence and development of tumors, including malignant ones;

    • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce bleeding;

    • Suppress inflammatory processes and promote rapid healing.

Useful properties of thistle

For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is used. Plant materials are harvested during flowering, dried in well-ventilated areas without direct sunlight.

Sow thistle is a good honey plant. Bees willingly visit various types of plants, collecting up to 110 kg of nectar from one hectare of thickets per season. Thistle honey is quite tasty, with a delicate delicate aroma, light yellow in color. It is often used to feed bees in winter.

Sow thistle properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;

  • Tonic;

  • Immunomodulatory;

  • soothing;

  • Painkiller;

  • Regenerating;

  • Antitumor;

  • Antioxidant;

  • Antipyretic;

  • Hypotensive;

  • Myostimulating;

  • bactericidal;

  • Diuretic;

  • Laxative;

  • diaphoretic;

  • Antihelminthic;

  • Hypoglycemic;

  • Anticholesterol.

Application of sow thistle

In medicine, the aerial part of the plant is used to prepare drugs that have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and lactogenic effects. Modern studies have shown that the extract from it has an anxiolytic (“anti-anxiety”) effect, that is, the plant can be used for diseases of the central nervous system.

In folk medicine, it is recommended in the treatment of vascular diseases and as an antihelminthic. Decoctions and infusions of herbs help with headaches, have a beneficial effect on neuroses, and improve metabolism. They are used as a general tonic. For the treatment of painful seals after injuries and bruises, poultices from fresh grass are effective, warts are removed with its juice.

Sow thistle is treated with drugs fever, jaundice, inflammatory liver disease. It is a good antidote for opium poisoning. In addition, young leaves of the plant can be added to salads during dietary nutrition.

Sow thistle treatment

Thistle is used in folk medicine for the following purposes:

  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis and activity of endocrine glands;

  • Normalize metabolic processes, regenerate tissues and cells of the body;

  • Saturation of the body with vitamins;

  • Relief of inflammatory processes;

  • Prevention and suppression of tumor growth;

  • Lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels;

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and removing the risk of bleeding;

  • Removal of helminths;

  • Decreased blood pressure;

  • Elimination of fever and pain syndrome;

  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle in women;

  • Removal of headaches;

  • Fight stress and insomnia;

  • Improving immunity and accelerating recovery after serious illnesses.

Sow thistle stems and leaves

The aerial part of the plant is used for inflammatory diseases accompanied by pain and fever, as well as for the treatment of hepatitis, hemorrhoids, furunculosis, burns and non-healing wounds.

Poultices, infusions and decoctions are prepared from fresh leaves and stems, but dried raw materials, which are well stored, can also be used. If you need to quickly stop the blood in case of a cut and disinfect the wound, you will need fresh, finely chopped sow thistle. The younger and more tender the shoots, the better.

sow thistle root

In the underground part of the plant, the concentration of biologically active substances, especially poisonous alkaloids, is higher, therefore, a healing alcohol tincture is made on the basis of thistle root. With its help, tumors, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and women’s diseases are treated.

Thistle juice

Milky juice, protruding from the leaves of thistle at the fracture site, has been an excellent folk remedy for warts since ancient times. It is recommended to apply it to the affected skin several times a day until the wart dries. Thistle juice is also an excellent diuretic, and in combination with egg yolk, it is a cure for breast cancer.

With the help of this juice, you can provide emergency assistance to a person with poisoning by some plant poisons, such as opium. Remember that thistle juice contains volatile alkaloids, so it can only be used immediately after pressing.

Sow thistle decoction

To prepare a decoction, take one tablespoon of fresh or dried sow thistle leaves, steam with a glass of boiling water or simmer for three minutes, and then filter and drink in several doses throughout the day, 20-30 minutes before meals.

This decoction is used for pulmonary bleeding, heavy menstruation, renal colic, stomach pain, colds with high fever, hepatitis and nephritis. You can also use this honeycomb decoction externally, for example, as compresses and lotions for furunculosis or purulent wounds.

Sow thistle infusion

The infusion is prepared from the same amount of raw materials and water, but before use, it is kept for at least an hour, or better, left in a thermos overnight. You need to drink a ready-made strained medicine one tablespoon 20 minutes before a meal, it perfectly relieves headaches, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and improves immunity.

Infusion is good to rinse your mouth with periodontal disease: it relieves bleeding gums and freshens breath. You can add a glass of sow thistle infusion to a bowl of hot water and soar your feet, this not only saves you from the onset of a cold, but also reduces sweating, helps get rid of fungus and unpleasant odors.

Alcohol tincture of thistle

This is the most concentrated dosage form, which is used to treat diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, tuberculosis, obesity and even cancer. To prepare the tincture, finely chopped fresh thistle root is taken, poured into a glass jar and filled to the top with medical alcohol, then kept in a dark place for 3 weeks, filtered and put in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to take alcohol tincture of thistle according to the “slide” system, like other tinctures on poisonous alkaloid plants. Start with two drops three times a day and gradually increase the dosage by one drop, and then also gradually reduce to the original level. During this time, alkaloids accumulate in the body, and immunity is activated, due to which it is possible to defeat serious diseases.

Thistle honey

Honey, which is harvested by bees as a result of pollination of pink or yellow thistle, is very much appreciated in medicine. It is especially rich in vitamins and biologically active substances that strengthen the immune system, normalize digestion and blood pressure.

This honey is light, pale yellow, with a delicate floral aroma and mild taste. Unfortunately, it quickly thickens and crystallizes, but does not lose its nutritional and medicinal value.

Thistle honey is recommended for the elderly and patients who have recently had a serious illness. It has not only tonic and firming properties, but also anti-inflammatory, so this honey is useful for ulcers. You can also apply it externally, for example, with furunculosis.

Contraindications to the use of sow thistle

Thistle is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women;

  • breastfeeding mothers;

  • Persons with individual intolerance to plant components (primarily alkaloids).

The best recipes with thistle

Sow thistle decoction against hemorrhoids

Sedentary baths with sow-thistle decoction help to ease the course of hemorrhoids, relieve pain and reduce bleeding. Take a handful of dried leaves and stems, add a liter of water, boil and simmer for five minutes, then strain and pour into a bowl of cold water to make a cool bath. Take it for fifteen minutes three times a week.

Vitamin tea from thistle

Steam a tablespoon of finely chopped young leaves of thistle sow with a glass of boiling water, strain after twenty minutes, and drink before breakfast. Repeat in the evening, no earlier than two hours after dinner. Vitamin thistle tea, taken on an empty stomach, perfectly stimulates digestion, calms the nerves and promotes good sleep.

Delicious sow thistle salad

Soak tender young leaves of thistle for 30-40 minutes in salted water. In the meantime, boil 2 hard-boiled eggs, cool and cut into circles, cut two large cucumbers into large strips, put everything in a salad bowl, add torn sow-thistle leaves, half a teaspoon of mustard, a little vegetable oil and salt to taste. Stir the salad, keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it soaks and reveals its taste, and serve.

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