
Useful properties and application of socorya

Description osokoria

Osokor – a large deciduous tree up to 35 m high from the willow family. Its life expectancy is about 300 years. The osocorya has a powerful root system, which provides the tree with high stability during floods and strong winds. Its crown is spreading, wide. The leaves are rhombic or triangular in shape, large, hard, on long petioles. The flowers are small, collected in hanging inflorescences-earrings. The sorrel blooms before the leaves bloom. Men’s earrings are purple-red. The fruits are small capsules with many seeds.

The flowering period of the plant is April-May, the ripening of fruits is May-June. It is distributed in Eastern and Western Siberia, Central Asia, Eastern Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries. It can be found in floodplain deciduous forests, in gardens, avenue plantings and parks. During the growing season, the black sorrel cleans the atmosphere from 20–30 kg of soot and dust. One tree emits 7 times more oxygen than spruce, 4 times more than pine, and 3 times more than linden.

Useful properties of blackberry

Osokor has analgesic, antipyretic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound healing and antiulcer properties. This is due to the fact that the bark, buds and leaves of the plant contain many biologically active substances. So, flavonoids, alkaloids, higher carbohydrates, tannins, phenol glucosides were found in the tree bark. The leaves contain organic and phenolcarboxylic acids, lignans, isoprenoids and carotenoids, the kidneys contain chalcones, leucoanthocyanins, essential and fatty oils.

As a medicinal raw material, swollen, but not yet opened buds are mostly used, harvesting them in early spring, as soon as the blackberry blooms. Collect kidneys only from the lower branches. They are cut off by hand and dried in a cool room or in special ovens at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. If raw materials are dried at higher temperatures, then the buds open and part of the essential oil evaporates. The taste of the finished product is bitter, its color is greenish-yellow.

The use of osokorya

For medicinal purposes, blackberry has been used since ancient times. Avicenna also wrote that the fruits of the plant help with epilepsy and urinary incontinence, in the form of an ointment with honey, they strengthen the eyes. Tibetan medicine considers the buds, leaves, and bark of blackberry to be useful in the treatment of smallpox, lung diseases, fever, and hemorrhoids. In Mongolia, the leaves of the plant are used for pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, diarrhea, colds, blood vessel problems, and excessive sexual arousal.

Traditional medicine recommends preparations from the bark of the blackberry for sciatica, dysmenorrhea, gynecological diseases, and also as an anthelmintic. Infusions and decoctions from the kidneys help with urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder, bronchitis, neurosis, radiculitis, acute gastritis, intestinal atony, gout. Very good infusion of the buds of blackberry for strengthening and hair growth.

Coal from the wood of the plant is used for nausea, heartburn, pain in the intestines, fresh juice – for toothache and ringing in the ears.

Infusion of the buds of sorrel: 2 teaspoons of plant buds are infused for about 4 hours in a glass of boiling water in a closed and wrapped container (possible in a thermos). After straining, the medicine is drunk in a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The infusion is used as an antipyretic and sedative.

Decoction of sage leaves: to prepare the medicine, it is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of water and boil for no more than 5 minutes on low heat, then leave the decoction for 1 hour, strain and take 1-2 tablespoons of the drug 3-4 times a day with meals.

Ointment from the kidneys: for its preparation, it is necessary to grind well 3 tablespoons of unopened buds of black pickle and then mix them with three tablespoons of unsalted butter, adding it gradually. The ointment is suitable for use within 5 days, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

Contraindications to the use of osocorya

There are no special contraindications to the use of sorrel preparations. However, it is undesirable to use them during pregnancy and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Individual plant intolerance and hypersensitivity are also possible. With moderate use of medicines based on osocorya, no side effects can be feared.

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