
Oscar Brenifier writes and travels extensively. Meeting with children and teenagers, with their parents, he shows them the inconsistency of the world and human nature, provoking them to think and argue.

OSCAR BRENIFIER, Ph.D., UNESCO expert, director of the Institute of Practical Philosophy in Paris. His new books are “The main book of contradictions. Everything about life and man» (KLEVER-MEDIA-GROUP, 80 p.), «Questions about God» (KLEVER-MEDIA-GROUP, 32 p..)

Psychologies: Why talk to children about questions of life?

ABOUT.: For me, philosophy is a living dialogue, questions. I do not teach children and adults any truths — I invite them to make sure that all truths are subjective and that we always make our own choice. It is important to do this consciously, that is, to understand why we make this or that decision. At meetings and seminars in different countries, many children and adults for the first time ask themselves the question: “Why am I doing this?”, “Why am I saying this?”, “Who wants this — me or someone else?” Children respond willingly and laugh a lot, while adults feel uncomfortable, even start to get angry!


ABOUT.: And how! Most adults don’t usually ask themselves about this – of course, because they have a lot of things to do, they have to go to work, they have to watch TV, and in general they already know everything… At our meetings, they are often nervous, because they see in these matters, in the need make a choice a threat to your peace and well-being, and even your personality. They begin to defend themselves: “I am a mature person!”, “I have read so many books!”, “I myself know a lot!” And behind all these defenses, I see their fear. After all, adults are more aware than children about death, loneliness, they are more afraid of being rejected and do not dare to think freely. If children are not discouraged from asking, they will not mindlessly repeat authoritative statements and will be aware of themselves and their place in the world, not afraid of their own independent judgments.

Interview Daria Rybina

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