
An x-ray of the dentition, which shows the condition of the teeth and their roots, is called an orthopantomogram (abbreviated as OPT and OPTG). Patients who are over 15 years old (in rare cases from 5-6 years old) are sent for diagnostics. The study allows you to assess the primary condition of the teeth, as well as the upper and lower jaws. With the help of a panoramic examination, the condition of tissues, bones, fillings is assessed. Panoramic X-ray shows tumors, cysts, caries and inflammatory processes that the dentist may not notice during a routine examination.

Types of OPTG

Panoramic x-ray of all teeth can be film and digital. A film orthopantomogram is prescribed extremely rarely, since digital equipment gives a very small dose of radiation, which does not allow many diseases and pathological changes to be seen on an x-ray. Film diagnostics is carried out only when absolutely necessary for pregnant women, so as not to harm the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Digital diagnostics is carried out using an orthopantomograph X-ray machine, the images are displayed on a computer screen, then printed and stored on electronic media.

To date, there are many devices that produce intraoral images and OPTG with minimal risk to human health. 3D-orthopantomographs appear in the research field – devices with the help of which three-dimensional images are obtained with minimal inaccuracies and distortions.

By taking an x-ray of all teeth, you can determine the root cause of toothache and begin effective treatment.

Why is an orthopantomogram done?

The procedure is carried out in order to examine the oral cavity to identify wisdom teeth, caries, hidden diseases and inflammatory processes. OPTG is prescribed by a dentist before the start of surgical intervention.

An x-ray specialist will be able to detect periodontitis at any stage, caries under a filling or crown, cysts, sinusitis, tumors (benign and malignant), pathological changes in tissues, neoplasms and foreign bodies. The examination will help assess the condition of the teeth, gums, maxillary sinuses and sinuses, root canals, bone tissue, maxillary sinuses, temporomandibular joints. Thanks to the study, the dentist will be able to detect complications of traumatic injuries.

A panorama made for the purpose of diagnosis and in the course of patient therapy allows you to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. An orthopantomogram is the best painless way to help detect incompletely erupted teeth, establish the location and inclination of the teeth. With periodontitis, thanks to a panoramic image, you can find out the depth, location and parameters of periodontal pockets.

OPT is needed in order to determine the height and density of the bone, assess the quality of the sealed channels, identify inflammation and neoplasms (cysts, fibromas and granulomas).

It is advisable to conduct a study before correcting the bite, installing prostheses and implants, and before absolutely any surgical operation in the oral cavity. OPTG will help to draw up a strategy for therapeutic treatment, assess the topographic features of the tooth and identify possible errors, such as perforation, a fragment of an instrument in the root canal or tooth.

The procedure can be performed 2-3 times during therapeutic treatment, depending on the complexity of the disease found. The appointment of a panorama of all teeth during their treatment will reduce the risk of an inflammatory process. If the image is done correctly, then the jaw should look like a wide smile. If the jaw in the panorama is of a different shape, then the study was carried out incorrectly.

Advantages of OPTG

Diagnostic benefits include:

  • a safe procedure that is done even for women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • the panorama is stored in the archive of a personal computer, so the dentist can open it at any time to compare it with a new image;
  • the information content of the examination (as a result, the patient is given an image of both jaws);
  • on the computer screen, you can zoom in and enlarge the desired area, while the image quality will not become worse;
  • a small radiation dose, which practically does not harm the patient’s well-being.

There are no contraindications to the diagnosis. Doctors with caution refer pregnant women to the procedure during the formation of fetal organs (first trimester). Permissible rate of panoramic shots per year is 100 pieces. Of course, this is a lot, but, nevertheless, it is advisable to do OPT only when necessary. Most often, the examination is carried out before and after dental treatment.

Conducting the procedure for children

A low dose of radiation exposure makes it possible to diagnose children aged 5-6 years and more. In this case, a special exposure mode is used. It lies in the fact that the area of ​​radiation becomes much smaller, the trajectory of the sensor is corrected for the small size of the jaw.

Children’s panorama allows you to identify the rudiments of the dentition (already permanent), the presence of too closely spaced teeth, control teething and jaw development. Thanks to the picture, the doctor can diagnose adentia. Children’s panorama is most often recommended by an orthodontist.

Stages of the study for adults

Digital radiography of all teeth is done very quickly – in 2-3 minutes. The patient must remove metal jewelry and structures (earrings, chain, glasses, prostheses, hairpins). Before manipulation, a person is put on a special protective cape made of lead.

The patient should approach the special equipment and press his chest against the platform. Next, the health worker will tell the patient to bite the plastic label with all his teeth. In this case, you need to close your lips tightly, and point your tongue to the sky. The specialist will turn on the device, and the sensor will begin to wrap around the patient’s head. The sensor takes 3-4 pictures in a few seconds.

The received data is processed by the computer and displays a two-dimensional image. The results of the study are printed, thrown off on a USB flash drive or sent by e-mail. With a panorama, you should go to the attending doctor: a dentist or an orthodontist.

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