Maria Vladimirovna Osorina (born December 6, 1950) is a Russian psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, vice-president of the St. Petersburg Psychological Society.
Osorina’s works develop the views of Jean Piaget, examine the traditions of children’s subculture from the point of view of their functional role in the development of the child’s psyche.
Scientific interests:
- Understanding processes;
- The role of images in thinking;
- Psychology of children’s subculture;
- Psychology of children’s fine arts.
Courses taught:
- “General psychology. Part I. Mental processes”;
- «Development of intellectual skills»;
- «Psychology of children’s subculture».
Scientific work. Grants:
- Zamanaeva Yu.V. The loss of a loved one is a test of life. St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2007, (according to the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 06-06-16025 d head of research work at St. Petersburg State University. Information and energy aspects of cognitive activity. 2011-2013, performer
- 2001: badge of honor of the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University
- 2004: Badge «Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education»
Selected publications
- Osorina M. V. The secret world of children in the space of the world of adults. — St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. — 368 p. — (Myself a psychologist. Favorites). — 3500 copies. — ISBN 978-5-49807-632-4, ISBN 978-5-459-00692-6.
- Osorina M. V. Significance of touch research in the scientific work of L. M. Vekker // Psychological Journal. — 2008. — T. 29. — No. 5. — P. 44.
- Osorina M. V. Spatial pulsation of the mental image and its manifestations in children’s fantasizing // Theoretical heritage of L. M. Vekker: on the way to a unified theory of mental processes: Proceedings of the scientific symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of L. M. Vekker ( October 21-22, 2008) / executive editors M. A. Kholodnaya and M. V. Osorina. — SPb., 2008. — S. 110-119.
- Osorina M. V. About some traditional forms of communicative behavior of children // Ethnic stereotypes of behavior. — L .: Nauka, 1985. — S. 47-64.
- Osorina M. V. Modern children’s folklore as a subject of interdisciplinary research // Soviet ethnography. — 1983. — No. 3. — S. 35-45.