Doctor of Philosophy Oscar Brenifier is one of those rare scientists who knows how to talk with children about the most difficult things — for example, about what is the meaning of human life.
Each page of this book shows how different people’s views on their lives can be. And it was created so that adults and children reasoned together, argued, could compare different points of view. The book was designed by French artist Jacques Despres in a spectacular 3D technique. You can read it in five minutes. But it will take longer to reflect on the meaning. We offer you some of the brightest, in our opinion, pages and statements from this book. They will help you understand what category of people you belong to, and you may want to change something.
Someone believes that in life the more meaning, the more things a person has.
Others believe that life is full of meaning only when a person has nothing at all.
Some believe that the meaning is to constantly strive for something, to have many hobbies.
Others find that life only makes sense when there is nothing to do but quietly watch it go by.
Some are sure that one should confront life’s difficulties, which cannot be avoided.
Others believe that it is better to avoid problems and get the most out of life.
For some, the goal of life is happiness, they believe that life should be a «full cup.»
Others think that the meaning of life lies in good deeds, and happiness should be earned.
Some believe that it is better to live without thinking about death and other sad things.
Others are convinced that in order to better understand life, one should not forget how fragile and short-lived it is.
Someone believes that the meaning of life is to realize your dream, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.
Others believe that the main thing is to accept life as it is and enjoy every new day.